
Sirius is a binary star system with two stars (Sirius A and Sirius B) anchored by an etheric star at its center. The Sun and many other local stars orbit the Sirius binary star system, which in turn orbits the star Altair in a spiral fashion as we hurdle rapidly through space. Sirius is inhabited by three dominant sapient species: one in Sirius A, one in Sirius B, and one on an astral planet that could be called Sirius 1 orbiting its etheric star. Both Sirius 1 and the etheric Sirius central star are invisible, and can only be seen with etheric sight.

Beings from Sirius have often been called “Sirians”, but they have requested that I call them “Sirions” to hopefully prevent the term being mixed up with “Syrians” (as in people from Syria) when said aloud.

The sapient species in Sirius A is humanoid, exhibits both bright coloring and coloring that looks more human, and is full of what on Earth we would call advanced spiritual masters, who work with the Theosophical rays and meditation techniques. They are astral beings. These Sirions from Sirius A are serene, build beautiful astral temples, and are aligned Neutral Good (Good in Neutral Good meaning that they’re always proactively striving for good objectives and good actions). They are each born to advance the spiritual and collective progress of the entire Universe, and are highly committed to doing so.

The sapient species in Sirius B look like bipedal lions. They too are astral. Sirion lion people have a rich culture with longstanding traditions. They are aligned Lawful Good (Good in Lawful Good meaning that they’re always proactively striving for good objectives and good actions) as a species.

The sapient species on Sirius 1, the astral planet which orbits the Sirius binary system’s invisible etheric central star, is an astral cetacean species that lives in the astral oceans of the beautiful underwater world. These aquatic Sirions are constantly sending messages to Earth telling people not to be evil. They are aligned Lawful Good (Good in Lawful Good meaning that they’re always proactively striving for good objectives and good actions).

It is very important that these and all other alien species never help anyone evil.

The Sirius star system appears to be the brightest star in the night sky on Earth, and the brightest star in our constellation we call Canis Major, the big dog, which is the reason Sirius is sometimes called the Dog Star. Sirius is the Behenian fixed star associated with the mineral beryl and the plant juniper.

Behenian glyph:

Sirius - Agrippa.png

(posted October 28th, 2021)


────────── by Lync Dalton ──────────