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───── by Lync Dalton ─────

Posted February 27th, 2024:
On the Aquarius-Leo axis, God’s philosophies are very systems-oriented.
On the Aquarius-Leo axis, good judgment is paramount.
On the Aquarius-Leo axis, God does not love unwisely.
On the Aquarius-Leo axis, God may seem new somehow.
On the Aquarius-Leo axis, we may see the field of politics reenter the sphere of manners, where it finds new room to thrive.
On the Aquarius-Leo axis, we must see authority in the proper quantity and quality.
On the Aquarius-Leo axis, the key sources of pleasure in life shift somewhat, but stay sustainable.
On the Aquarius-Leo axis, prophecies have said we will have less to hide.
On the Aquarius-Leo axis, it shall not be obscured from us that goodness is right, and worthy of blessings.

Time is moving forward; we are already shifting to this new axis. If human beings don’t successfully find the balance of this new axis, humanity may fall.
Posted October 14th, 2023:
Regarding the new afterlife channelings:
One interesting feature of the current afterlife system described below is that it apparently represents a paradigm that is much, much more fair to animals, who for perhaps thousands of years were reportedly stuck reincarnating as the same species or narrow range of species over and over, without the mobility they’d enjoyed before. Indeed, many had experienced human lives before the previous, less fair system was instituted, and were barred from advancing in order to let humans avoid transmigration. In turn, human life may have suffered from a malaise connected with the weight of that interspecies unfairness, and, in some cases, existence fatigue of the sort that is theoretically mitigated by a healthy system that allows for potential transmigrations.

Animals call this shifting through many types of lives a beautiful meditation.
Posted August 9th, 2023:
New afterlife channelings:
The soul schools are closed. Previously, souls were reported to have had a system in which they could reincarnate over and over at will, without experiencing any punitive consequences in the afterlife. New reports suggest that this is something that was actually a feature of what has been referred to as the Luciferian Doctrine, which unfortunately protected some souls from their own transgressions and may have led to an unfortunate downward spiral, even here on Earth. This system has now broken down, and the Luciferian Doctrine is closed. New reports indicate that the following concepts exist in the current afterlife doctrine:

Human reincarnation: Reincarnation into a human lifetime is a reward in and of itself. Human minds are extremely sophisticated. Our hands are very good at grasping things. We are special on the Earth, in the Galaxy, and in the Universe. Someone who does a good job with their lot as a human being may be rewarded with another human lifetime.
Hell or Naraka: Mandatory cleansing may take place in a realm or experience that can be described as Hell or Naraka. This is punitive, and normally reserved for very bad behavior, etc.
Transmigration of souls: Many people who have transgressed significantly will reincarnate as animals, with bugs and mice being very common. Bugs and mice do not enjoy life nearly as much as even a depressed human being. Transmigration into lives as various animals seems to vary a lot, though, with some such incarnations being more like little rewards (in cases with little-to-no transgression) and others being more punitive. There’s even some indication of humans sometimes becoming reeds in a subsequent lifetime. Animals in general find it hard to advance to a human lifetime, due to limited opportunities for distinguishing themselves, but it is possible.
Annihilation: Some souls may be annihilated, sometimes after a stint in Hell/Naraka, as an extreme or very specific punishment.

As to whether there is a celestial/heavenly realm or experience of reward, no one seems to know at this time. It may become an opportunity for souls that deserve it in the future.
Posted June 25th, 2023:
Dharma makes more prosperity, but not more inflation.
Posted October 30th, 2022:
The concept of the major yugas ties into the concept of dharma, and how much is experienced over time, and how intense the dharmic achievement is during which times. The Satya Yuga has the most dharma, which is what our inner beings probably feel to be sufficient dharma, and humans are by far the most successful as a species during this time. The Treta has something like 75% of the dharma the Satya Yuga (also called the Krita Yuga) has, but it’s enough for things to be kind of fantastically marvelous, but it’s no Satya Yuga. It comes after the Satya Yuga. Then, the Dvapara has roughly half the dharma of the Satya Yuga, a situation which is really still very nice for people and civilization. These three yugas (or extremely long time periods) have historically treated us very well. This is all from Hindu traditions, as far as I understand, and it is a very, very ancient and broadly systematic religion, so it’s often been a good one to listen to on the subject of eras and meta-eras.

The Kali Yuga is a sort of gasping point, where people don’t have a baseline relationship with dharma such that they feel they can keep civilization going.

The weird thing about time is that yugas are very mechanical. They progress down from the Satya, through the Treta and Dvapara and bottom out in the Kali, at which point they must be hoisted back up by human civilization and the individuals therein to Satya qualities across the board, which by a very fortunate pass, is very possible, very worthwhile, and does not overtax us.

(Of course, if it is actually that the Dvapara Yuga follows the end of this Kali Yuga, as some have posited, I’d take it. I’d be thrilled, even. It’s twice as good as the one we’ve been in.)

After the incomparable Satya Yuga comes and goes, which will last a very long time (but it wouldn’t be fair to expect people to know right now exactly how long), the Treta Yuga is fantastically marvelous, and we will be ready for it, I think.
Posted October 13th, 2022:
Dharma is a word that encapsulates all written law that makes sense, plus all unwritten law, plus many best practices, plus more that I will not enumerate here: each of these things counts as part of dharma when followed correctly.

It is part of Hindu doctrine, but in the sense that it is a very universal concept across all human experience, it can be considered something of a loanword from Sanskrit in English.
Posted September 25th, 2022:
Ethics are indispensable for society to run smoothly. When someone operates outside of ethical standards, it ruins things for others. Trust, for example, is built on the reality of absolutely needing someone else to adhere to ethics. What is a society without trust?

“You can’t trust anyone” is a statement about war, and dirty war at that, whether people realize it or not.

Ethics are like detailed protocols of what to do and what never to do, etc. in order to be trustworthy and society-ready. All interpersonal relationships and industries must operate on an adequate foundation of ethics, and therefore so must a person’s acceptance in the world, or things have gotten too backward. Those who are blatantly unethical and yet experience the continued unearned acceptance of the people and communities around them are imposing on those people and communities in a particularly intolerable way, and are examples of corruption.
Posted August 11th, 2022:
Virtues are certain types of characteristics and actions that are highly desirable to people in society, and that anyone can attain with enough effort and good intention. Modern virtues are virtues that translate very well into today’s culture, and are very worth striving for in both religious and secular contexts. In most cultures throughout history, valid virtues become internalized in individuals as desirable, or what results is a severe state of decay.

