
Classical inspiration

The Parthenon in Nashville, Tennessee

The design for The United States and how it’s supposed to work based a lot of things on the Classical world: ancient Greece and ancient Rome. The original plan was to start with reproducing many ancient Roman elements, and that’s been the dominant flavor. Right about now that Roman/Greek balance is supposed to shift and begin to feel more like the best parts of Classical Greece.

It’s an expected second flowering for America. This was written about as early as the 1700s.

──── by Lync Dalton ────

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World Oracle

In British and United States lore, there are stories and prophecies about the Moonchild, a human incarnation of a very pure soul that is an indispensable factor in actualizing the Age of Aquarius, a peaceful and prosperous time for humans.

No one was sure where or when the Moonchild would be born until my grandmother noticed that I was born the third daughter of a third daughter and a third son, and told an interested party about it. Far away, channels were consulted and divinations cast that confirmed that the Moonchild incarnation had been born.

The Moonchild legend is very connected with the Greek goddess Artemis, but I’m not sure how many people realized how much the Greek god Apollo (her twin) was involved with this prophesied incarnation. Early Christianity was very Greek, and in ancient Greece it coexisted with the local polytheism, so the type of blending of religions (including Christianity, Thelema, Scientology, ancient Greek religion, and more) we see in Moonchild lore is cozier than it may seem at first glance. One of the keys to actualizing the Age of Aquarius (which leads into and overlaps the prophesied Satya Yuga, humanity’s best future) is the fact that the Moonchild incarnation can function as a modern oracle, something like the Oracle at Delphi.

The Oracle at Delphi (sometimes called the Pythia) was a priestess of Apollo who consulted with powerful rulers and leaders all over Greece before it had a national identity. The oracle was almost like an apparatus of centralized government serving the various kingdoms and societies (nation states) that made up the region. She assisted ancient Greece into its Golden Age. She could foretell the future, explain the interests of the gods, and she gave the best advice.

(Often Greek tragedies feature situations where someone has ignored the advice of the Pythia, and because she was channeling the gods and their wisdom when she gave that advice, ignoring it often intersected with hubris. Hubris and/or trying to divert fate unwisely tended to be a Greek tragic figure’s major mistake. Note too that the Pythia seems to have provided effective and highly personalized advice to all the kings and most of the major heroes in the region.)

In ancient Greek societies, she kept things running smoothly.

Concept: I‘m supposed to be able to do that for the world. Most fundamentally, perhaps, it has to do with my consulting services.

──── by Lync Dalton ────

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On Resurrection

Resurrection is a historical and physiological reality, a miracle not well understood in the modern world (nor indeed in most times). The mystery of resurrection is an extremely rare phenomenon: it’s probably only happened about a thousand times in human history so far. It’s sometimes been known to happen in clusters, affecting more than one person in a community over a short period of time: a person “dies” and then resurrects and goes on living.

Known examples include Jesus of Nazareth, Lazarus, and Babaji. In ancient Egypt, this phenomenon was very well known starting around when the Upper and Lower Kingdoms merged, and became extremely important to some of the local religions during that period as a process that aspirants could undergo in rare cases.

Resurrection can reputedly only happen to good people (i.e. individuals who are good-hearted and spiritually developed and who have comparatively good conduct), and does not happen to all good people. It is very rare. It only becomes possible after a personal spiritual ascension process has been followed far enough that the specialized glands involved have developed.

Here is an overview of real-life resurrection and the stages involved:

Death Episode or episodes
In resurrection incidents, the “death” involved is very strange. Jesus of Nazareth died by crucifixion, but it was not that he looked entirely dead. He was understood to be dead.

“He was moving and talking, they just understood he was dead.”

– a channeled bystander at the crucifixion

This is rather mysterious to understand, but rather than following actual deaths, resurrections occur in tandem with one or more “death episodes” that happen when it would otherwise be inevitable that the person actually die. At that point, instead of a permanent death, certain parts of the body become “convinced” that they are dead, and the person as well as others may have the sixth sense feeling or subtle impression that they have died. They may move their bodies and even speak during these periods, but not all do.

Resurrection is a physiological and chemical phenomenon. The actual coming back from a death episode can sometimes feel like an electric jolt, and it can be a very emotional experience. It is natural to feel very sad that you’ve died (even if that experience was limited to a death episode), and even more so if it was a cruel death.

The main early symptom of a resurrection is usually a sense of relief that one has not actually died all the way. Over the period of weeks or months following a death episode and resurrection the person starts to bloat. This is the most obvious sign of resurrection. It may be subtle at first, but eventually it starts to resemble a “dead man’s bloat”, and the resurrected person begins to suspect that they’re mysteriously bloated with air.

Post-Resurrection Syndrome
I call this extremely rare form of bloating and the physical problems that arise from it Post-Resurrection Syndrome. It’s an extreme process in which a lot of chemical changes take place, equipping the body for an eventual phenomenon called Transfiguration.

