Confidential to…

(With Open Statements and Donor Messages)

───── by Lync Dalton ─────

Confidential to some of my astral contacts and some people I’ve met in real life. Open statements addressed to all are posted underneath those, and below that you’ll see approved messages from donors who have supported Weirdo Camp or Terra Thesis Institute with donations of more than $80,000 during the past year.

Confidential to J.C.:
Please help me all you can. Honestly, I need everyone to help me all they can. Otherwise, the future is in a lot of peril. The thing is, my calculations show that it would go really well for everyone involved if enough people got behind me enough, like supportively. I guess I also need them to want things to go well, since sometimes it’s not clear that they do. What’s up with that?

I really want to know if you think I’m correct in what I am saying here, if you have faith in me. I love you.

Confidential to H.W.:
Is our agreement real to you? I’m enjoying our talks, sir.

Confidential to D.D.:
Please do not be my enemy (I’m asking this of all of “Be Around” and all “Be Around” sympathizers too). Please do not lie about me (I’m asking this of all of “Be Around” and all “Be Around” sympathizers too). Please do not try to create nor foment trouble for me (I’m asking this of all of “Be Around” and all “Be Around” sympathizers too). (I always liked how you played your musical instrument, back when I knew you, truthfully.)

Confidential to D.T.:
I want everything that’s rightfully mine, including all my rights. And please do not abuse me any longer. Please do not test me nor attack me nor exploit me nor steal from me. I have been decent to you. Do we need to talk?

Confidential to D.G.:
I’m sorry we lost touch. I’ve been abused a lot, going back a very long time. Strange world it’s been lately, no?

Confidential to E.L.:
Please stop hurting me. Please confess honestly to anything you’ve done wrong that I would be reasonable to consider an extreme crime. Please get them all to stop hurting me, and to confess honestly to what they’ve done that I would be reasonable to consider an extreme crime (including terrorism, bioterrorism, treason, extreme corruption, crimes against children, crimes involving extreme horror themes, crimes of extreme cruelty, murder, attempted murder, etc.). Please stay away from me. I want to be safe, and I deserve to be safe.

Confidential to S.B.:
Please understand that I want to live, and I don’t want anything taken from me. I’ve asked for decent treatment, and I’m asking again.

Confidential to C.P.:
Was it really like a decade or so ago (on your end) when you and I were psychically chatting about animals (I think) and we both realized we’d heard of “Muskrat Love” but we’d never actually heard the song? So we had to listen to two versions (using my ears)? We both liked the (Muskrat Candlelight) version best of all, I believe.

Please be sincere with me.

Confidential to the person who suggested that I launch a Patreon:
Thank you for your suggestion. I don’t know how I can deal with any additional disappointment right now, and the truth is I really don’t know how much support I could get there, but I will keep it in mind for the future. I do admire the platform. My main hope about Patreon has to remain the sincere hope that there is not a bullying problem there, either against people on the site or off it, for the time being.

Confidential to M.B.:
Please do not lie. Even if you’ve been lying for a long while, it can stop. I thought you liked the truth, and being decent. I’m so sad I didn’t know what was really going on with you. Please do not be unkind to me anymore; please don’t take anything else away from me. So much has been taken unfairly. I want my things back with me, and I want the proper amount of support from you. Please. It’s totally unfair, the position that you put me in, and I was the most vulnerable person you knew. You used to say you hated bullies, but you became the worst kind of bully to me. I have no idea why.

I miss Digit every day. I think it’s possible you don’t know how scared I was of you by mid-year that last year we knew each other. Do you understand why? Please send me all my things back, including household things, my silver CD wallet and CDs, my PS2 games, electronics, and everything else that’s fair to me. You seem to think that you were nice to let me escape your abuse with anything at all, but in reality you lured me to a different country, exploited me, and stole most of my possessions. I don’t think that’s who you want to be. I am very poor and remain disabled, and things are hard for me to replace. B.N. is not welcome to my things, and neither is anyone else. I do consider my things to have been taken from me unfairly, of course.

Whatever evil things you’ve done to kids, the innocent (which does include me, and I believe you know that), or to civilization itself, please never do anything like that again. Please turn yourself into the proper authorities and be honest with them and the public if you’ve become a terrorist or extreme criminal of any kind, or if you’ve been maliciously lying about me. I encourage your associates that have been victimizing me and/or victimizing children (or conspiring to victimize) to turn themselves in as well.

Please do not undermine my survival nor my potential to have a future, which I desperately want. Please do not talk to my family; I don’t want anyone talking to my family who does not have my best interests in the forefront and the background. I was honestly never anything but great to you, and I know you know that. You turned on me more than I ever could’ve imagined, and yes, I am still reeling. I have it very hard, and worse than ever because I met you. How could you forget that I am so underprivileged in life? You used to care.

R.J. has been an extremely inappropriate force in my life without any provocation from me, and I’m asking her, L.J., et al. to stand down and leave me and my family alone. Same with Ahead of the Web. Please do not use anything at your disposal nor anything at all to attack or degrade any of my websites in any way. If you want to know how to accomplish an effect, use a search engine.

Confidential to R.M.:
When are you going to tell everybody about the (mostly domestic) terrorist group associated with the term “Be Around” (also called “Sad Satan” and “Creepy Families”) and its related scandals? There are so many. Terrible thing that it’s all being kept so quiet, don’t you think? Do you know why that is? What are journalists interested in saying about this type of thing? Nothing? That can’t be right.

Is an “Antifa” terrorist honeypot scandal looming or what? Terrorist groups barely deserve names, but I hear there’s one sometimes claiming to be Antifa (which Wikipedia defines as an antifascist political movement), sometimes identified with a site or group called “Be Around”, and that they use honeypot texting scams and other con artist techniques, and that it’s been bad.

Confidential to D.F.:
When are you going to tell everybody about the (mostly domestic) terrorist group associated with the term “Be Around” (also called “Sad Satan” and “Creepy Families”) and its related scandals? There are so many. Terrible thing that it’s all being kept so quiet, don’t you think? Do you know why that is? What are journalists interested in saying about this type of thing? Nothing? That can’t be right.

Confidential to [redacted artist/producer]:
I want to be an active part of something you create someday.

Confidential to C.E.:
Yes, let’s talk about leitmotifs and things.

Confidential to J.L.:
Hi. How’s the advice working out? I think of you fondly.

Confidential to J.T.:
Please don’t hurt me. Please be a good man. I’m curious about you. Is there anything we should talk about?

Confidential to C.S.:
Hephaestus (Greek god of invention, technology, and craftsmanship) has been in touch about you (I think you were visiting astrally when this happened). He’s interested in you becoming an avatar. Vulcan (Hephaestus’s Roman counterpart) and Heimdallr (Aesir Captain of the Guard) have interest in you as well. Others besides me will have godwheels with multiple deity aspects if I can help them become avatars. Only good people can become avatars. I’ve been getting messages like this about people. I thought you’d be a good example to highlight.

Please meet me if you want to, whether you’re interested in that stuff or not. I like you.