Some modern virtues (not an exhaustive list):
Straight-forward and appropriate honesty (including with oneself) and refusal to sin or break fair rules (including fair laws)
Appropriate sensitivity, gentleness, and civility
Fixing and preventing problems, especially those that cause unnecessary suffering, destruction, or harm
Education, particularly using one’s education well
A sense of good purpose and order
Following through on commitments
Respect for innocence (innocence here does not mean faultlessness, but rather a lack of specific and serious wrongdoing)
Proactive appropriateness and responding well to the needs of the moment
Appropriate patience
Fairness (including lack of unfair prejudice), including rewarding the right things and punishing or otherwise discouraging that which must be deterred
Good humor
Faith in God and/or goodness and judicious optimism
Effective and just planning and preparedness
Grace and graciousness
Willingness and ability to let go of resentments
Willingness and ability to stand up for what’s right
Civic-mindedness (including interest in the public good)
Responsibility and good work ethic
Appropriate moderation
Skills used well and for good purpose, including reason and common sense
Good judgment and wisdom
Posted July 21st, 2022:
The universal God does care about and promote human rights in mundane matters and Enlightenment principles. Deists would not be particularly surprised by this fact. Religious scripture is sometimes gritty with human frustration and gnashing of teeth over human evil. That is one very understandable human reaction to human evil.
Posted June 23rd, 2022:
Follow your highest light, your highest purpose, your highest story.

Highest standards of behavior and best intentions apply here. Intention is not magic, but it tends to lead you.
Posted June 3rd, 2022:
It has been widely understood that the principles of dharma include economic policies that combat poverty and despair.
Posted May 14th, 2022:
Sin can be a useful concept to know what to avoid. Certain things are evil or prone to cause too much harm somewhere, and those can be described as sins. Modern sins are sins that are based on actions that result in too much damage being done in contemporary society. Modern sins are essentially those transgressions that fully modernized people would generally consider unacceptable for a decent person to commit. They are not all necessarily based on moralistic traditions, but will mostly not have been alien to decent, moral people all through history as things to avoid doing. It has also been historically advisable to avoid people who commit a lot of these types of sins. Sinning too much has extremely adverse effects on a person’s life and subtle traits, and does have grim afterlife implications, from what I can tell. Avoiding unnecessary sin is a good thing and keeps a person uncorrupted.

Some modern sins (not an exhaustive list):
Predatory behavior toward people
Violations of human rights
Violations of civil rights
Perpetrating injustice
Prejudiced mindsets and behaviors
Letting biases against certain genders, ethnicities, races, religions, traits, etc. cause unfair treatment to the detriment of a person
Theft of property (including of money, possessions, intellectual property, creative property, and opportunities)
Reckless endangerment
Violations of privacy
Violations of economic rights
Destructiveness, maliciousness, or sabotage
Malicious or reckless wastage or wastefulness, including taking a life
Cheating people or entities of their rights, property, in business matters, etc.
Sexualizing minors
Emotional, mental, physical, economic, and sexual abuse or harassment
Excessive exploitation, especially of a person
Abuse of power, including bullying
Abuse of sexuality, skills, knowledge, assets, necessities, or anything else that it is vulgar to abuse
Malicious gossip
Malicious or unjustified deception (including any duplicity, misrepresentation, and all harmful lies, especially when not specifically moral in terms of protecting a person or place’s rights or safety; note that getting caught or facing consequences for wrongdoing, for instance, usually does not actually violate the wrongdoer’s rights nor their safety enough to justify deception, and so would count as a sinful lie on top of the original wrongdoing, according to basic morality)
Excessive self-serving, cynical, or harmful rhetoric that misleads others too far
Excessive gullibility, ignorance, folly, discourtesy, or depravity
Excessive neurotic symptoms or misconduct
Overindulging or cultivating neurotic mindsets
Violence, particularly wanton or unfair violent acts
Posted April 21st, 2022:
Dharma includes economic justice and mutually/collectively beneficial systems.

Dharma is extremely holistic, understanding that a positive feedback loop is what society really needs to maintain and advance civilization.
Posted April 11th, 2022:
Notes on Krishna as the Taurean Christ:
Krishna, the Christ of the Age of Taurus, lived in a very traumatic time. The Dvapara Yuga was almost over during his lifetime, and people were feeling currents carrying premonitions of the dim and downgraded Kali Yuga to come.

Sri Krishna (Sri being an honorific) was beloved and wise, though he did have a difficult childhood. He took refuge in the time he spent with his childhood peers. He grew up to be charming, attractive, and popular, and he stayed nice.

Krishna became a powerful king, who was known for his philosophies and his many wives and concubines, whom he may have been able to visit astrally. He was a responsible and ethically decent husband.

Like Rama before him and Buddha and Jesus after him, Krishna is one of the most important and popular religious figures in the world today.

Krishna was a philosopher of the Taurus/Scorpio axis, Taurus being the dominant note in the Age of Taurus and Scorpio being directly across it on the zodiac wheel. Because the Zodiacal Ages (the various Christ ages) take a long time to ebb one into the other, the Christ of each age may invoke an axis of two opposing zodiac signs and some of their themes. It’s good to have two feet planted, so to speak, if you have to be on a wheel (especially for many hundreds of years at a time).

Taurus themes invoked:
Devotion: Krishna advocated bhakti yoga (which is not a kind of physical yoga, which is often referred to as hatha yoga), the practice of spending devotional time with deities. Taurus’s exoteric ruler Venus hints at this when expressed spiritually through Taurus: the connectivity between the divine and a person.
Sex positivity: One of the major spiritual motifs of Krishna’s life is his relatively reckless relationship with his lover Radha, who’d been married off young to another man. Their love is often used as a metaphor for a devotee’s very close relationship with God (or a god or goddess) that emerges when they practice bhakti yoga. Krishna also reportedly had hundreds of wives, later in his life. Taurus is sometimes seen as overindulgent, but is certainly one of the signs most associated with sensuality and sex positivity, being Venus’s primary sensual outlet in the zodiac.
Wealth: Taurus rules the second house, which is assigned to our concrete assets. Krishna was wealthy, and lived a lavish lifestyle. He was able to take care of many, many wives adequately.
Food: One of the most famous stories about Krishna’s early life features the time when Krishna found a large storage container of butter when he was exploring as a toddler, and ended up eating some of it. Food is a theme of Taurus, an energy that often likes to live large and enjoy gustatory pleasures. Butter is a dairy product, usually produced from cow’s milk.
Cows: Krishna grew up in a cow-herding community, where virtually everyone was taking care of cows. The community may have been Shaivite. Bhakti images of Krishna often feature him with pretty white cows (also with Radha, playing the flute, with fists full of butter, and more). Taurus is the sign of the bull (Shiva’s vahana), and by extension, the cow.
Lila: The concept of lila is that life is playful and pleasurable. These are Taurus themes. Krishna was very fun and fun-loving, and he lived passionately.
Music: The planet Venus often manifests in Taurus as musical or appreciative of music. Krishna was famously a musician, being very accomplished at the flute.
Throat: Taurus rules the throat in Western Astrology, and a flute is the type of instrument that functions most like a throat. It’s also true that Krishna gave long speeches. The Bhagavad Gita, a sacred text that describes his life, philosophies, and visions, features a lot of monologue.
Quality: The planet Venus often manifests in Taurus as caring about quality in various ways. Krishna was recognized as an extremely high quality person (right at a point when people were noticing a pronounced dip in quality, as the Dvapara Yuga was starting to evanesce): nice, fundamentally decent, and often correct about things.

