the planets

Fun (likely?) facts from Earth Logos

  1. Humans only invented the concept of money once. It happened in Africa.
  2. The worldwide bovine spiritual leader of cows (cattle) is referred to as Least Dangerous Cow. The bovine world leader of cows is referred to as Most Dangerous Cow.
  3. More on cows (edit: December 2024): Cows want to tell their tale. On an individual level, this might mean asking them “Did you have a good time?” or “Did you have a good night?”. On a collective level, cows’ original collective tale dates back to them coming up with the very new and interesting thought, touch me not, seemingly addressed to predators and specifically in reference at the time to bears. And they say it also had to do with having hooves. Modern cows have very recently changed their story to: touch me not if you are bad, but be bold if you are good. They still have hooves, of course.
  4. In the 18th Century (1700s), most early Americans (United States of America) spoke with what sounded like Scottish accents. This had to do with morphic fields as well as where people emigrated from and how they identified.
  5. Demons should be vanquished now (note: remind them that they’re vanquished, if you run into one, and see if that helps). There were demons once, of various origins. Goetic demons had some of the most recognized demonic names, like Asmodeus and Belial. In what you might call “fae culture”, demons often chose exotic-sounding (to them) English language names for themselves like Actress and Gross boy.
  6. Certain animals have created agreements with humanity to exchange meat for respectful maintenance of their thus-abbreviated lives and full numbers. They’ve noticed that they tend to like their lives that way if the agreement is honored correctly.
  7. According to Earth Logos, EFL (English as a first language) speakers are significantly less likely to become hyper fluent in another language. ESL (English as a second language) speakers starting at many certain various languages are extremely likely to become hyper fluent in English.
  8. The Moon in the birth chart has a lot to do with physical beauty. The Moon is one of the most beautiful things you can possibly see in the sky.
  9. Civilization has never fallen entirely. That’s not exactly how it happens (so far).


──── by Lync Dalton ────

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Sun signs through the Western zodiac, part 2

In Hermetic Astrology, the Sun represents the first thing a person tends to do in reaction to real-life variables. It empowers and flavors a person’s virtues and relationship with virtue (it may be helpful to note here that the Moon, often seen as the Sun’s counterpart because of their similar prominence in our sky, is involved with virtue blossoming in a complementary way, through a person’s natural empathy and desire for comfort and a happy society). The Sun is nice. Our solar system’s physical sun gives Earth essential raw material for elaborated matter in many ways, and does so predictably and consistently. People’s kindliness and personal decency is championed by their natal Sun in whatever position it’s found in, whatever aspects it forms. It also represents one side of someone’s creativity, that of initiation and of virtuosity.

In a birth chart, a person’s Sun is sometimes a dominant theme in how they relate to others. In other cases the Moon is more dominant. And these can be very balanced in an individual as well. Sometimes the actual birth time is an indicator of which type one tends toward, with people being born in the daytime often picking up more solar dominance, and people born at night often picking up more lunar dominance, etc. but there are numerous factors.

The Sun in the first six signs. (I recommend reading the article on the first six signs before moving on to this one, so as to get an idea of the zodiac year in order).

The Sun in the second six signs:
And everyone has all the signs up in the sky…

Libra: By Libra season, the sun (Northern Hemisphere) is settling into its autumnal moods, reclining yet keeping everyone mostly comfortable. The riches of the solar year are beginning to add up. Venus is the exoteric ruler of Libra, and Uranus (the sky god whose phallus fell into the sea and produced the goddess Aphrodite or Venus) is its esoteric ruler. An examination of that god/goddess lore may suggest to some a certain confidence and self-containment that’s often found in Libra. Solar Libra wants to be able to trust that the past, present, and future are understandable and reasonable. They want logic to prevail, and they certainly want to seem logical to others. In general, they don’t shine as much when they show off. They can usually easily learn to balance logic and optimism. Quirk: Libras are often among those people who can achieve normalcy all on their own, and they’re a little less likely than average to want a pet to keep them company.

Scorpio: The sun is giving way to weather in Scorpio season. We don’t tend to notice the sun as much as we notice the longer nights and the dramatic weather during those weeks of the year. Solar Scorpio is somewhat like this, trending toward darker aesthetic tastes, richly expressive and wanting to express intensity. Mars and Pluto are the joint exoteric rulers of Scorpio, and Mars is its esoteric ruler. With such a Martian nature, Scorpio is most lovable being honest, spontaneous, and decent. People will notice their intensity just fine. Scorpio doesn’t have to love people, but they should find a way to love the world and respect that other people have to live there. Quirk: Scorpio doesn’t understand the eighth house, and they tend to forget that sex usually happens in the fifth.