Confidential to J.D.:
I’m so sad that you have devoted yourself so much to betraying me. I can’t understand why you did that. I can’t understand why it’s not getting better. Please start doing what’s decent, and then keep doing what’s decent.

Did you really have a son last year and systematically bully and threaten his mother into assassinating him for you so that you wouldn’t murder her or murder him more viciously than you knew she would? Or is that just a rumor that I will want to throw up about for the rest of my life? How can you possibly live with yourself if you did that?

Confidential to B.P.:
You know I have a lot I could say to you here. Have I made the personal things clear to you? If so, I believe we have been talking over the past few years, or maybe even longer, and it seems like we’d really get along well in real life. I hope you know I care about you. I know I really care about you. I do want to do projects with you, if you can be fair to me. And you can, I know. I believe you may already know that you have invitations onto my avatar track (pending you becoming good and being good, if you are not already a morally upright and good person), and I think you might know who. Please come through for me. Think about me and treat me kindly, please.

I am a good person, nice, and positive, and I want to be able to trust you to never intentionally cause me harm. I’m not talking to that guy you seem to not want me to talk to, neither astrally nor otherwise.

You owe me quite a lot, from what I hear. A lot other people do too, but you do. You owe me my life and more, and I think you agree. I need you to be decent to me, to approach what’s been going on in terms of you and me since 2018 or so with real decency and compassion. I really want to see you if that can happen. We can figure things out. Please. If any of this sounds familiar, please care about what I’ve been going through. Please care about me.

Let me double check something here…

Is it true that you intentionally and surreptitiously broke up the relationship of a disabled, then-engaged woman in 2019, behind her back, by convincing her ex to cruelly abuse her, betray her, and eject her from their one bedroom apartment, putting her at risk of certain impoverishment? Did you swear to take care of the woman, even up to convincing her family and friends, promising that you would be good to her and provide for her? Did you indicate to them that they would be doing you and the disabled woman a great disservice if they tried to stop you?

Is that story about me?

Confidential to J.M.:
You don’t have to be malicious and unkind to me. You never had to be. There’s no real reason. I have not wronged you. Find your sanity, please.

Confidential to (a different) J.M.:
Nefertem has been in contact with me about you.

Unrelatedly, some people have been seeing false psychic manifestations resembling various people, including known Be Arounds, that don’t seem to represent reality in any way. More like mirages. They seem to involve no real communication with nor about the people depicted. I’ve seen some myself. May count as etheric terrorism, not just increased psychic phenomena. Beware, I think. Speaking of Be Arounds, you know I don’t want anyone spying on me, right? I mean really, do you want anyone spying on you?

Confidential to T.H.:
Did you experience an avatar ceremony with me today? Do you have any personal gnosis that you’ve been anointed avatar of an ancient Irish deity?

(I am placing this message here on Tuesday, February 22, 2022. Update on May 5, 2022: I guess it’s not going to stick. Please be advised that other deities have approached me about you. You know that avatars have to be good and honorable enough, right? Is that going to work for you? Unrelatedly, I did a remote RNA healing session with you on this day too. Tell me what you need. Please.)

I feel very strongly about you. I want to know you. Please, do not plot against me with anyone. I don’t know what to think about rumors like that. B.N. and the Be Arounds are not welcome to anything of mine, including my intellectual property. Please do not assist them in any cons nor any violence. Please do not allow anyone to harm me nor take anything away from me unfairly. I’ll do the same for you.

(Strange aside: It may have been a faith and belief in God you had that was protecting you from some of the remnants of witchcraft that have been flying around even up to this year [it is now July 2022]. It seems you may have been more affected by it recently, and I’m worried about you. Of course sometimes faith in God means waiting until something makes enough sense; I know that people aren’t making much sense lately. Peer pressure from people who would count as very inappropriate peers for you might be a factor if you feel you’ve been feeling compromised. Which version of yourself do you want to be?)

Is it true that those particular impact workouts are negatively affecting your brain health? How bad have things gotten? I care.

Choose to work with me creatively, please, which I think maybe we’ve discussed. Including that special franchise project (I love how the ones on NF right now present that Vertigo comic aesthetic vibe, and I remember discussing lush with you), and/or maybe that other special franchise.

Be advised that I want to see you and I hope you’re being careful out there.

Do you have Team Dharma? I’m Team Dharma over here. It might be we’re not very organized yet, but we’d be talking about some very cool people. Golden Age? Golden Age.

Confidential to E.M.:
Are you one of the good guys? Did you figure out that I am? And how much was that one thing like a Wu Tang story?

Please can I have your help? Standing by.

Confidential to A.S.:
I like you, you know.

Confidential to A.M.:
Avatars, huh? This could get really, really cool. I think I can tell from the signs you’ve been giving me that you’re that kind of person, and that you’d be interested.

Confidential to H.C.:
I really want to meet you in person someday.

Confidential to [redacted]:
I believe that you told me psychically that you no longer want to fund nor encourage terrorism, and that you intend to stop. I implore you to stop. It would be good if you could encourage others to stop too. Terrorism has gone very far, and I’m hoping that you can be kind about this. Please do not support any abuse of me, nor any murder anywhere, nor any desecration.

Confidential to Big Tech:
I always thought you guys were pretty much the coolest people in the world. Are you?

It is my understanding that our negotiations on January 8th, 2022 are valid and true, and that we are proceeding in good faith. I look forward to hearing from you. This is in reference to a legitimized, legal surveillance-for-entertainment shadow industry (which preserves intellectual property and a reasonable right to privacy), my lucrative employment or compensation within it, and a huge signing bonus.

I think you already know that you do not have a right to do this to people without their informed consent.

Are you on the up and up with me? Are you willing to grant me all my rights? If you think about it, that’s not really a lot to ask. Please do not be on the lowdown and dirty. I want the things I’ve negotiated and been promised in our astral conversations. Please do not take what we’ve agreed upon and funnel it away from me and to anyone else. A.G. was not invited by you into our negotiations in the first place, and he has no rights over me, my intellectual property, my earnings, nor my labor. I have negotiated with some of you and others for myself, and it was to benefit a lot of people too, but not instead of me. I can get past all the abuse that’s in the past if it stops now.

Of course, if surveillance or content is being used by your industry for any other purposes, I am not agreeing to that, and I ask that you make sure that I do very, very well if you ever took anything from me at all to add prestige and/or value to your work and/or brands.

Please donate to me or my think tank (whether you have been involved with/been aware of abuse of me or not). It would really help.

Confidential to W.W.:
I’m the woman clothed with the sun. As it were. You should know that there are con artists out there. Ignoble. Con artists. They got ahold of unauthorized texts of me talking to guys and friends over the years, and they use my old sincere words to charm people. Then they’ll say they’re charming too. And they’re lying about a lot of things. They happen to have access to the fact that I was always the best girlfriend, and they are using me as a slave to shore up their act as terrorist honeypots and saboteurs, without my consent and very much against my will. Some of them have already plagiarized me in other ways.