Scorpio themes invoked:
Transgressive sex: Krishna’s story features nonmonogamy (unto polygamy) and affairs, and how with careful ethics those situations turned out to be mostly okay. These kinds of complicated sexual patterns are often associated with Scorpio and the eighth house it rules, and it’s interesting to think about how Krishna was able to balance them and keep things running fairly smoothly.
Forgiveness: Krishna and his married lover Radha were recognized as a sincere and caring non-traditional partnership, and their love is usually not seen as sinning, precisely. But what they were doing did require a certain amount of forgiveness, which was extended to them. There’s a certain amount of forgiveness that is both practical and humane, and multiple scenarios in Krishna’s life illustrated this. Scorpio energy must be gracious and forgiving enough, or it is in a state of too much decay.
Wealth: The Taurus-Scorpio axis deals with wealth. Scorpio and the eighth house involve types of wealth that deal with dependency, complexity, financial losses, charity, and money changing hands. One story of Krishna details how one of his wives once offered to give away Krishna’s weight in gold as part of a silly game, with fairly fraught results until Krishna’s first wife stepped in to save the day with a devout gesture.
Death: The Kali Yuga, known as a comparatively afflicted time (compared to the glorious Satya Yuga, the propitious Treta Yuga, and the adequate Dvapara Yuga), began with Krishna’s death. Scorpio and the eighth house deal somewhat with the deaths that you live through, and in this case it was the human world who lived through the trauma of losing Sri Krishna.
Posted April 9th, 2022:
Standards of behavior are important.

A person has an innate capability of feeling what standards of behavior should stand, and this is accomplished with care and careful thought (note: don’t fool yourself, and don’t become a nervous wreck). Learned standards of behavior are usually part of what’s called manners. It is not appropriate that they should ever violate basic moral and ethical decency. The baseline is a paradigm of peace and respect for basic decency and fundamental rights.
Posted February 23rd, 2022:
If you pick a religion, please, let it make you a better person.
Posted February 13th, 2022:
You being master of your insecurities (that is, maintaining human decency such that your insecurities do not enfold you, so to speak) is a given in dharma and in any functional system, although we know you’re going to have insecurities. We all do; that’s a given. It’s a human thing, to a certain extent. Insecurities become neuroses too easily, perhaps, if they are not submissive to a person’s greater mastery, which must be ethical, and the ego must stay in proper proportion throughout. Egos are healthy in proper proportion, is the truth. You’re a marvelous creature, theoretically. What are you doing with yourself?

Can you see what I mean?
Posted February 7th, 2022:
Wrongdoing is detestable. However, it’s dangerous become so squeamish about wrongdoing that you refuse to stop doing wrong on the principle that you’d like to deny that it’s wrong enough to bother with changing, or for any other reason. Neither should you let yourself become sneaky (which is distinct from maintaining some privacy in your life). It’s easy and acceptable to simply stop doing wrong. It’s worthwhile, in a very holistic sense, to stop doing wrong and keep doing right again and again.

This is a kind of hardiness that it’s normal for people to develop. We learn to trust ourselves as we grow better. Focus on your breath or your eyes blinking if you need to calm down. Studies show that you can play a puzzle game to relax in times of extreme stress.
Posted February 7th, 2022:
People’s honor is precious.

Bad influences are to be avoided. Bad influences who take refuge in the idea that doing wrong is entertaining and/or lopsidedly lovable are still to be avoided. Bad influences who take the position that doing wrong is normal and acceptable are still to be avoided. Bad influences that argue that people should do wrong to ease their neuroses or other petty issues are still to be avoided. And so on. They are too destructive. We are at the point in history where malicious bad influences have directly and indirectly destroyed so much, to let them go any further presents a threat to civilization itself, where humanity thrives at all.

There are good things to do. The future will hold new opportunities, if humanity is indeed going to survive.
Posted February 2nd, 2022:
It is not important (outside of any applicable religious doctrines) that anyone identify a Christ as God. Christs are most of all philosophers, and are usually born to assist in solving a specific set of problems.

No Christ has ever been entirely perfect, but their presence on Earth does remind people that they can live good and decent lives.
Posted January 27th, 2022:
Notes on the Gautama Buddha as the Aries Christ:
The Gautama Buddha was Siddharth Gautama, the Aries Christ. He was born a prince of a kingdom in India called Kapilavastu during the Kali Yuga, the most sorrowful of four time periods experienced in the Universe (Satya Yuga, Treta Yuga, Dvapara Yuga, and Kali Yuga). He was evaluated early in life by a diviner who declared that he would either be a great king or a great religious leader. Siddharth grew up one of those conscientious children who feel the pain of the world very keenly. Whenever he went out of the palace, he would see that things weren’t going well for the average person in his father’s kingdom, and he was often grieved by the amount of suffering to be encountered in the world. He felt that his path lay in religious innovation, examining and resolving the subject of suffering.

He renounced his engagement in worldly matters while still a young man, and became an ascetic and philosopher. He started Buddhism, a religion that is highly systematic and contemplative in nature. As a basis for Buddhism as a religious system, the Gautama Buddha, as he became known upon his enlightenment, developed the Four Noble Truths and the Eightfold Path. After experiencing both opulence and asceticism in life, he advocated the concept of a Middle Way between the two walks of life, incorporating positive things he learned from both.

The Gautama Buddha was a philosopher of the Aries/Libra axis, Aries being the dominant note in the Age of Aries and Libra being directly across it on the zodiac wheel. Because the Zodiacal Ages (the various Christ ages) take a long time to ebb one into the other, the Christ of each age may invoke an axis of two opposing zodiac signs and some of their themes. It’s good to have two feet planted, so to speak, if you have to be on a wheel (especially for many hundreds of years at a time).

