
Toliman is also known by the name Alpha Centauri B, and the star’s astral planet is home to the Alpha Centaurians. Alpha Centaurians look shorter than humans with large heads and eyes, and are grey in color. They are sapient. Many humans have had close encounters with Alpha Centurians since the 1800s, and people interpreted those experiences as being anywhere between sublime and violating. Alpha Centaurians have been motivated by a confused desperation that involves what is going on with their home planet, which is unstable (even though astral) compared to Earth mostly due to orbiting a star in a complex binary star system, as opposed to Earth’s Sun, which is a single star with a stable stellar orbit and temperature. They’ve been believing that analysis would fix their problems, even though analysis is only one of many elements necessary to solve a problem. It seems that their entire planetary society has been stuck in nigredo, to use alchemical terminology.

It is important to note that Earth does not want any of its visitors nor any of its neighbors to be cruel nor destructive, and that it frowns upon its residents being cruel and destructive.

Their planet, which could be called Toliman 1, is a rather barren planet on its surface, though it does have wildlife. It has two etheric moons. Its most dazzling features are its sky and its bright and interesting population full of individuals who enjoy advancing spiritually and alchemically.

Alpha Centaurians are usually astral, like their planet. They are properly oriented as Neutral Neutral/True Neutral (the second Neutral in Neutral Neutral is defined as morally decent or better, depending on what fits their situation best, but never evil, and never choosing to be evil nor do evil nor to side with evil) as a species.

Toliman, along with its binary twin Rigil Kentaurus (also known as Alpha Centauri A), combine to look like the brightest star in what Earth knows as the constellation Centaurus, the centaur.

(posted October 26th, 2021)


────────── by Lync Dalton ──────────