I deserve the career and life I’m trying to build. It’s been hard. I live with disabilities (chronic illness, pain, and fatigue) that make it so that I needed to develop my highly specialized skilled labor because I need a flexible career that is high paying for high quality work that I can maintain at the hours I can maintain. Those are the career skills I’ve built, so theoretically that should be fine eventually if I can get the right chances. I haven’t gotten them yet. I’m honest and trying hard to get through this and beyond this. I’m doing good things. I’m no part of that criminal world.

Want to hang out with my own personal alchemical circus and save the world? I’m your woman. Weirdo Camp will probably convince you, and it should. If there’s any “game” about saving the world and getting everything perfect enough to do it, it’s me and my real-life work I’m doing. Take some time at Weirdo Camp. Camp here for a while. See what I mean.

Someone’s going to win the most gamified aspect of Weirdo Camp if they end up in the capstone couple with me (which is not to imply that I could only end up with a reader). Yes, I believe that a capstone couple in a healthy relationship featuring the prophesied Moonchild (literally me) and that Champion as its members is supposed to be part of Monarch’s anticipated rehabilitation, and it’ll be as good or better than the North American old guard with its Mid-Atlantic honor codes that actually existed at all. The whole world wins if the capstone couple exists and does the job right.

The main game on this site, of course, is a text-and-ascii-based odyssey offering exciting lessons in contemporary philosophy, suitable for most adults, and also counts as literature in the alchemical tradition. I hope you enjoy it.

See? Easter egg games do exist. It’s a valid genre.

Confidential to international and domestic luminaries:
Whatever the hell you set out to do with “Be Around”, I am certain that it never required any abuse of me (nor of children, nor of the public). Even if you are friends with these child trafficking terrorists (and the whole world hopes you’re not), or want them for your cherished romantic and/or sexual partners (and the whole world hopes you don’t), why does any of that involve abusing me and stealing from me? I understand I’ve been used atrociously and treated very poorly, mocked at every turn, deprived of income while mockery money– often related to my needs, my rightful earnings (I’ve gotten nothing from any of you), and my sorrow under torture– goes to the people who have wronged me most in life, etc. and I’m calling for an end to that part, and to all the violence. I want to shine bright too.

Their drama is not my drama. I am extremely reasonable, good natured, and good intentioned. As in, it is actually extreme how much, but that’s reasonable, right?

You say to me that your manners are better, your emotional equilibrium is better, your leadership skills are better, your relationships are better… because of me, and what I’ve been doing for and with you: I’m not seeing any return on that, and I know it’s fucked. As a shaman you’ve accessed, I once again request your respect and common decency. This can all be fine.

(note: If I am being used already as an oracle [a new Ecumenical Pythia for the re-civilization of society during and after the Apocalypse, or for any other reason], I need better “working conditions”, on every level.)

Open statements from me to everyone:

Open statement:
Popular Easter egg pages found on Weirdo Camp include: Alchemy module, Spontaneous quote roundup, Animal quotes, and Random ascii art collection.

Open statement:
1) All child abuse (including abuse of babies, of course) must stop, and all rationalization for child abuse must stop, worldwide. There is no justification for child abuse.

2) All wanton violence must stop, worldwide. All malicious bullying must stop. If you have been radicalized by anyone or anything, please address whatever boundary issues have emerged in your life by setting, maintaining, and allowing proper boundaries, and focus on self-deradicalization.

3) Corruption must be abandoned and reversed wherever it has taken hold. Stop all sabotage, including of the public. All scams must stop. Power is not there to be abused. Please be responsible with whatever power you have.

4) I need a better life situation. A lot of what’s going on in my life constantly reminds me of very serious abuse that I’d rather forget. I want to move forward in life. Please help me do that. I am who and what I say I am. I’m also loving, and I’m great company.

Open statement:
My name is Lync Dalton. I have reason to believe that I was unfairly used as an underground entertainer for years. Long story. I am a skilled writer, singer, philosopher, performer, and artist. I went to school for most of this, and I’ve also been a rigorous autodidact for fun. I believe that one or more internet writing projects I did in the past or some other factor may have gotten some people’s attention at one point or another. I’m not interested in making that experience about grudges, but I do want options in life. I call my underground entertainment brand ~WEPWAWET~. I consider myself an artist.

Open statement:
Good news: I’m an optimistic futurist philosopher, and it’s really likely that I’m actually right about that outlook.

Is the name Lync is futuristic enough? Probably fine.

I want an escape hatch out of extreme hardship. I’m worth it.

Open statement:
Abject impoverishment has been the most extreme and unbearable pain of my life, and I’ve had a painful life, including too much abuse and very severe chronic pain. No adult in my country should have to live on how little I have. I’ve stayed a good person, though, and I have unique and marvelous things to offer. I know that I want to embrace life. For some reason, I haven’t managed to get a single break yet (though of course I am very grateful for every kindness I receive).

Open statement:
I have been practicing shamanism most of my life. I became a shaman when I received a specific jurisdiction in 2019.

I believe that I can function as a crime psychic, though that is not my preferred type of shamanry. I really hate it. Crime really upsets me. I get a lot of psychic input about terrible things that people claim happened (some news stories over the past couple years have corroborated some of the specific scenarios, but I won’t go into detail). I try not to panic. It is highly stressful.

I want to say that it is hard, obviously, for me to distinguish between real crimes and urban legends through only a psychic format.

Open statement:
I am truly sorry about whatever crimes and evils have been done by individuals that I know (including have met). I believe that I have generally been a good influence on the people I was close with when I was close with them.

I am not personally allowing (nor doing nor encouraging) wrongdoing, despite being in a very disempowered position in life (please empower me, I have so many circumstances I want to rise above). I am not now nor have I ever been part of “Be Around”. I am honestly very medically disabled (which by the way no, I do not think makes me less desirable) and there is a devastating intimidation factor in my life, due to a current lack of independence. I am not the person doing any wrong. That is the one thing I’m absolutely sure of. If the people around me are being evil (and if I personally have no eyewitness evidence of their crimes, for the most part), what is the better thing for me to do than what I’m doing? I’m one with my spirit on this.

I implore everyone to stop all toxic deceptive practices, all evil, and all violence. Please do not get mixed up in evil ideologies nor mind games.

Open statement:
I want to make it clear that I am not in a position to vouch for anyone I’ve ever met, due to mostly the abuse I’ve endured and the fact that gaslighting torture has been a factor in some of it. I cannot vouch for them socially, I cannot vouch for them as safe people, and I cannot vouch for them in any other way at this time. I used to be effusive about the people in my life before I caught wind of the vile things that some of them are allegedly up to, so I feel I have to mention this. I’ve always been a very loving person, and I always gave people a lot of credit.

I can vouch for myself. I’m a good person. I have been very careful my entire life to always be decent-to-excellent to people, and I’ve done pretty well at achieving that. My values are good and sound. I have committed no wrongdoing against anyone.