Aries themes invoked:
Leadership: Aries is a sign sometimes associated with leadership (especially military leadership). The Gautama Buddha was born into a royal family, and was raised to be a leader. He became a popular and charismatic religious leader after devoutly pursuing religious philosophy.
Ears: Aries rules the head, including the ears. The Gautama Buddha lived during a time when long earlobes were considered auspicious, and is often depicted with very long earlobes. He pulled them habitually throughout his life so that they’d be longer, as I understand it.
Nirvana: Nirvana is a term for disappearing into union with the divine. Esoteric Aries is known (per Alice Bailey) as being where the will of God is known, where a person’s mind can dissolve into the divine mind with the correct amount of discipline and merit.
Nontheistic options: I’ve said before that Aries wants to believe in God, and that tends to be true of that energy, but neither does Aries tend to feel that they absolutely require it to go forward correctly. This is also a precept of Buddhism, which embraces an amount of skepticism (a theme both Aries and Libra have in common), and presents a religious philosophy that can include reference to a divine mind/deity or not.
Extremes: Siddharth Gautama experienced extreme wealth as well as long periods of asceticism. Aries is comfortable with extremes, and as the Buddha he was motivated to learn from them and cheerfully reconcile them, showing mastery.
Choosing to operate as a single person: The Gautama Buddha married young, but chose a monastic lifestyle quite soon thereafter, veering toward the first house (ruled by Aries) and away from the seventh house (ruled by Libra), where themes of long-term partnerships are found. Many other people he knew followed suit and joined his monastery, inspired by him.
Innovation: The Gautama Buddha wanted to go his own way in life, rather than take after his father. He wanted to develop new philosophies to help people. Aries is a sign that tends to be comfortable with innovation, and a lot of personal innovation comes from a person’s first house, which influences nearly everything we do, rendering it more personal to us.
Mendicant tradition: The Gautama Buddha advocated a medicant tradition, that of a community supporting a dedicated religious devotee comfortably, arguing that a community can benefit a lot from sincere religious practice and the wisdom it brings. In a way, this relates to Aries being related to newborns (under the theory where an average person’s biographical life follows Aries to Pisces in stages that range from birth to elder status and finally death), insofar as newborns must in part rely on their community and its correct customs for survival, while offering hope and innocence to the group as a whole.
Dissatisfaction: Buddhism closely relates the concepts of suffering and dissatisfaction, which is a very Aries outlook indeed. Of course there are other kinds of suffering, and Buddhism does admittedly have less to say about those.
Atavism and ancient wisdom: Aries energy– brand new feeling and naturalistically wholesome at its best– suggests something of atavism. Before Siddharth Gautama’s birth, his mother had a dream featuring a six-tusked elephant, which was considered a sign of the Buddha. The six-tusked elephant may have been something to do with the idea of “thinking older”, subtly evoking by-then-extinct four-tusked Primelephas of the Miocene and Pliocene epochs. The Gautama Buddha claimed to have recovered an ancient system that had been used before the full-fledged development of widespread theism, and adapted that into parts of Buddhism.
Aries and the cycle of rebirth: Buddhism discusses the cycle of rebirth, and how to exit it. Aries itself is a symbol of the cycle of rebirth.

Libra themes invoked:
Luxury and the problems of excess: Libra, being ruled by Venus exoterically, is one of the signs most related to luxury, and it also advocates moderation. Siddharth Gautama was born into luxury in a mismanaged society. His parents’ kingdom was not a happy place for its subjects, and poverty and crime were widespread.
Balance: Buddhism’s concept of a Middle Way recalls the symbolism of Libra: a set of scales, balancing on a central point. There’s a sense in Buddhism of moving from Taurus’s Venus values (e.g. consumption, sensuousness, hedonism) to Libra’s Venus values (e.g. mindfulness, balance, sincere points of satisfaction).
Reaction to injustice: The Gautama Buddha’s renunciation of his royal duties in favor of a religious path was in part a reaction to rampant injustice in his parents’ kingdom. Libra is associated with the tarot card called Justice.
Analysis and systematizing: Libra is an air sign that enjoys analysis and utilizing and developing systems. This is a common theme in Buddhism. It’s fairly easy to pick up on how thoughtful and systematic Buddhism is, even from afar.
Posted January 27th, 2022:
Religions: It’s possible to do all of them wrong; it’s possible to do all of them right. Doing them right involves reason, right intentions, right attitudes, morals, ethics, and a sense of the sublime.

Do them so right that God feels enraptured by us, I think.
Posted January 23rd, 2022:
Good guys (i.e. heroes) cleaning up society’s problems domestically (and with international cooperation where appropriate) isn’t war. I’m advocating the former, not the latter. But both sometimes require a just warrior spirit.
Posted January 18th, 2022:
Good is more powerful than evil. Good exists on a vibrational level, whereas evil does not. The vibrational signature of evil is only that of a terrifying and hideous-feeling warning to avoid evil. It is fair to think of it that way.

Evil has no spiritual power whatsoever.
Posted January 15th, 2022:
Sin is a useful concept sometimes, in that it means that something is evil or is prone to cause too much harm somewhere. Under that definition, sin isn’t worth it, and it’s something that makes things worse.

No sexual orientation is a sin. Sex is not a sin in and of itself, but it is powerful, and it’s good to have some respect for it as the powerful thing that it is. Eating is not a sin. Clothing is not sinful in and of itself, but nakedness can be nearly as powerful as sex. I don’t know why.

Political correctness is part of the modern ethos. Some people adopt it to a greater or lesser extent, and it’s very rare to do none. That can comes across as too rude for most to tolerate. Racism is usually a sin. Prejudice is often a sin. Contemporary culture acknowledges most of the sins of prejudice as foul, which they are.

The social justice movement helped educate people– mostly on the internet– about the sins of prejudice ever since the internet became more mainstream as we neared the end of the aughts (2000s). People vented their frustration about microaggressions, and also spent time educating the masses about serious acts of social injustice. I learned a lot during this time. It felt like having an emotional through line to people’s hearts and humanity. Where it got overly fussy, confused, competitive, or autocratic, different sins were sometimes fomenting. A social justice patina is not automatic virtue on tap; it really does matter what people are saying with their words, and why. It matters what they’re doing to people. Education was key to the political significance of that time.

The absence of total cultural enlightenment is usually not sin. It is very normal to have things to learn. Cultural appropriation is only a sin where it overlaps totally with what one could call cultural misappropriation, which might be a comparatively useful term. The term culture vulture usually implies something predatory going on in terms of cultural misappropriation.

As the conversation about sins of social prejudice has given way to a discussion including more and more cultural sins like misappropriation and smaller microaggressions, modern anxieties have risen. There’s a line of human decency where people can generally try to be polite enough but not feel so silenced. There is a line of good taste where there’s no need to avoid cultural offerings and elements, yet no disrespect need be inferred. A lot of cultures do recognize that as a sustainable sweet spot, while some of the other cultures are becoming more and more stressed out about it.

Representation feels good to people. Proper credit given to the proper parties feels important to people.

