Ursa Major

Ursa Major (the big bear) is often known as the Big Dipper (which is actually part, but not all, of the bear). Some extraterrestrial life hails from Ursa Major.

Dubhe is the brightest star in Ursa Major and the Big Dipper. It has several planets, one of which is an astral planet that has astral sentient life. Dubhans look like wombats, and are aligned Lawful Good (Good in Lawful Good meaning always proactively striving for good objectives and good actions) as a species.

Mizar is a faraway quadruple star system located in the tail of the big bear and the handle of the Big Dipper. Mizarites are aquatic quadrupeds that look a little like horses, but are smaller and have whiskers. They live in one of Mizar’s stars, and are etheric and live in an etheric sea. They love to surface and look at the stars that come out at night.

(posted December 2nd, 2021)


────────── by Lync Dalton ──────────