Lately I’ve been out of just about every loop I know. I do not talk much to anyone I know, for the most part, all the way back since early 2018. I lost contact with a lot of people after I immigrated to Canada (health issues were overwhelming me, especially after 2017, and I didn’t have much else to talk about besides philosophy; I returned to the U.S. in 2019, and nothing’s gotten anywhere near back to normal yet). Only incidental conversations have occurred between us since around then, and very few of those at that. None of them knows me to comment on me, what I think, what I feel, whom I like, etc. I’ve heard that people may have tried to manipulate others regarding me and my life. Needless to say, this rumor is heartbreaking. I have to believe that anything besides those individuals minding their own affairs and respectfully avoiding interfering with mine is unwarranted and manipulative.

Many of the people I’ve met have been radicalized by a terrorist group, and that is the crux of my concern, along with some specific acts of violence I experienced first-hand. They have committed much wrongdoing very widely, from what I’ve heard. I’ve been told that a number of people I used to know were recruited into an extremely toxic organized revenge operation (that I will reiterate I had no part of) based in the polyamory scene and may have first formed against a man I’d met socially, and that group decided to target me personally merely on the basis of rumors that the man (who is accused, I believe, of being an inattentive partner, manipulative with partners, and not as good at polyamory nor at relationships as he claims to be) may have been attracted to me at some point, and because I am disabled and therefore vulnerable (please be protective of me and other innocent people who have disabilities). The revenge operation against him seems to have become a group or joined a group (possibly based on one or more people’s Patreons) that I hear was swiftly radicalized into extreme violence, deception, corruption operations, wanton terrorism, covert and open white supremacy, producing child pornography, and advocating pedophilia. They recruited some con artists and a bunch of them trained to be con artists. I guess you had to be there to understand how that all escalated. I wasn’t.

I’ve heard indications that some of them have been known to target people for social and/or sexual ambushes of one or another vile nature and committed other disturbing acts of sabotage, and in fact I know enough first-hand to decry their acts of sabotage for certain.

They have been targeting me with abuse for years now, I believe. I believe it started while I was living in Vancouver. I really want it to stop, if it hasn’t already. I am begging for an end to all aggressions against me, and I want to point out that those aggressions have never been returned by me. I am a peaceful person, and I love to trust and cherish people. I have done the least wrong in my life that I believe is humanly possible. I was that careful with people. I did not disrespect let alone harm any of the aggressors. I certainly did not try to seduce the man in question (who may possibly have himself been recruited into participating in “Be Around” at some point, but I really have no idea). I was monogamous to another person while I was acquainted with him. My now-ex partner/fiancé, who was already being controlling to and about me (and who was recently out of what seemed like a controlled dynamic with his previous partner), very likely became very embroiled in the terrorist group, flipped out on me and became extremely violent and deceptive to me, and killed my amazing dog Digit. It was like my life partner became a monster overnight. He abused me behind my back and in person, he subjected me to days and weeks of torture, knowing full well that I had nowhere to turn anywhere in the country I’d moved to at his request, as he’d enlisted several of our mutual friends in both countries to participate in abusing me. No, I don’t know how he convinced them. I shudder to think what he’s done since. I still can’t understand it.

Heads up that I’ve never had anyone lie to me as shamelessly as the man I was engaged to.

As a result of the terrorist group’s influence tactics, some of the people I’ve met as well as some people I’ve never met may have slandered me and fabricated false stories about me, opinions I never had, etc. Apparently many of them plagiarize me. I’d never even heard of mass plagiarism before. None of them has my writing style. Those things tend to be highly individual. I’ve heard indications that some of them have, unbeknownst to me, constructed grifting personas plagiarizing me. Some may be catfishing online pretending to be me (for motives unclear) or various celebrities. They and others in their terrorist group may have been running dating scams claiming to be in my downtrodden situation (having caused a huge ratio of my problems themselves), parroting my words, and asking for financial assistance from people on dating sites, etc. I’ve heard that sometimes they even use photos of me instead of themselves (though I hear they often use photos of celebrities and imply or say that they are celebrities); sometimes they claim to be the person behind my old anonymous blog Quizzical Pussy (active from 2009-2014). I have to think that this is some of the worst bullying I’ve ever heard of. This is horrifying, and I am poorer than any of them, being in genuinely dire straights financially due to long term economic abuse and chronic illness. Please understand that I have not and will probably never use dating apps nor dating sites to solicit donations, particularly not since learning of these scamming operations that exploit my situation so cruelly (I am asking for donations here on Weirdo Camp, and I need them; I am not authorizing anyone to collect donations on my behalf, but if you have collected any money intended for me, please make sure I get all of it as soon as possible). I’ve heard through the grapevine about these cruel and mocking scams happening (I guess some of them brag about it), and it’s completely miserable to think about how much misery they may be causing in total. I can’t understand these unscrupulous individuals’ values at all, if they have any. Beware, beware, beware.

Are they really competing with each other over who is allowed to be the “face” of my torture, stealing ~WEPWAWET~ (the brand name of all my intellectual property) and riding it to success, and/or demanding payment to construe as encouragement for acts of abuse? They are not allowed to plagiarize me nor violate my rights. I’ve created ~WEPWAWET~ to have a clear way to talk about what’s been going on and to claim what’s mine.

I hate it if anyone has mined my or anyone else’s victimized torture experiences in order to find a sympathetic voice to mimic.

I hear that many of them have been called out for insisting that people must work hard to manufacture the same reactions to them that they’ve had to me (for whatever reason), or even to celebrities (for reasons that I suppose are clear to us all), or to intentionally mix me up with other people in their head, so that they will somehow be easier to manipulate and/or so that I will be at risk of losing even more of whatever momentum I’ve earned in this world. I hear that they’ve been asking people to ignore crucial aspects of their realities and experiences. I’ve also heard that they insist on being given attention meant for other people as if they’ve earned it themselves, citing fake pledges that they claim someone made to humor them for the rest of their lives, sometimes adding the pledges were made while they were temporarily suicidal or discussing their possible deaths. Despite what they say, they are not the arbiters of luck, and I absolutely do believe that they have been trying to destroy the world and/or the human race. It’s shocking how much worse the world has gotten since I started hearing about this stuff, mostly through the psychic grapevine. Why has their nonsense gotten them so far? That’s absurd. They seem to be claiming to have many important people that support them and their interests fully. Is that true?

Are they really somewhere discussing a torture schedule of me and claiming that my precious and creatively fertile life is their red room torture scenario?

If any of them call me “mean” it’s only because they know that I disapprove of their extreme crimes and how viciously they’ve abused me (and the world) and taken extreme advantage of me (and others). If they call me a “goody goody” I believe they may be referring to my firm boundaries against pedophilia and extreme crimes, and/or other basic good-over-evil stuff. Honestly. I have no idea how many people are dealing with something similar out there, and if you are, my heart goes out to you. Where things have gotten bad, good people can turn the tide.

Please do not do anything “evil” nor criminal to accommodate them. Please do not participate in any of their narcissistic stratagems (that might result in violence). I recommend you not give them any special means of communication with you. Please stop all affairs (including emotional affairs and conspiracies) you’re having with them if you ever want me to treat you as a trusted client. Part of their terrorism M.O. seems to be compromising people via affairs, lies, cons, petty acts of unkindness, conspiracies, mind games, misinformation, etc.