Of course, it remains important to work on improving social prejudice, including racism, sexism, and so on. You can just decide to not be racist, for instance. That’s sometimes the best way address the problem as an individual, if you struggle with having racist tendencies. When people manage to recover from being too racist, that is normally how they do it (according to Earth Logos). They decide to stop being racist, and they make a commitment to stop expressing racist sentiments and opinions.

So whenever a racist thought threatens to manifest in a sin of prejudice, one can practice the habit of overriding any unfair reactivity, images, associations, etc. with self-reminders that all races are equal, and the differences between races are nominal, and do not speak to their qualities.

Cultures do differ and are very rich and important, but race you can just flatten out and resolve to sentiments and opinions about equality, when you are practicing this kind of corrective self-talk.

And, of course, there does need to be enough social justice to go around. Social justice (a movement and school of thought) is not as vitally important as real justice, which includes the protection of civil rights. Social justice is about educating oneself, and making sure that one improves, and that one is clear on right and wrong (and chooses right over wrong) where prejudice and other social issues are concerned. There are right opinions and wrong opinions. There are right actions and wrong actions. It is easy and worthwhile to improve and keep improving, if applicable.

This ends up getting very comfortable for people. Is racism ever comfortable? I don’t know.

Reminder: All evil acts are sins, and they’re worse than sins: they are evil.
Posted January 12th, 2022:
Neuroses aren’t important at all.
Posted January 12th, 2022:
What have people been up to for the past few years? It seems like a lot of people have betrayed their values and ideals. I stayed good. I kept my eye on the ball for us. So that’s good, right? Good can get us to the Satya Yuga (Krita Yuga) where theoretically all of humankind starts doing shockingly well.
Posted January 8th, 2022:
There are two major economic factors that civilization must address right now:
1. Is it sustainable for society to keep insisting on so many two-income households? Could sufficient one-income households come back into prominence? What advantages would accompany that extra flexibility besides lower pressure amongst adults and lower inflation?
2. When will the widespread industry malfeasance (including but not limited to matters of criminal exploitation, consumer sabotage, economic sabotage, misrepresentation of goods, ignoring terrorism, supporting terrorism, corruption, poor quality control, abuse of power, etc. in what seems to be an alarming number of industries) end and resolve to fair dealing and best practices? Despite what cynics might claim, that is the normalcy that many people living today grew up with, it’s what people want, and it remains highly achievable.
Posted January 7th, 2022:
Satya Yuga politics are very Lemurian in nature. Lemuria was very versed in dharma.
Posted January 7th, 2022:
Deal with the moral have to.
Posted January 7th, 2022:
Deal with the moral can’t. Deal with the moral should, etc.
Posted January 2nd, 2022:
I have an internalized knowledge of good and evil. I hate evil. You are built to hate evil too. The story of Eden in Genesis isn’t what you may think it is, but there’s a true one, and the legacy of an intrinsic human knowledge of good and evil does have something to do with it. The idea of losing the garden has to do with the Dvapara Yuga ending (which it is said happened right around when Sri Krishna died), and humans acclimating to the Kali Yuga and its sorrows. The story of Genesis in the Torah (and Bible) was encoded esoterically, and is not meant literally. Adam and Eve were not the first people, and they did not discover sin nor sin particularly more than others of their day.

Has everyone a fundamental natural and internalized knowledge of good and evil? Yes, with very few exceptions, as is described by the mechanisms of Natural Law, and it may indeed have a lot to do with our journey since those early days of the Kali Yuga. If you heed the often subtle promptings of Natural Law and what it communicates to you about getting along (not always going along) and protecting what needs and deserves the most protection, you are creating a natural justification for your existence. It feels good to be self-justified on legitimate grounds.

Please do not think that we lost paradise one day for no good reason. There’s paradise ahead as well. The Kali Yuga had already begun by the time of Eden in Genesis

I am innocent of all evil because I paid attention to my natural aversions to evil, and avoided doing evil. Be innocent of all evil. Cruelty, undue violence, maliciousness, and other senseless acts that don’t reach reasonable standards have clearly created a downward spiral effect every time they’ve proliferated anywhere.
Posted January 1st, 2022:
Personal conduct is very important.
Posted December 31st, 2021:
The Satya Yuga will forge new series of artistic tropes in which exciting and productive drama can occur within very inspiring and beautiful functional dynamics. The Kali Yuga is at the point of deconstruction/reconstruction with its current collection of tropes, which is still fertile yet arguably suffering from the incomplete set of tropes it’s working with.

It’s important in life for the right thing to be done with each person’s innate dramatic instincts, wherein they search for catharsis. Some people like to emulate stories they know, if the stories offered some kind of catharsis. Does that work? Is it healthy? It depends what tropes are being used.

Good intentions plus correct actions can bring catharsis.
Posted December 30th, 2021:
Ethics are not about demographics. They’re about situations. Pay close attention to what is supposed to happen in a sustainable world versus what is actually being done. “Good” and “bad” are not status ribbons and finger wags, they’re perceptible points of navigation.
Posted December 28th, 2021:
The implementation of wise policy is as important as boundaries against lawlessness and evil. If someone erroneously believes that not getting in trouble for what they’re doing wrong is enough to justify living among the strong civilians and the standards of decency that they personally rely on even as a scoundrel, they are forgetting wise policy, with its focus on keeping civilization solvent and solving problems deftly as they come.

All great philosophies start off with futurist leanings, for their time. Mine lean that way.
Posted December 27th, 2021:
During the Age of Pisces, a main theme for the Christ of that age and the religions that benefited from his philosophies was suffering, including the suffering of others, and how to learn from it. The philosopher of the Age of Aries and the Aries-Libra axis tackled suffering in a different way, as should become apparent in the notes about the Gautama Buddha. Christs are not particularly connected to the concept of suffering, though, nor any particular mission to suffer. They each have particular missions, often philosophical in nature. They always want and require a supportive team.

The Aquarian Christ has no mandate to suffer. I understand suffering very well already (and more than average, unfortunately) in case I ever need access to that facet of life, but really the Christ of the Aquarius-Leo axis has a mandate to do more with solving problems than with experiencing problems. I’m ready for a time of prosperity, success, wisdom applied well, good teamwork, innovation, and widespread advancement. Now that sounds more Aquarian than Pisces.
Posted December 21st, 2021:
Highly important: Don’t ever be evil.
Posted December 1st, 2021:
The joining of the Jupiter glyph and the Saturn glyph symbolizes the Great Conjunction, which occurs approximately every twenty years.

The joining of the esoteric Earth glyph and the Sun glyph symbolizes solar Christ consciousness, a very stable and strong form of personal illumination that the whole world can revolve around under the right circumstances.