Sagittarius: In Sagittarius season, the year is growing old and weather in the Northern Hemisphere is noticeably tearing things apart outside, and traditionally, survival thoughts begin to extend forward through the coming winter. The exoteric ruler of Sagittarius is Jupiter, and its esoteric ruler is Esoteric Earth. Earth must be allowed to consider Sagittarius an ally, and Jupiter (called Guru in Vedic Astrology) must be allowed to consider Sagittarius a good student of life. Although this may not directly reflect its etymology, Sagittarius truly needs the first syllable of its zodiac name to indicate sage wisdom, which they should follow faithfully, and develop over time if they can. Solar Sagittarius loves to get excited about good ideas, and must learn to identify them and to throw out the bad ones without regret. They must take care not to get convinced of the wrong things. Quirk: Sagittarius has a tendency to forget that they like fun.

Capricorn: Capricorn season (Northern Hemisphere) can range from dreary to deep freeze, depending on where you live. People have learned to distract themselves with holidays while Capricorn season does its thing outside. As soon as the Winter Solstice happens, people abruptly notice that the sun is remote and brief with us. Saturn rules Capricorn both exoterically and esoterically. Solar Capricorn may sometimes come across as severe without meaning to. Capricorn is good at forgiving, often even if they give a different impression. Capricorn has generally messed up before, but must not define themselves that way. They must be more humble than that, is the thing. They usually know that they must make an honest, decent person of themselves. That’s the alchemical secret of Capricorn, and it makes them shine. Quirk: Capricorn can quickly pick up the bad habit of seducing people with the hard sell, and they have to watch it. The results can be very painful for people.

Aquarius: In the Northern Hemisphere, it is very important to approach Aquarius season with a hopeful mindset. The sun isn’t doing much during this time, but we keep moving around it, and we don’t forget what it does during the year. As with most signs of the zodiac, most of the holidays during a sign’s time resonate strongly with its themes. This is true of Aquarius as well. With things chilly outside, we have an urge to retreat to human contact for warmth. Aquarius season reaffirms humans as trustworthy. We think of a future past the winter. Aquarius wants to understand a vision, as in a forward-projecting overview of a viable future: either their own vision or a better one, not worse. They want to be human with people. They think about it a lot. The exoteric rulers of Aquarius are Saturn and Uranus, and its esoteric ruler is Jupiter. Quirk: Aquarians think that everyone is too emotional.

Pisces: Pisces is a time of slush and tease, with the sun coaxing a coming spring along. Things start sprouting, which feels merry. It’s a little more natural to look back; your coming spring is assured, as long as you get to enough tomorrows. Pisces is philosophical like that. Jupiter and Neptune are the exoteric rulers of Pisces, and Pluto is its esoteric ruler. Solar Pisces has personality, and they like personalities. It’s hard to concede that they are nebulous, but others often ask Pisces energy to be less nebulous no matter what. Pisces can forgive and be heroic, simple tasks when they keep their minds on the right things. They have a tendency to sometimes start contemplating the wrong things, which can mess things up too much. Quirk: Pisces wants to laugh.

──── by Lync Dalton ────

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Sun signs through the Western zodiac, part 1

In Hermetic Astrology, the Sun represents the first thing a person tends to do in reaction to real-life variables. It empowers and flavors a person’s virtues and relationship with virtue (it may be helpful to note here that the Moon, often seen as the Sun’s counterpart because of their similar prominence in our sky, is involved with virtue blossoming in a complementary way, through a person’s natural empathy and desire for comfort and a happy society). The Sun is nice. Our solar system’s physical sun gives Earth essential raw material for elaborated matter in many ways, and does so predictably and consistently. People’s kindliness and personal decency is championed by their natal Sun in whatever position it’s found in, whatever aspects it forms. It also represents one side of someone’s creativity, that of initiation and of virtuosity.

In a birth chart, a person’s Sun is sometimes a dominant theme in how they relate to others. In other cases the Moon is more dominant. And these can be very balanced in an individual as well. Sometimes the actual birth time is an indicator of which type one tends toward, with people being born in the daytime often picking up more solar dominance, and people born at night often picking up more lunar dominance, etc. but there are numerous factors.

The Sun in the first six signs:
And everyone has all the signs up in the sky…

Aries: Sun in Aries is in its exaltation, meaning that it can potentially feel very free and extravagant in its expression while it occupies that sign. This makes a certain sense, as here on Earth the astrological Sun is experiencing a naturally exciting beginning of yet another spring in the Northern Hemisphere, where Western Astrology and its zodiac were mostly born. Mars is the exoteric ruler of Aries, and its esoteric ruler is Mercury. Solar Aries is known for having an honest, bold, straightforward nature, and quickly becomes practiced at taking the initiative in situations. They are not too afraid to learn from failures. They prefer to be friendly whenever it’s reasonably justifiable to be so, and cannot tolerate their own sour moods well. They must learn introspection, no matter what. Quirk: Aries wants to believe in God.

