Wormwood and Maldek

Many believe that Maldek is an ancient planet that used to lie in our solar system, but actually, the Maldekian are a species of alien that call themselves and their etheric planet after a notable Maldekian in their past named Maldek (who was definitely not a good guy, but the Maldekians say that they thought it was a cool name). Maldekians come from a star system that isn’t yet visible from Earth via any technology we currently possess, but they know what direction they come from in the Scorpio zone, and that it’s almost on the other side of the Milky Way Galaxy from us.

They tell me they like to call their binary star Wormwood in conversations with Earthlings.

Maldekians are like humanoid reptile men that have fish and amphibian traits as well. Humans sometimes describe them as Reptilians. They usually wear spacesuits, are usually blue, green, yellow, orange, or a color they call “H”, and they have characteristic blue lips and solid black eyes.

They have experimented with evil at times in the past, and did not understand it. They have now evolved to be Neutral Good as a species (Good in Neutral Good meaning always proactively striving for good objectives and good actions), and of course their planet Maldek is now Neutral Good as well.

(posted December 2nd, 2021)


────────── by Lync Dalton ──────────