
Fun fact on: Weirdo Camp

Weirdo Camp in part functions as a living guidebook for the coming age. It is purposely aligned with dharma and promoting the return of dharma. What is dharma? It is humanity in harmony with divinity, civilization, species, self, and Earth.

──── by Lync Dalton ────

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Saturated with light.

One of the most attractive thing about Ascension is that it’s like human upgrades. Substantial and exciting upgrades for the human body and the human experience.

──── by Lync Dalton ────

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On Golden Ages

Historically speaking, a Golden Age is a period of time where a society has a lot of extremely rapid and surprising growth and expansion happen at civilization levels, technological levels, cultural levels, etc. There’s good leadership, there’s good art, and there’s often timeless architecture. Everything kind of clicks, and people end up having a very stable and prosperous time, and everyone ends up remembering them as a successful society and admitting that there was quite an enormous amount to admire.

It is very desirable to get caught up in one of these Golden Ages, has been the general consensus.

Golden Ages have an alchemical element, and they expand that way. They start with good and inspired leadership. If we can get the world’s leaders righteous and happy and breathing alchemy, theoretically the world’s existing societies can start having new Golden Ages emerge.

A 21st Century Golden Age is highly possible for us. Theoretically, it’s waiting there on the other side of the Apocalypse, as long as we can exit the Apocalypse properly.

──── by Lync Dalton ────

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How bad is climate change?

Climate change (a term noticeably more nebulous but possibly also more accurate than global warming, which was the term that preceded it) is reportedly galloping along. Climate change crisis has been a topic of much concern since the late 1900s. The damage so far associated with it is said to be staggering, and it is a topic of much preoccupation. It’s looking like if nothing else changes, climate change alone could become responsible for decimating Earth’s current population (reducing it by 10%) in about fourteen years. Is climate change caused by humans and their industries? To a point, yes. Is it stoppable? Perhaps not exactly, in the sense that climate is still a frequently-changing system, to a certain extent, but the human influence upon it could stop or be altered in various ways. Is it reversible? Yes. The reports that the ozone layer is repairing, probably due to various industries phasing out chlorofluorocarbons, seem to be true and would eventually mean that part of the atmosphere should be able to do its job well again, which may theoretically make carbon emissions less dangerous to the climate and counteract the notorious greenhouse effect. At present, humanity and its governments and other stewards should be planning on constructing as many dams as it takes, which will alleviate many (but not all) of the threats of climate change. This is a time-honored solution during periods with high or rising sea levels.

As it stands, we may be unlikely to find the best solutions to all our problems during the Kali Yuga, which according to Earth Logos was already due to end circa 2012.

The theory that the Earth has much in common with organisms is true. The cure for its current troubles is holistic. There’s a quiet yet powerful way to remedy the Earth’s distressed state of health, though it may seem somewhat esoteric.

Climate change will get better during the Satya Yuga. That’s the next place to go (time-wise) once we wrap up the Kali Yuga. A lot of other modern day crises will get better during the Satya Yuga. That is part of what defines the Satya Yuga, which promises to be a time of dharma (humans in balance with nature and their divinely inspired missions) and harmony, as well as technologies we can hardly imagine now. Watch what happens if we get there. In the meantime, the prescription is to be good to one another, and apply ourselves to the right tasks.

──── by Lync Dalton ────

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Longevity in the Satya

Legends about the Satya Yuga say that people then live longer lifetimes than we do now. They’re virtuous and beautiful. You can read about this elsewhere on the internet. They say also that the Kali Yuga is too sinful, and that in it we are living in comparative misery.

Corruption and villainy are very rare and detested in the Satya Yuga. Polyamory and other nonmonogamy should be much easier. People are more gracious, and dharma pervades their relationships.

The Satya Yuga is due on everyone’s timeline, whether they are Hindu or not. Some people call the Satya Yuga the Age of Aquarius (although that’s just the first part of it, I think), the Golden Era, or Paradise.

We could be inside the Satya timeframe or close in ten years, theoretically. We could be those people. Ascension would provide transition between Kali Yuga biology and Satya Yuga biology and culture.

Some individuals may resurrect and end up living multiple centuries. Living to 150 may start becoming common for everyone else.

──── by Lync Dalton ────

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Manifesting deities

An avatar is a person who regularly manifests a very specific kind of divinity or relationship to a deity. They embody the energy of a deity or deities intrinsically, or serve particularly as their champion, and have a special connection with the divine or a divine mission.

This is so personal, but I am being candid because of recruitment reasons, and to a certain extent because the world is falling apart and this is no time to be shy. I have developed into what might be described as a real avatar; I didn’t even slightly know it until 2014. It didn’t sink in as something I understood until 2020, when I was much further along the path. It’s a long story; I’m guessing they all are. Real avatars are part of Earth’s Ascension plan, a plan that involves many people practicing spiritual alchemy, conscious ascension work, honest personal development, devotion, and more. Individuals can potentially emerge as avatars in the coming decades (and possibly even centuries) as part of their spiritual ascension process. They’ll hopefully help humanity reach the Satya Yuga (also known as the Krita Yuga) and an era of sufficient virtue and opulence.

I also believe in God and serve the universal God, who is good. One religious model for working with polytheistic deities while serving a universal God is present in many Ancient Egyptian religions, another is Yoruba. I use a syncretic model.

After years of training to be a shaman, I developed the spiritual anointing and the skill set to spontaneously manifest gods (including goddesses) via something like advanced, full body channeling. This type of channeling can be sustained clearly through even full beta and gamma state consciousness, in addition to the kind of channeling done in more trance-like states such as alpha and theta. This has been an extremely rewarding and humbling practice, and I love doing it. These are each important parts of me. Different deities manifest with different accents (which I didn’t learn, but downloaded spontaneously) and can use my voice in different ways. Some of them have very distinct astral and/or etheric images that can sometimes be seen with second sight while I’m manifesting them, but otherwise they just look like me.

More than one can manifest at once and have a conversation amongst themselves through my body. They also like to talk to people who visit me astrally sometimes. They don’t speak with me directly as much because I’m them and we share a mind as well as thoughts. Collectively, I call them the godwheel. If one experiences channeling multiple such energies having a conversation, perhaps it’s natural to think of it as being like a wheel somehow. It is for me, anyway.

Some of the polytheistic gods are interested in teaming up with other humans, extraordinary individuals who can become avatars or champions, and may have the opportunity to develop similar psychic structures to my godwheel. This hasn’t happened yet, but several gods have touched base with me on the matter. I know the names of some of the individuals they have in mind. One interesting thing to note is that many deities seem interested in participating in “concept avatars” that feature human beings manifesting a customized roster of deities, such that a concept emerges, almost like how a fictional superhero is very specialized. All avatars and champions of deities must, of course, be good and decent, and focus on cleaving to the right path. They will not be able to manifest deities nor attract their notice in a corrupted state. Rather, they must be worthy of carrying forward the bright legacies of good mythologies and very good energies. It will be exciting to see some righteous individuals develop that way.

──── by Lync Dalton ────

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