Taurus: The Sun is gaining confidence in Taurus season, carefully building toward its summer expression on Earth. The richness and fecundity of that time of year is suggestive of its exoteric ruler Venus. Vulcan, an extinct esoteric planet that was reputed to break up etheric nonsense (a task still covered by Mars, Saturn, Chiron, Uranus, and Pluto, fortunately), has been suggested as the esoteric ruler of Taurus, but some people believe its esoteric ruler to be the asteroid Chiron, which spends a lot of extra time in Taurus due to having an irregular orbit. Solar Taurus quickly becomes practiced in sorting out what it likes and dislikes, and has a task in life to make sure its tastes stay tasteful. They have a natural affinity for what is appropriate, if they do not distort it in themselves. They have a particular interest in being genteel and experiencing general gentility. Quirk: Taurus hates being confused, but they’re often good at dealing with it.

Gemini: During Gemini season, the sun is climbing to its summer height, the Summer Solstice. On Earth (Northern Hemisphere), much is blooming and moving during this time of year. Outdoor paradises have erupted. Gemini is a natural child of paradise, perhaps. Mercury, named after a young prodigy god, is its exoteric ruler, and its esoteric ruler is Venus. Gemini likes to do everything, in the sense of being busy. Gemini loves to talk. Gemini loves encouragement, and often gets fairly good over time at taking things as encouragement. Quirk: Gemini overthinks the Gemini twin motif.

Cancer: Cancer is the season that starts just at the apex of the physical sun’s ascent. Perhaps this is why Cancer is so prone to reminisce, having the vague idea that the big buildup is what happened in the past. It’s just a year, guys. The Moon rules Cancer exoterically, while its esoteric ruler is an advanced Neptune. Cancer season (Northern Hemisphere) tends to be uniformly fine and pleasant. Solar Cancers do well when they notice the ways that their lives are fine and pleasant for them, and keep in mind that any additional angst is often a choice. Cancer loves to affect people emotionally, but feels things have gone terribly wrong when they notice themselves having a negative effect. They must mature emotionally to make sure they have a firm grasp of cause and effect in the human world. Quirk: Cancer always cares who’s in a leadership position. They want leaders to be good and competent, and don’t like the idea of people having to work around a leadership deficit.

Leo: We feel the heat of the sun most in Leo season. The Sun is comfortable, ruling Leo both exoterically and esoterically. Solar Leo wants to notice what it’s doing. They often feel like noticing what they are doing will help them notice themselves better. They do understand that the world should not revolve around them as it does our solar cynosure, but that they must work to mature while meanwhile the sun marks time for us. Leo wants to feel normal, in a lot of ways, but sometimes panics and insists on people making them feel special instead. It doesn’t work. Leo prefers for things to be aboveboard. Quirk: Most Leos started liking astrology because they found out they were Leos.

Virgo: In Virgo, the solar year is building toward an equinox, and the weather is gracious and galvanizing. Virgo’s exoteric ruler is Mercury, and its esoteric ruler is the Moon. Solar Virgo has a tendency to set goals to become things, rather than setting goals to do things, which is known to convolute things sometimes. They usually understand that they still have to do things, though. They can be deep, and that goes well, but being shallow might become a bad and insidious habit. Sometimes Virgo focuses so much on looks that they forget about the concept of overall attractiveness. Yes, people will buy something just because it’s pretty, but people are people. Virgos tend to be better at organizing than prioritizing, so they must take care to think about the big picture often, and on purpose. They want to relax the relaxation of the just. They fear losing themselves and becoming one of the world’s problems. Quirk: Sometimes Virgo wishes the Virgo symbol was something symmetrical.

Sun Signs through the Western zodiac, Part 2

──── by Lync Dalton ────

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The world can get better.

Aquarian principle: Developing and planning for win/win situations.

So after the unacceptable elements of the situation have been eliminated or minimized (mandatory for a successful win/win, think Aquarius co-ruler Saturn in its role as enforcer of practical limitations and practical morality), each of the participants (who are all desirable human elements) ends up getting a rewarding and nuanced balance of flexibility and satisfactory range of beneficial outcome. Takes some wisdom. Usually ends up being at least a little bit fun.

Jupiter, who holds things sacred, is about to re-enter Aquarius (while in retrograde) soon. Saturn has been there for a while.

──── by Lync Dalton ────

PLEASE DONATE TO WEIRDO CAMP. Do you enjoy and/or enrich yourself with Weirdo Camp? Please send a donation via Paypal (see site sidebar) or to $alchemylynx on Cash App.
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Today’s Venus on the signs

The planet Venus at 15° Leo conjunct Mars on what the zodiac energies say (starting with Leo):

Leo: Who am I?

Virgo: What do I do?

Libra: Why do I have someone?

Scorpio: How do I get something?

Sagittarius: Why are people doing that?

Capricorn: I want myself.

Aquarius: I thought about it.

Pisces: I wanted everything.

Aries: Why do I have this?

Taurus: I wanted that.

Gemini: I want to be myself.

Cancer: Can I have something?

Note: this is the result of channeling, and the quotes would probably be very different if, for instance, Venus were not conjunct Mars. This is a very specific perspective.

──── by Lync Dalton ────

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