The joining of the Moon glyph with the Neptune glyph symbolizes the full and complete esoteric evolution of a person’s lunar aspects.
Posted October 26th, 2021:
Notes on Rama as the Gemini Christ:
Rama (Vishnu’s first human avatar) was the Gemini Christ. His life was characterized by a lot of success, and some hardship. He was born a prince, and heir to a great and prosperous kingdom. The Age of Gemini, and the Age of Cancer and Age of Leo before it, took place (partially in the case of Leo, I believe) during the Dvapara Yuga, which is still remembered as a very gracious time. The Ramayana, an epic poem which describes Rama’s life, is full of people who gave each other lavish gifts, openly respected and adored one another, tried to do what was right, and trusted one another when possible. In fact, other records mention Rama’s father King Dasharatha giving up his only daughter to be adopted by and live with another king in a neighboring kingdom, on the grounds that the latter king had no children. King Dasharatha had no other children at that time. Rama and his three brothers were born later.

By Rama’s time, the Dvapara Yuga was in a slight state of decay, but only so much that the Ramayana shows people being sometimes gracious to a fault, or in the wrong directions. Conduct seems very encoded and formalized during this time, more perhaps than we’re used to in the Kali Yuga that followed.

Rama was a philosopher of the Gemini/Sagittarius axis, Gemini being the dominant note in the Age of Gemini and Sagittarius being directly across it on the zodiac wheel. Because the Zodiacal Ages (the various Christ ages) take a long time to ebb one into the other, the Christ of each age may invoke an axis of two opposing zodiac signs and some of their themes. It’s good to have two feet planted, so to speak, if you have to be on a wheel.

Gemini themes invoked:
Twins and siblings: Gemini, sign of the twins, rules the third house, the house of siblings. Rama had three brothers all born on the same day to three different mothers, and the boys were very close. Two of the brothers were twins, though Rama was not a twin. One of them even went into exile with Rama when their stepmother tried to promote her own son as King Dasharatha’s successor, and that son selected to stay loyal to Rama during the exile. The brothers demonstrate true kinship between siblings, and all ended up marrying women from the same family, another royal house.
Marriage and love: Rama is often mentioned in the same breath as Sita, his beloved wife, and they are often shown together in bhakti images, the triumphant couple. Sita was known as a daughter of Earth, and Rama was the divine incarnation of Vishnu, which may recall the twin brothers Castor and Pullox, one of whom was a terrestrial man while the other was a son of Zeus. Rama and Sita had a celebrated love, one that lasted a lifetime (despite varying accounts on the matter). Gemini is associated with the tarot card called The Lovers.
Being nice: King Dasharatha was a nice, thoughtful, and generous ruler. Rama is known to be one too, in his time. King Dasharatha’s household seems to be so much in harmony that his three wives appear to coexist happily, and their sons love each other. Rama in particular is known to be extremely nice. Even when his stepmother Kaikeyi used an old promise from her husband King Dasharatha to oust Rama into exile for fourteen years, Rama is nice and courteous about it. He even parts with his three mothers lovingly, showing no grudge. Cancer, the sign associated with motherhood and the name of the age that precedes Gemini (a sign for whom it is important to stay personable and nice in general) in the precession, had already decayed. Kaikeyi’s perversity at requesting so much suffering on Rama’s part may be a nod to the passing of the Age of Cancer.
Problem solving: It is in the third house that we first learn the basics of problem solving. In the Ramayana, there are very few problems that have no solutions. In fact, Rama was born to solve a problem and slay a terrifying demonic being who couldn’t be killed by anything mightier than a man.
Verbal weapons: Rama and his brother Lakshmana studied with a holy man in their youth and were given sacred mantras to use as weapons that could slay demons handily. Gemini and the third house are particularly focused on language.
Friendship: Gemini is a sign that values true friendship highly. The friendship between Rama and the monkey leader Hanuman is celebrated throughout the world. Hanuman helped Rama find his wife Sita after she was abducted and aided in her rescue. One common bhakti image of Hanuman is a monkey tearing open his chest to reveal a heart with Rama and Sita visible inside it, as if he holds them always in his heart.
Local community: The third house is the house of our local community. In the Ramayana, Rama is so beloved in his local community that there was widespread mourning in his father’s kingdom when Rama was exiled.

Sagittarius themes invoked:
Not being mean: Jupiter is the ruler of Sagittarius, and prescribes good humor and broad mindedness. In Rama’s culture, meanness seems to be so rare that his stepmother Kaikeyi’s betrayal of Rama is shocking, and the grief ends up killing his father.
Rape and abduction: Barbaric Ravana abducts Sita and seems intent on raping her. Sagittarius’s symbol is a centaur, a creature that brings up themes of that sort of behavior.
Chivalry: Central to the story of Rama is that Rama must rescue his love, Sita, from a violent person who has abducted her. Sagittarius is an energy that thrives on chivalry.
Destiny: Sagittarius is a sign concerned with destiny and finding one’s destiny. Rama wasn’t just born a king, he was born to vanquish the evil Ravana, and many events in his life set him and kept him firmly on the path to doing so.
Wilderness: Sagittarius is very connected to the wild. Rama was exiled to the wilderness for fourteen years to delay his accession to the throne.
Good and evil: The Ramayana is a classic tale of good versus evil. The humans are mostly very markedly good in the story of Rama, and they defy evil. Sagittarius rules the ninth house, one of the houses where we confront questions of good and evil in the philosophical sense.
Bow and arrows: The centaur of Sagittarius is a bowman. Rama is known to have carried a bow and arrow, and he had to lift a huge artifact called Shiva’s bow to win his bride Sita in a contest for her hand in marriage.
Devotion: Hanuman is known for his personal and practical devotion to Rama and Sita, and his willingness to help and serve them. He is known as an example of devotion to God. Sagittarius and the ninth house do well to never forget devotion to the good higher power that they answer to.
Posted October 12th, 2021:
Feelings are not sacred. Feelings don’t matter much compared to actions. Feelings are useful diagnostic tools that people can use to check in with themselves and how things are going. If they were a digital readout, they would be slightly clearer, but not much different in value. It can be fun to have them be the physiological readouts that they are. Sometimes they tell us more about mental health than they do about the world around us, and sometimes it’s the other way around.

If you punish someone else for your feelings, then you’re not going to find your feelings to be very useful.
Posted September 25th, 2021:
Notes on Jesus of Nazareth as the Piscean Christ:
Jesus of Nazareth was the Piscean Christ. He had a difficult ministry, which happened while the dismal Kali Yuga was in full swing (now in 2021 it is currently in an advanced state of decay and ready to be shed), but he spiritualized life for a lot of people. I think he was very successful in that. Many people have had it very much on their hearts over the years to makes sure that Jesus, his ministry, and his philosophies were not forgotten. Christianity, part of Jesus’s legacy, is one of the most popular religions in the world.