Please do not communicate with them about me. They’ve made my life very hard in my vulnerable state, and I hope that people are willing to avoid these trolls, etc. as is ethical and aligned with professional courtesy and human decency.

I have been warned that multiple people may have used bootlegged audio(???) of me doing ~WEPWAWET~ sessions (possibly just talking to myself) and used software to make it appear that other people are saying what I’ve already said in ~WEPWAWET~. Do their voices sound like mine? Is this Snapchat stuff? TikTok? Where?

Please never help anyone steal from me. I implore everyone not to steal from me. And people, don’t troll my life away. Don’t do that to people. I’m still the good person you knew (if you ever knew me), and I’ve tried to get better and more ethical by the year, even.

Please do not disclose any privileged information about me. I am afraid of it getting into the hands of bullies. I believe that those bullies lie a really, really, really, really lot.

Note: My first name is Carolyn. Some people I know call me Carrie for short. Some people call me Lync for short. I prefer Lync and I write under Lync.

Note: Yes, I am the “goody-goody” of my family. I just happen to be an artist.

Open statement:
Please do not follow nor pander to any cyberbullying of me. Please follow and support Weirdo Camp and me.

Open statement:
It is not okay to plagiarize Weirdo Camp. I’ve probably made that clear by now, hopefully. Please credit me if you end up referencing it publicly or privately. I am trying to build my reputation as a philosopher, creator, and shaman.

Also, please never slander me nor bully me. I do deserve a good reputation as a good person. I have done no harm. I have not violated anyone’s rights. I have lived in good faith. I tend to be a good experience.

Open statement:
I am asking for people to support and promote my work. I want to go far in life.

I have received some trinkets in the mail that I didn’t expect. Am I to take that as encouragement? Is it friendly?

Open statement:
Please do not abuse me in absentia. Please do not abuse me. Please stop all plots against me.

Open statement:
Anyone unethically going easy on Be Arounds or any other real-life villains: please stop. Please do not be collaborators with them either. I think they need to face consequences, and that they’re responsible for things going wrong in the world many times over.

Be Arounds are members of a terrorist group called “Be Around” (also sometimes called “Sad Satan” or “Creepy Families”) that also commits child trafficking offenses along with its other crimes. They are an opportunistic crime ring in general, and terrorists as well: I hear that’s an ugly combination wherever you find it. I denounce them completely. I have nothing to do with them. I do not want them to be around.

And please don’t let them con you.

Open statement:
Please do not sabotage consumers nor participate in consumer sabotage of any kind.

Open statement:
I’m getting reports that many people are disturbed about finding contaminants in their food and beverages (including bodily waste, poisons, venoms, and other inedible substances). They are noticing that their water isn’t as good as it’s supposed to be, and hearing rumors about bodily waste, poisons, venoms, and other hazardous substances being thrown in their local reservoirs. Many consumer goods these days are bought already destroyed somehow, ready to break or contaminated with something. What can be done? Please, everyone, stop the destruction. It is not an experiment nor business as usual, it is coming across as very widespread and vicious terrorism. It is terrorism to maliciously taint even one thing that’s being promised as saleable and/or potable. Malicious, harmful sabotage falls under the category of terrorism broadly, and when it is illegal it is criminal terrorism.

Open statement:
I’m begging you guys not to harass people. Please do not try to trick people nor cheat them.

Open statement:
Reality check: Evil people don’t deserve positive self-talk. They don’t deserve any moral support. They do not deserve to claim nor be reassured that they are different than they are, (especially in terms of claiming to be exceptionally good). They do not deserve rewards nor platitudes for doing evil things. They should be honest with themselves (and others) instead. Evil people means individuals who do evil things and repeatedly do evil things.

Open statement:
Please do not emulate my communication style in an exploitative or dishonest way. Please express what you mean. Please be honest and fair. Please be ethical, and stay inside reasonable and sensitive moral limits. Please do not exploit me in any way. Please do not harm me nor my good prospects. I need them.

I hear this has become a problem. I am extremely grieved by this. Please. I’m a person. People are real, and we deserve your honesty and fairness. We deserve to keep civilization.

Open statement:
An evil pedophile used to stalk me, starting in my high school days, I believe. He stalked me all through my four years at University. I believe he started (cofounded?) a “Be Around” cell. I believe he may have told people I’m not worth helping. For the record, I am against pedophilia, stalking, malicious lies, bullying, sexual abuse, scams, and all the other things that constitute catastrophic failures to show humanity.

Open statement:
I’m a real person. My life may be surrounded by a lot of drama behind the scenes, but I am usually the calm in the storm. I do have feelings, and feel things deeply. I hate abuse. Even if you happen not to like me for whatever reason, there is no justifiable reason to be mean to me. Long term abuse (of me) has ruined my life, and I am hurting in the extreme.

I have been given to understand that much of the abuse against me was related to misunderstandings and/or anomalous behaviors, and I hope that part of my life is over. If I can find the right opportunities in life, I think things could be normal. I think things could be good. Please let that happen.

Open statement:
As a shaman I manage organic metaphysical technologies that I have developed. I am the interface. I channel some of the psychic technological feedback, which has at times come out in strange ways. I’m usually alone when it happens. I use head and hand movements (as well as verbal cues) to navigate complex metaphysical infrastructures, and those are happening inside my shaman practice, not for the profane. If you have ever illicitly surveilled me for any reason (and I strenuously object to anyone doing so), please do not assume that what those mean is clear to you. It’s private. I can speak in a few different accents, sort of naturally. They developed spontaneously for me, starting around the time when I de-immigrated back to the United States fairly shortly after immigrating to Canada. I affectionately refer to them as “future accents” sometimes because they are blended and distinctive. Hope you like them fine enough. In addition, in general, I can sometimes sound wacky or intense when I’m working alone. This is not unusual for a shaman, and I stay very scrupulous and careful with my power.

Open statement:
Part of my writing process is that I will tend to tweak things after I’ve already posted them sometimes, fixing small mistakes and editing for clarity, sometimes expanding on things. I do this to make sure I have a text up that I’m satisfied with, and because I consider this site a living document.

Open statement:
I am the person currently connected to Earth Logos, and have been spiritually installed as World Teacher. I request that I be accepted and treated as Jiddu Krishnamurti’s rightful successor. Thank you.

Open statement:
I affirm here that no one needs to jump through any hoops (including hoops set up by any of the people exploiting me) to see me. Just try to book an appointment with me for your shaman needs as normal (as described on my Support page) and I’ll personally let you know about availability.

Open statement:
I’ve been doing spontaneous results-focused remote healing sessions that are benefiting some of my astral contacts lately, battling pathogens, promoting healing (including of skull injuries), etc. I don’t have control over specifically who is getting them, and I think they’re happening synchronously. (If you don’t want a remote healing session when you’re feeling one in progress, you can detach from it by intending to detach from it.)

I’m getting astral feedback that some people are getting good results from these sessions, and that they’re really helping. I’ve been worried about some of you.

I recommend drinking plenty of clean water and getting enough rest. A molybdenum supplement can help with recovery as well.