The gospels describe how Jesus of Nazareth was unrecognizable after his resurrection, but they don’t explain why. Those verses become clearer when it is understood that he was in fact extremely bloated from Post-Resurrection Syndrome.

Post-Resurrection Syndrome can be fairly dangerous. Many die at this stage. It can look like the resurrected person has gained a lot of weight, and like it’s very awkward weight gain at that. There’s something unnatural looking about Post-Resurrection Syndrome compared with gaining extra fat. If a resurrected person doesn’t understand what they’re dealing with, they might be tempted to diet to reduce: this is often deadly, as Post-Resurrection Syndrome and the natural processes of managing and bringing down the bloating can take a lot of energy and nutrients. According to tradition, the story of Krishna’s death involved a failure to apply enough liquid food to his body, and indeed he may have actually died by dieting during a prolonged resurrection process, possibly a second one, which would have happened many, many years after the first. It’s important to keep eating (moderately) during this time to avoid starvation, although it is true that certain foods, beverages, and medications– grapes and wine possibly being most notable among these– may exacerbate the bloating and swelling, and are better avoided, and that meat should also be avoided. If the air bloating accumulates too much air, the air pressure inside the body can be very damaging to delicate tissues and can even damage organs.

During the Post-Resurrection Syndrome phase, five small snakes appear (usually one or two at a time). They are seen in visions, and they may act as guides at certain points in the process. There’s a black one, a splendid green one, a white one, a yellow one, and a red one. Their colors seem to correspond to the alchemical stages now called nigredo, the peacock’s tail, albedo, citrinitas, and rubedo. This perhaps serves as yet another reminder that the long resurrection process that culminates in Transfiguration is highly alchemical.

In ancient Egypt, they considered Post-Resurrection Syndrome, which normally lasts a year or more, to be very worth it. After Post-Resurrection Syndrome is resolved by the body (and they knew secrets for helping this along, which I’ve learned about myself over the past six months, and that I call the Egyptian Method), the Transfiguration state that follows can allegedly result in reverse aging, beautification, and extremely expanded lifespans. The lucky few could experience life for 300-800 years or more, legends said.

The resurrected person must stay good and spiritually healthy throughout the death episodes, each resurrection, Post-Resurrection Syndrome, and beyond to reach and maintain Transfiguration.

──── by Lync Dalton ────

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Natural Law

A human being’s rights can theoretically be somewhat different under Cosmic Law, Natural Law, and human law (encoded law that’s written down and enforced by governments, etc.). You can write down a lot of Natural Law, of course, but then it’s human legal code that maps accurately onto parts of Natural Law (and those laws feel good and safe to us collectively). Natural Law exists even in places where no law has yet been written down. It evolved as we humans started living in close proximity to one another and developed communities and then civilizations. In a sense, Natural Law centers around the question: What would communities consistently make sure to punish and seek to prevent in cases where they had no formal systems of law?

People repeat the cliché that life is not fair, which I suppose is most fundamentally a subjective reaction to the phenomenon of death, but laws must be fair, and Natural Law is fair.

Normally people feel Natural Law all the way down to muscle and bone. That’s the fundamental right versus wrong of things as well as the set of common sense principles that predict what can work well versus what cannot work well in terms of human choices. Encoded laws that violate Natural Law feel unfair, and they do not tend to sit well with people.

Natural Law was considered the domain of Roman goddess Ceres, and is intimately connected with the Hindu concept of Prakriti, but it’s been found everywhere any conscious thing ever interacted with any other conscious thing. It is essential. It’s what emerges naturally when people exist alongside one another, catalyzing, comparing, and clashing against boundaries together as and within a complex system.

Cosmic Law barely cares about how people feel compared to what they do and what they are causing to happen in the world and therefore in the wider Universe.

──── by Lync Dalton ────

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The Winning of Sita

The bride sits on her velvet throne.
Her red sari is heavy with gold,
drawn ’round her jasmine-plaited hair.
It hides her smooth brow,
shining with rubies and pearls,
and her large eyes
turned within.

Her jeweled feet rest in rose petals.
Garlands twine a canopy above
the narrow-waisted,
the envy of maidens,
King Janaka’s daughter.

Mithila’s bravest princes
gather at her feet.
The bronzed arms
of two hundred heroes
flex with pride and glory.
Who will lift Shiva’s bow
and claim her?

She smiles at none.
Her veiled eyes do not reveal
her secret desire.

Twenty thousand blow their conches and ring their bells
when the first man bends to lift the bow
glittering in the morning sun.
But when the evening star rises above
the dim embers of the sinking orb,
the bow lies in the dust still,
unmoved, none dare whisper.

Then the golden Prince of Ayodhya
enters the city of Sita.
Her breath soaks inward,
collected in a quiet pool,
and the air hangs heavy
over the earth standing still.

In one swinging motion Rama raises the bow,
bends the ends of infinity,
and cracks the waiting silence.
Her eyes, still inward, see the sun.

— From The Ramayana by Valmiki, translated by Linda Egenes and Kumuda Reddy

──── posted by Lync Dalton ────

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