Jesus was Jewish, and studied Jewish sacred texts and philosophies as well as Hindu, Greek, and Egyptian philosophies. Jews were occupied and very oppressed by the Roman State in the time and place where Jesus had his ministry, and Jesus’s message was one of hope in the face of oppression and proving that miracles could happen, as well as one that ended up exploring the idea that death was not a dead end. Another key idea behind Jesus’s ministry was that God is good.

Jesus was a philosopher of the Pisces/Virgo axis, Pisces being the dominant note in the Age of Pisces and Virgo being directly across it on the zodiac wheel. Because the Zodiacal Ages (the various Christ ages) take a long time to ebb one into the other, the Christ of each age may invoke an axis of two opposing zodiac signs and some of their themes. It’s good to have two feet planted, so to speak, if you have to be on a wheel.

Pisces themes invoked:
Healing: Jesus was known to do miraculous healing, curing the sick, the disabled, and more at key points in his ministry. Pisces rules the twelfth house, the arena where most of the healing of serious illness happens (the other being the sixth house, which is across from the twelfth, and focused more about health maintenance and other routine healing).
Mysticism: It’s said that the twelfth house is where we dream and have other experiences of transcendence. Jesus had a close relationship with God that he described as feeling personal to him.
Oppression: The twelfth house is also the house that rules oppression and overcoming oppression. Jesus’s life happened across a backdrop of oppression against Jewish people in his region. His prophesied coming was attacked even before his birth, and Jewish boys his age were targeted for murder around the time he was born in case they were him. It is a very good thing he survived, and he made it clear that oppressed people could be important.
Imprisonment and execution: The twelfth house rules prisoners, punishment, and death. Jesus was murdered via unfair execution for no crime at all, and briefly imprisoned beforehand.
Poeticism: Pisces has a distinct poetic or figurative streak. Jesus was known for wording things beautifully and teaching via parables, narrative analogies that help people understand a philosophical concept without systematically analyzing the main point for them in great depth.
Maturity: Jesus had a mature outlook, and described God as a wise and loving father figure. In the gospels, his disciples seem to look up to him. Pisces is the final zodiac sign of twelve, and at its best signals a peaceful maturity.
Illusion: The devil is said to have tempted Jesus in the wilderness during the ascetic period in Jesus’s ministry. The devil is said to have shown Jesus visions of paths he knew he was not destined to take, and Jesus was able to calmly shut down these deceptions.
Peace: Jesus is known as the Prince of Peace. Pisces carries the philosophies of mutable water, the calm sea that Jesus commanded into being when a boat trip found him and some of his disciples on choppy waters.
Fish: Fish and fisherman are iconography associated with Jesus Christ and Christianity. Pisces is the sign of the fish.
Death and overcoming death: Jesus is said to have died and resurrected. Pisces is at the end of the circular zodiac cycle, and Pisces and the twelfth house represent some of the mysteries of death and dissolution. Pisces is the sign of endings in general. Despite the Zodiacal Ages going in reverse order (e.g. Gemini, then Taurus, then Aries, then Pisces, then Aquarius, etc.), the Age of Pisces is the end of a major cycle, and ends around the same time as the Kali Yuga.

Virgo themes invoked:
Study: Jesus studied Jewish theology and multiple philosophies. In the gospels we read about him impressing adults as a child with his knowledge of scripture. Virgo and its planetary ruler Mercury are studious.
Chastity: Jesus had attractions, but chose not to be sexual during his ministry. Virgo is represented as a virgin. In Christianity, Jesus is said to have been born of a virgin mother, known as the Virgin Mary, who conceived him through a visitation by the Holy Spirit.
Mildness: We hear about two times when Jesus got angry, and one is apocryphal. He did not do violence. Virgo at its best is mild and careful, and wants to use good judgment.
Service: Christianity ended up being a religion very much dedicated to service to others, where there is good work to do. That type of service is a key Virgo theme, and the sixth house it rules is the house of dutiful service.
Wine: The Virgo constellation is often said to be holding a cup of wine. Jesus of Nazareth used wine at highly symbolic points in his ministry. He was also rumored to have performed miracles with wine.
Feeding people: Virgo is also associated with the harvest and feeding people. When the constellation Virgo is not holding a wine cup, she is often depicted with a sheaf of wheat. Jesus talked about food, especially grapes, wheat, bread, and fish, often and significantly. He was known for feeding people at one of his famous sermons when no one wanted to leave him and there was little food to go around.
Posted September 21st, 2021:
I’m looking with God’s new eyes.

There is doctrine that says that God has four very powerful and mysterious aspects that feel like something human: Father God, Mother God, Son God, and Daughter God. The four characters of the Tetragrammaton correspond to these aspects esoterically. Prophecies have stated that this would be the age where the Daughter God paradigm emerges especially somehow and becomes God’s new perspective.
Posted September 15th, 2021:
Good intentions are key to getting things right.

Collaborating with evil is evil, even if someone claims it is the polite or expedient thing to do. Such claims are hollow. Most people can feel that. Reject evil. Good intentions include blocking evil’s path to power and acceptance. Evil isn’t acceptable, and it doesn’t feel acceptable. It diminishes the person who embraces it. Good intentions and right actions backing them up purify a heart. Hearts love to be pure.
Posted September 14th, 2021:
Higher selves are like a record of many lifetimes’ true experiences of being a devotee, and communing with God (sometimes through gods and goddesses). Working with deities as a devotee can have the effect of one’s higher self identifying with particular divine sponsors.

Higher selves serve God selflessly, and in ways that are rapturous, and we can connect with them.
Posted September 14th, 2021:
It doesn’t do to decontextualize the religions too much. The context something was written in (or took place in) usually gives very helpful insight as to what’s really being said, sometimes from a practical standpoint, sometimes from a spiritual one.

Most religions have extant prophecies that most people will lose their paths and that they and their religions would temporarily fail each other during a point that corresponds to what some Hindus (especially Vaishnavites) would call the end of the Kali Yuga.
Posted September 14th, 2021:
It is wrong to keep an evil oath. It is wrong to break a righteous one.
Posted September 9th, 2021:
Human beings are a species that wants to be noble.

Don’t give up on being a good person. Never give up on being a good person.
Posted September 7th, 2021:
Avoid becoming corrupted. It is wrong to let others whip up resentments in you, or to nurture resentments. It is wrong to go against your conscience. It is wrong to engage in sabotage. It is wrong to deceive unjustifiably. It is wrong to allow yourself to be fooled by evil, to foolishly do any evil, or to accommodate evil. It is wrong to be and do evil. It is wrong to be malicious. It is wrong to do something that is cruel.
Posted September 4th, 2021:
It is evil to ruin or attack an innocent person’s life.