Open statement:
Every day I’ve been doing advanced shaman work trying to nullify evil metaphysical influences that have been besieging humanity and the Universe, some quite recent due to tampering during the Apocalypse, some for decades or centuries. It’s been an immense amount of effort so far. Please notice if you are feeling more emotionally stable, more resilient, more reasonable, mentally clearer, less compromised by strange urges, or like some kind of fog has lifted, especially as compared with 2019, 2020, and the first half of 2021.

Someone out there has had your back that way, and it’s me. See if you agree.

Open statement:
On January 28th, 2022, I believe I made some significant progress in my process as World Shaman with the negative energetic legacies of certain enormous historical oppressions. I hope I’m right about that.

Open statement:
A note on my health and appearance: I’m going through an extraordinary health situation right now, and my body is currently very swollen. I actually seem to be bloated and swollen at the same time, which is every bit as difficult as it sounds. My looks are distorted. It is temporary, just bizarre.

My hair is currently dyed bright orange, which is normal. I have been habitually dying my hair vivid, unnatural “crayola colors” (as I call them even though I haven’t forgotten that art supplies do come in black, brown, tawny, etc.) for most of my adult life, and I cycle through different colors every so often. I may look like I’m experiencing severe medical bloating to a greater or lesser degree, depending on the day.

Open statement:
I talked to Kodiac bears, beavers, and other animals (including domesticated animals) and the natural world about them switching the energetic influences they exert and their patterns upon the Earth, so that they are helping to improve things in the world and encouraging humans to achieve dharma.

Open statement:
If anyone has spied on me for entertainment, edification, ideas, content, etc. then I remind you that deserve to at least be paid for it. I am extremely poor, and it is completely unjust to take advantage of me in such an egregious way. I’ve heard many rumors that this has been happening to some people. If you are spending your time monitoring me or discussing me for any reason, please be careful to avoid being hostile to me, even behind my back. There’s no reason. You (kind of) know me. I’m confident that if you’ve been exposed to my personal character, you know that there should be nothing like that leveled at me.

No one is allowed to take any money on my behalf, nor redirect any money that is rightfully mine away from me. Please pay me the appropriate amount of money directly if you believe that you should rightfully repay me or pay me for anything. You can mail checks or money orders to me (made out to Carolyn Dalton). Obviously, if I were being paid for the verbal content I produce every day that content would be able to be less panicked, less frustrated, and I’d have notification and a reason to keep in mind that I was being monitored. I would not want this to happen 24 hours a day, but I could be careful, discreet, and engaging much of the time, given the right circumstances. I’m stuck in bed a lot and need income; it’s not like I’d be so very opposed to cooperating if there was something in it for me.

Relatedly, anyone want to do this TV show idea with me?

All my intellectual property (including the things I say as well as all creative assets that are mine) is part of my collected works project called ~WEPWAWET~. I’m asking for people to credit me in creative projects if they use my content (either authorized or unauthorized). Example: “Additional content from ~WEPWAWET~ by Lync Dalton”.

(Note: I’m asking that this website be credited traditionally with links or, if offline, with the domain name.)

Secretly listening to a shaman at work may be amusing at times, but it isn’t respectful. I know that at one point in time I was illicitly monitored during extended torture sessions (I know where), the torture being implemented by a group of North American terrorists (called “Be Around”/”Sad Satan”/”Creepy Families and other things variously). I hope that never happens again; that entire period of time was shameful, and it’s not my shame.

I wish that people hadn’t been spying on any of my recent process of spiritual discovery and of developing my philosophies at a crucial point (during which I had to talk things out by myself aloud). Of course that’s extreme violation, and I implore people never to exploit what they took.

Please don’t use my words maliciously, ever. Please don’t take what I say too much out of context. Please excuse the odd rant under deprivation torture conditions that have lasted years now, if you are in a position to hear something like that. There is much stress in the mix at all times by now. I continue to treat people decently, always so far.

It’s been a lot of heartache.

Open statement:
When I scream it’s from pain and suffering. And from injustice done to me personally. I am in anguish.

I usually try to scream quietly because it isn’t safe for me to scream loud enough to bother anyone.

Open statement:
Remember in the mid-2010s when news stories broke about Russian psy ops, “fake news”, etc? I think that “Be Around” (also called “Sad Satan” and “Creepy Families”, and may be known by other names, websites, etc.) has been modeling terrorist psy ops around tactics inspired by those news stories and by what they were about.

I believe that they may illegally splice their psy ops with my ~WEPWAWET~ content (which consists of all my intellectual property) to construct some of their psy ops. I concentrated in Creative Writing/Literature for my major at school, and I have been working on developing sustainable and stylish people skills and my taste over the years (note also that I am sometimes on the flamboyant side with communication, and I’m sorry about that, kind of). Plus I have a cool idiolect (idiosyncratic personal dialect) at times. I do not know who else they’re plagiarizing and exploiting for creepy psy ops (including terrorist “honeypot” ops). Is what they’re saying making sense? Is it obvious that they want to treat you like a terrorist would treat a civilian? Are these communications feeling like domestic terrorist psy ops of some kind? Obviously, this kind of exploitation would be very embarrassing for anyone.

I hear that they are also active on TikTok, Snapchat, and OnlyFans, and doing psy ops there. I believe some of their psy ops may have attacked me at times. I’ve been honest, and my conduct has always been adequate or better for my entire life. I’m totally against their agenda as I understand it.

I’m seeing subtle changes around the internet, like people keep being forced day-to-day to deal with things that seem to be on “Be Around”‘s frankly evil agenda: pedophilia, child abuse, racist language, cruelty to animals, nihilism, Satanism, deep learning/augmented reality advanced morpho filters (e.g. beautification, age manipulation, and face morph filters, which are not necessarily evil in and of themselves, I guess, however, highly manipulated app-based photos and the deceptive use of them are a running theme in this true narrative because “Be Around” got early access to some of the most advanced photo filter apps during the late 2010s and may have been using them in con operations, etc.), and insisting that no problems exist, and that it’s stupid to question some kind of placid status quo that we aren’t experiencing.

I believe “Be Around” has been talking about trying to ruin the world over the last several years, generally claiming depression as the deciding factor. Have they gotten pretty far with that, or is it just a coincidence that the world is getting worse and worse since they started maneuvering in the world as a Satanic terrorist group?

Open statement:
As mentioned elsewhere on the site, I have heard that scammers may have stolen my side of conversations (chat logs, etc.) with some of my exes, etc. and used them, claiming that they are personal communications of theirs. Those conversations were private. I do not know what other content they intersperse with disseminating the material they stole from me, but I can imagine that it is unsavory, and/or that their motives are certainly bad. Obviously, this is a nightmare. I know how to function in a loving relationship, and my communications to loved ones tend to be fond and sweet. So I’m scared and appalled. Please, no one use my writing that way; please do not commandeer my writing in any way. Do not scam people. It is very wrong.

And if my exes have not been nice to me, it was not because I wronged them. I didn’t wrong them. I really want them to be good and decent people whatever else they become or do. I always did.

(Note: I called my most recent ex “cutie” sometimes, one of my exes before that “babby”, and more than one ex before that “baby”, as pet names, along with endearments like “slick”, “bunny”, and maybe a couple others, and got a tip that it might be good to mention those pet names here, just in case. So, sure. There they are. I don’t know much about the claims of scams that I’m repeating here as a precaution, nor about any specific scams and/or crimes. Please keep private conversations with writers private; please give people what privacy they deserve, and if they’re doing no harm it is usually a lot.)

Open statement:
I am scared of the people who are abusing me. I act like it, though I do try to stay civil.

I don’t like feeling cornered by them. It is very painful. I don’t like being threatened. It is terrifying. I don’t like being lied to. It has gone too far. I hate what they’ve done to me. I’ve had multiple reports that I’m being used as forced and stolen labor for entertainment, script generation, content generation, and more. I have been subjected to torture; no one ever deserves to be tortured. My options in life have been very limited for many years now because I am too disabled with chronic fatigue and other symptoms to maintain a subsistence-level job, and would need a specialized career to make use of my talents and the unique yet world class skills I’ve developed. I am being immersively gaslighted about the enslavement and torture. There are many indications that my lifestyle was shattered intentionally to expedite my labor being forced and stolen.

Slavery was abolished in 1865.

Open statement:
I’ve been through so many years of torment. Of course I want a chance at having a life.

I have had too few options in life (partly due to unfair human interference). I need a way forward. I need one or more of my shamanry clients that I’m working with or someone or something else to offer me a safe new living situation and a stable income. Everyone I’ve done shaman work for has been stealing my labor so far.

Open statement:
Please be careful with me if you value me at all. Please invest in me. I’ve been begging, and I’m getting nothing. So much cruelty has been done to me that it’s really affecting my health.

I can’t take any more abuse in my life.

Open statement:
It is not acceptable to murder me nor to attempt to murder me. I am placing this reminder here on September 5th, 2021.

I am reiterating here on April 2nd, 2022 that it is not acceptable to murder me nor to attempt to murder me nor to recklessly endanger my life nor to recklessly endanger my health by any means.

Open statement:
Please do not try to besmirch my good name. What is that behavior? I’m hearing rumors but not seeing it. I know that you know better than to do that to me if you’ve encountered me at all.

Open statement:
Apparently I helped Scottish Fold cats raise their self esteem in or around November 2021. They thought their ears were ugly before then, but they feel beautiful now, it’s okay.

Open statement:
Black walnut trees were especially toxic where I live in 2020. I got word as a shaman that it might be the same way elsewhere, and negotiated an improvement in how black walnut and its juglone and other toxic elements are functioning in the world. 2021 was better, and 2022 should be better, I believe.

Open statement:
I have heard astral rumors about people threatening to try to get me in trouble, including threatening to frame me for actual crimes that other people have done. I am a good and law-abiding person. I am very interested in having society go better for everyone, and I am nonviolent, good, and trustworthy. I love my community, and I respect the rights of others. I always have.

I’ve heard other astral rumors that somebody (possibly even someone in my own family) might be using my name as an alias, or using my name in a vicious meme where they make up evil things about me like I’m Keyser Soze, including “Be Around” activities (which I can guarantee you I’m innocent of). I do not know if the Keyser Soze meme is in any way related to the fact that I sometimes have to carry a cane, but it isn’t funny. If any of this is happening, these personal and legal violations sound extremely intentional, and I do not deserve them.

I hope that all that’s over now, if it was happening. Shame on anyone who’s done something like this to someone. Sheesh.

Open statement:
Terrorism crisis: There is a terrorism crisis. A lot of the terrorism is what could be called petty violence. If anyone sends you or your workplace a package that appears to contain some substance that might be poison or something else inappropriate for the use suggested, please do not use it, even if they cryptically claim that something “good” might happen if you use it to do something wrong. They are very likely talking about mass murder as a “good” thing, and it is very likely a terrorist operation. If they say that it is a group or character, etc. that is requesting that crime, criminal assist, or another terrorist operation involving an illegal activity, it is your legal duty to refuse them and contact the proper authorities. If your contact hints or promises that you might get money if you do the terrorist act they want, understand that it is illegal for you accept payment in any way for the mass murder or other violent crime operation they are asking you to assist them with. Nothing is worth ruining the world over, and the violence has been adding up. I beg you to make the right choices in these and all matters. If anyone suggests that you take out your anger by committing terrorist acts, please understand that they are trying to manipulate you, and that the violence they suggest will not fix any of your problems nor effectively communicate anything you want anyone to know. It is extremely wrong, and it is murder or at least attempted murder even if you aren’t around to see the results where they happen. If mysterious parties suggest that you contaminate or corrupt something in any way for any reason, it is very likely a terrorist operation. Please don’t ruin lives. Please don’t ruin the world.

Please do not promote nor instigate cannibalism in any way. Please do not murder.

My sources tell me that this type of terrorist operation has been a huge problem in the past couple years, maybe longer. I’ve heard rumors that some terrorists may be calling something “pique” or “peak” that turns out to be either PCP (a bad news hallucinogen), an irritant that may easily be carcinogenic or otherwise dangerous, or deadly poison. Please do not poison people nor give them strange chemicals. Do not put poison nor chemicals in anything nor on anything that a human may come in contact with. Please do not force drugs on people.

Please be the person we need you to be. The world is supposed to work as a functioning system, and most of the people want it to.

Open statement: I stress laugh a lot these past few years. It’s a way to process tension. It does not sound like mirth, more like a quiet explosive activity that I think helps my body get through extreme stress.

Open statement:
I do not want to be broadcast on a terrorist website, obviously. No one in their right mind does. Please do not allow that. I have heard that at some point illegal surveillance of innocent people has been broadcast on one or more very illegal websites, and that sometimes it is mislabeled as being someone else, and that sometimes surveillance of someone else has been mislabeled as being the names of illicit surveillance victims. Of course I’m never going to visit any illegal website to find out for sure.

Please do not broadcast anyone without their informed consent. If there is any feed anywhere of me used at any time for entertainment purposes, I want to be paid for it and I do deserve payment for it. I’ll remind you that I am destitute.

Please, do not put a chat near any link or stream of anyone being broadcast without their consent. I have heard that people are using those chat boxes in ways that are doing harm, and I’m begging for it to stop.

If there are any groups or chats on any platforms that are based around victimizing me (which may include plagiarizing me, illicitly monitoring me, discussing illicit monitoring of me, conspiring to harm me, conspiring to do things just because I would be devastated for them to happen, etc.), I want them closed down and banned immediately. Please do not use any such groups nor chats.

Open statement:
I am 100% against pedophilia, child abuse, and child pornography. This site is 100% against pedophilia, child abuse, and child pornography.

Open statement:

Please do not bully me. Please do not treat my life like your experiment in cruelty. We are all vulnerable where we must trust things to work well and fairly for us. We all must rely on the human decency of others, and decency does indeed carry moral imperatives. There’s been too much violation of that lately, maybe in general. I’m not the one who’s violated human decency, ever.