It is evil to interact with a child sexually.

It is evil to attack civilization or anything that civilization needs in order to maintain itself.

It is evil to do that which one truly knows to be evil.

(This short list is not a complete cataloguing of all evil.)
Posted September 4th, 2021:
Violence is sometimes outright aggressive and sometimes passive aggressive: both kinds have done catastrophic harm in the world. Serious violence that is not in sober service to good (including the doing of good) is evil. The thing to do with evil is to eradicate it.

Evil can be defeated.
Posted September 1st, 2021:
Evil is not part of any balance. Know that.
Posted August 31st, 2021:
A person can know right from wrong in their mind, their soul, and their body. This knowing is observed rather than decided on by the individual. It has to do with instinct and intuition, involving both or either. This is a key to understanding Natural Law, which governs life.

It is important to detest wrongdoing, and important to strive honorably to correct significant wrongs (including evil) when possible.
Posted August 14th, 2021:
There comes a time sometimes when one individual has to learn something innovative about dharma and maintaining dharma (which involves being a good and decent person in God’s good graces) for many, many people, and the global conversation about dharmic principles is advanced. That mental and spiritual energy is felt all over the world by that person’s contemporaries. That individual can be termed a christ. This includes Jesus Christ, the Piscean Christ. Some branches of Hinduism acknowledge that Jesus Christ was an incarnation of Vishnu (the being who incarnates to champion dharma), and many claim that Gautama Buddha, the Aries Christ, was as well. It is also true that Krishna (the Taurean Christ) and Rama (the Gemini Christ) were the Christs of their ages. The Aquarian Christ is the next one after Pisces because it goes in the same order as the Great Precession of the equinoxes. The Christ ages occur through time as a reverse Zodiac story/sacred machine.
Posted August 6th, 2021:
I think my moral philosophy is well developed and modern. I needed a philosopher like me, so I became that. My sense of right and wrong resonates on what intrinsically feels to humans like solid justice, like what’s fair and adheres to Natural Law (which is based on the logic of living things informed by right sensibility and practicality, and which human bodies feel). That stuff is important to get right. We naturally develop a more and more rapturous life the more we do what’s right.
Posted August 6th, 2021:
I think I’m an important moral voice in society.
Posted August 5th, 2021:
If you harm me (i.e. Lync Dalton) then you are harming the world as a whole. If someone is cruel to me then they are downgrading the overall quality of the world in a subtle yet inescapable way. It’s a vibrational reality. It has to do with my capstone energetics, which can help a lot of people at once when I’m being well supported. If I can be happy and thriving, we can theoretically build a paradise on Earth. I have this relationship with the Universe.
Posted August 3rd, 2021:
Dharma encompasses good relationships, good feelings, good efforts, and good outcomes. It is the rejection of evil.

It is impossible to be comfortable as a human being outside of all dharma.

Dharma describes a state where people feel (and are) safe and prosperous, and in which things are going right.
Posted August 2nd, 2021:
No one has to stay corrupted. Corruption is a daily decision. If you stop being corrupted, then you are uncorrupted (note: though you will still be responsible for what you have done). And you’ll have to prove that to everyone else over time.

Uncorrupted is a state of magnificence.
Posted August 2nd, 2021:
People don’t want to be corrupted. In the same way they know that once food has rotted it doesn’t taste as good. They don’t want life to feel like a corrupted experience.

When a thing is corrupted you can’t necessarily make use of it anymore.
Posted August 2nd, 2021:
Moral relativism is selfish gibberish, and is simply a term for someone ignoring morality (usually without compensating by being conscientious about ethics). In reality, morals align well with Natural Law, and humans can feel the intrinsic difference between right and wrong.

Forms of Satanism that involve intentional evil and/or mock rituals requesting that the world get worse is a blight. It is ruinous and banal. Satanic philosophy (as opposed to Satanic practice) has limited application, but isn’t necessarily evil in theory if it is carefully applied to check religious overreach.

Do no evil. Do no grievous wrong.
Posted July 31st, 2021:
Humans are built to enjoy good.
Posted July 31st, 2021:
Evil is intolerable. Being evil is like vandalizing the parts of yourself that you like. Evil is abhorrent to the natural world and the philosophical one (among others), and it is a huge misuse of being human.

God should shun and punish evil. People should as well.
Posted July 31st, 2021:
We are each assigned to be good people. Ongoing. It feels good to do this. Assignment means you’re actively and honestly trying to do it even if you’re not doing it perfectly. Doing your best at this consistently over time yields big rewards. The process is a key element.
Posted July 30th, 2021:
Being in good moral standing means that person is one of the people society should protect the most. Good people tend to influence all of society to be better and to work better, and when that system works it works well. Being in decent moral standing means that person is compatible with a sustainable society where people get to feel safe and governed. Decency is being good enough, consistently. Note that decency does not allow for much sneakiness, and that it must produce morally acceptable outcomes with enough reliably.

Morality is about personal conduct. It is not about systemic societal issues that do not overlap with one’s personal conduct, although those things can be important. When people do well at that we sometimes call them conscientious. Morality is not about adhering to archaic ideas. It is about: is this action good or bad (right or wrong)? Conspiring in an evil action is an evil action.

People who don’t meet moral standards (i.e. individuals who engage in evil or too much wrongdoing) aren’t sustainable because they actively cause too much harm. They are the gaping maws that tend to suck down that which we really wish to preserve. Don’t let them. Misfortune should befall them until they’re safely out of good and decent people’s way. Nothing should go well for them. No one should accommodate nor validate their severe poor moral choices.

Getting rid of evil people is what societies originally formed around.
Posted July 25th, 2021:
It really does have to be that people who have good natures, and who live those good natures out such that they are good people doing good in the world, should have things go well for them. We really can’t do without this any longer. This is actually fundamental to dharma.
Posted July 25th, 2021:
I am at a stage of God’s evolution, and in a sense I represent that evolution. I’m aware that some prophets and even philosophers have to do that sometimes. Sometimes a person gets to a place in their devotion or their suffering where the only prayer that makes sense is: I represent God’s (and maybe Goddess’s) current paradigm, and it is good and sound. Have mercy on reality, God, so that it makes sense again, and on people. God’s been changing over time. The scary convoluted religious stuff always did have a turnover rate, and it was already outdated by the time it got to you and me. This was philosophically obvious to me by the time I was seven (I was extremely serious as a child, even about comedy).

There is something solid and enduring that is always good. We can find that.

I’m the updated mindset for God. I do not claim to be the totality of God. I’m serving God.
Posted July 25th, 2021:
Sometimes angels (light elementals) pop into my day (and running monologue), giving me the lowdown on a situation. They’re highly informed sometimes. I feel like I’m in a play.

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──── by Lync Dalton ────

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