Open statement:
Please do not attempt to bargain with terrorists. Please do not bully people for anyone, including for those expressing a destructive mindset. It is notoriously ineffective, and it is unfair to decent people.

Open statement:
Please protect me and my rights.

Open statement:
It isn’t fair to me that I got sick. I never meant to. I hate having chronic health problems, and they are severe and go back over a decade and a half. Please be decent to me about it. Nice is really good, even. In my life, I often go through convalescing periods. It is always because of health challenges. I didn’t ever want that, but it happens.

I still have a lot to offer.

(For the record, if anyone has been disliking seeing me acknowledge my own painstakingly cultivated skills, I think it might just be that they have their own issues with women to work out or something. I appreciate that, but radical modesty– which I used to practice assiduously and in a highly ladylike manner– clearly was not working out for me. Please be nice.)

Open statement:
No one is invited to exploit me. It is so easy to pay me for what I do that you find valuable.

Please, everyone, be fair to me.

Open statement:
To anyone agreeing to immanentize the Eschaton: the Apocalypse is fully underway now, and I am here now. The global prophecies have been converging, and I think they describe my life and my rare abilities. The immanentizing can stop. I’m sure of it. Does that change plans? Are the next stage plans much, much less scary? I want the evil to stop. Am I treated well in them? I want to be treated very well, and I’ve had a very bad several years. If there are no next stage plans, please follow my suggestions and requests.

Password for everything I’m requesting on this website and in astral negotiations: Immanentize the Eschaton.

For the record, I was going to be born either way, and I studied shamanry and oracular trance and developed my skills mostly by myself. The Apocalypse never had to get this bad. I’m sure of it. With the random attacks to public health over the last three years, we could be experiencing serious casualties and fatalities for months or years. We could’ve gone forward the easy way, like I’ve been trying to describe for years. I’m sincere and sincerely good. Let’s make the world better quickly if we can, shall we?

(note: If I am being used already as an oracle [a new Ecumenical Pythia for the re-civilization of society during and after the Apocalypse, or for any other reason], I need better “working conditions”, on every level.)
(note: I want to point out that I did use my advanced oracular skills to figure out the diplomatic code that references helping me. I’m assured I don’t need to know any others to warrant zealous help now. The code was never common sense to a civilian before. I am a good oracle, and I’m here to do good. I want things to get better and better on Earth.)

Open statement:
I’ve studied the arts for years, including at school and University. My artistic analysis is loving and impassioned. Artistic expression is absolutely precious to me.

I earned flowstates on having written seriously (nonfiction, philosophy, essays, fiction, poetry, correspondence, and more) for well over 10,000 hours. I have written a lot of new media literature, and some of it has a large and/or highly influential underground following.

I am a trained and accomplished vocalist. I’ve written some songs, but not many.

Acting is of keen interest to me. I like to study acting styles and appreciate acting. I can act by channeling characters, which I love to do. I’d like to do it more, to do great stories justice.

I do visual art in spates.

I am an internet historian, especially interested in the sequential (micro) eras of the internet (e.g. dial-up era, classic internet, internet 2.0, the blogosphere era, the rise of social media, etc.).

Open statement:
Please compensate me if you have ever used any of my content in a personal or professional (or organizational) context, especially if it is without my permission.

Open statement:
Anything able to go right, please go right. Anyone able to go right, please go right. (I speak of right as in right versus wrong, and this is not a political statement). Love and light!

Open statement:
My stationary collection (including my favorite stationary with three steeds, with the palomino printed on the envelope too) was stolen from me in recent years, I believe by Be Arounds (many of whom are con artists who have very clearly noticed that I am interesting and artistic/literary). Weird thing is, I’ve heard rumors of the thieves sending letters to various people and then claiming that they (the thieves) smell like me (i.e. with reference to some kind of “smell test” to check if one is dealing with a good person or not; is that a thing?). Is this another piece of the puzzle?

Can I please have my things back?

Open statement:
I’m a good person so far. As in character and conduct. Perfect? Not quite if no one is perfect, but close enough. Honestly. I have been trying to cultivate my perspective for years to develop into a good person who is also a futurist; I noticed that those were desperately needed in a world always on the verge of the future.

Open statement:
Please check your privilege with regards to me and my situation. Much serious abuse and unkindness has gone viciously and callously unchecked over the past few years. It would be impossible to overstate how painful and damaging that has been for me, but I have not been in a fortunate enough situation to express it openly. Things could change for me on a dime. That would be fair.

Open statement:
If you are someone I know whom I’ve lost touch with at any point, please know that I hope you’re being decent to me, and that I have not wronged anyone, I’ve just been finding it hard to keep in touch. I’ve been occupied with trying to get my life. This has been for nearly my entire adulthood, and something sustainable has continued to prove elusive. I have ongoing illness, and disabilities that have made stability hard to achieve in my life so far. As of May 2022, I’m still in crisis from how much the abuse I’ve experienced from people I longed to trust has set me back. Maybe when we can both catch our breath enough to speak easily, we’ll be able to catch up. Semi-relatedly, how’s your Apocalypse going?

(Note: I’ve deactivated my Facebook from time to time, and that may be the case now. I should mention that don’t know what happened with some of my online contacts during periods when I was being tortured and/or had people use my digital devices without my permission. In general, I cannot see any text messages sent through a nonstandard app, including third party photo apps. Unrelatedly, I’ll reiterate here that I am not retaliating over the killing of my dog, which I will acknowledge seems to have caused mental stress to the perpetrators, and I am asking once again for the violence and abuse to end.)

If you are someone I know who has descended into something that involves terrorism or extreme crimes of any kind (including sex crimes, crimes against children, other violence, etc.), I am appealing to you to stop doing those things (and I am definitely appealing to everyone in general who’s ever doing that to stop). I have a very difficult time surrounding any of that stuff; it is of extreme horror to me. Please, if you’re doing that or collaborating with people doing that, I’m begging you to stay away from me. I am trying to stay respectful, and times have gotten very strange. I believe this is the Apocalypse. I do. I think it coincided with a certain degree of fall of Western Civilization, and depravity has been a factor, and we do have to pick up the pieces. I have love for many of you, and I’m grieving over a lot of what’s gone on over the past few years.

Open statement:
There is no clear reason to believe that depopulation efforts would make the world any better. There is no real evidence that the world was better with 2 billion people than it was with 6 billion. It is highly probable that other things are at play when it comes to arguments that overpopulation is a large problem and innately challenging people’s quality of life.

The argument of overpopulation may very often be an inappropriate response to potential stressors such as social anxiety and xenophobia.

In places like Canada, for instance, high prices and rapid immigration are matters that are actually distinct from overpopulation. Immigration there is being stimulated through active campaigns. Additionally, the price of international travel tends to be lower these days, even in the midst of otherwise high prices, further encouraging immigration and in some cases an impression of overcrowding.

Bonus concept: Peak oil is a theory. We find oil, but we essentially do not know how long the Earth takes to make it, even if we are able to carbon date its components.

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──── by Lync Dalton ────

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