
Yugas and Ages

Neither yugas nor astrological ages are entirely standardized. They come when they come, and they tend to leave when it’s time.

Yugas are part of a very long cycle, and have evolutionary significance. When the world is due to turn from one yuga to another, the signs are extremely dire. Things become highly untenable. Usually mistakes are made that hint at decay in the old paradigm and the coming of a new one. The mistakes have solutions, and the new yuga grows alongside those solutions and the natural realignments that occur.

Some of us experienced yuga turns in past lives in other star systems or here on Earth. Earth records show that humans physically evolved on Earth during the Dvapara Yuga. The Dvapara Yuga ended with the Fall of Eden, along with various other mistakes that happened around that time. Gaining the Satya Yuga will require enough people making sure things go very right, since Kali Yuga to Satya Yuga is a huge leap in quality otherwise unknown. All the other yuga turns are actually downgrades, but the quality of existence itself in each past yuga (and during the main part of the Kali Yuga, when it was not too decayed) is still much better than the current bottoming out we’ve been experiencing in the late, late Kali Yuga.

Ages are a shorter cycle. The Kali Yuga has been in progress for multiple ages straight now. The Age of Pisces is ending. The signs that an age is decaying are subtler than with yugas. Ages often last more than a thousand years, and the distinctions between them have more to do with specific spiritual needs and subtle influences that come to the forefront as the energy of the previous age ebbs away. As the next age blossoms, new archetypes and iconographies come into sharper focus. The ages go in reverse zodiacal order (like North Node in astrology usually moves, with brief direct periods analogous to the retrograde periods occasionally observed in planets).

The story of Moses banning a gold statue of Apis (or another polytheistic sacred bull or calf) is often interpreted as both a statement about monotheism and its importance right then and as an intuitive understanding that the old Age of Taurus was over, and a new way must be sought.

Similarly, Christianity’s association between Satan (or the devil) and goats may have been a conscious or unconscious statement that the old Age of Aries and some of its ways contained pitfalls during the Age of Pisces.

There isn’t supposed to be any Satan nor devil (nor even Eshu) in the Age of Aquarius (and therefore no witchcraft). No lords of illusion here, out of the Piscean Age’s slippery grasp. No backwardness. The Age of Aquarius is that much about order and collective good.

So it isn’t really about how many years each age and yuga lasts. It’s more like watching a climate shift throughout the year and seeing weather systems roll through. The timing is more naturalistic than clockwork.

──── by Lync Dalton ────

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The Ten Commandments

I am the Lord your God.
1) Thou shalt have no other gods before me

God exists. This is good news. God seems mysterious to human beings. If you experience God through another deity, it’s best not to forget God. That deity knows of the universal God and worships the universal God, or they are not divine.

2) Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image
This commandment talks about how the God of Israel was not expressed during the time of Moses using devotional art. Monotheism and polytheism were in conflict often around this time. A syncretic model that puts gods under God is one way to harmonize monotheism and polytheism. If you connect with God through an object somehow, it’s best not to forget God.

3) Thou shalt not take the name of thy Lord in vain
God and human vanity have a difficult relationship. God must take precedence over vanity. God has very little patience for toxic vanity. When you claim that you are like God or the godly without it being true, your vanity is getting in your way. When you speak of God as if God doesn’t matter, your vanity is getting in your way.

4) Remember the Sabbath Day, to keep it holy
It’s a good idea to set aside time for God. It’s a good idea to recenter your life around God periodically.

5) Honor thy father and thy mother
Good and honorable families are beloved of God. The people who make and maintain those kinds of families deserve respect. We need good and honorable people. Do not revolt against that which is both familiar and righteous simply because it is familiar.

6) Thou shalt not murder
It is wrong to kill an innocent person. God hates it. Your inner being hates it.

7) Thou shalt not commit adultery
It is wrong to misuse sexuality (or romance) so that it ruins the righteous relationships you want to keep, including with God, including with yourself. God hates child sexual abuse. God hates incest.

8) Thou shalt not steal
It is wrong to steal and wrong to take maliciously or deceptively. It hurts someone immensely to take that which they cannot afford to lose (and will most likely require fair restitution). It hurts your relationship with God to take unfairly.

9) Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor
It is wrong to lie about anything serious without clear justification. Lying unjustly about another person is especially hated by God.

10) Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s house nor thy neighbor’s wife (nor husband) nor his sins nor his assets nor anything of him (or her, etc.)
Toxic envy can ruin your entire life. God is grieved to see people doing this, and God does not tend to side with them.

──── by Lync Dalton ────

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Manifesting deities

An avatar is a person who regularly manifests a very specific kind of divinity or relationship to a deity. They embody the energy of a deity or deities intrinsically, or serve particularly as their champion, and have a special connection with the divine or a divine mission.

This is so personal, but I am being candid because of recruitment reasons, and to a certain extent because the world is falling apart and this is no time to be shy. I have developed into what might be described as a real avatar; I didn’t even slightly know it until 2014. It didn’t sink in as something I understood until 2020, when I was much further along the path. It’s a long story; I’m guessing they all are. Real avatars are part of Earth’s Ascension plan, a plan that involves many people practicing spiritual alchemy, conscious ascension work, honest personal development, devotion, and more. Individuals can potentially emerge as avatars in the coming decades (and possibly even centuries) as part of their spiritual ascension process. They’ll hopefully help humanity reach the Satya Yuga (also known as the Krita Yuga) and an era of sufficient virtue and opulence.

I also believe in God and serve the universal God, who is good. One religious model for working with polytheistic deities while serving a universal God is present in many Ancient Egyptian religions, another is Yoruba. I use a syncretic model.

After years of training to be a shaman, I developed the spiritual anointing and the skill set to spontaneously manifest gods (including goddesses) via something like advanced, full body channeling. This type of channeling can be sustained clearly through even full beta and gamma state consciousness, in addition to the kind of channeling done in more trance-like states such as alpha and theta. This has been an extremely rewarding and humbling practice, and I love doing it. These are each important parts of me. Different deities manifest with different accents (which I didn’t learn, but downloaded spontaneously) and can use my voice in different ways. Some of them have very distinct astral and/or etheric images that can sometimes be seen with second sight while I’m manifesting them, but otherwise they just look like me.

More than one can manifest at once and have a conversation amongst themselves through my body. They also like to talk to people who visit me astrally sometimes. They don’t speak with me directly as much because I’m them and we share a mind as well as thoughts. Collectively, I call them the godwheel. If one experiences channeling multiple such energies having a conversation, perhaps it’s natural to think of it as being like a wheel somehow. It is for me, anyway.

Some of the polytheistic gods are interested in teaming up with other humans, extraordinary individuals who can become avatars or champions, and may have the opportunity to develop similar psychic structures to my godwheel. This hasn’t happened yet, but several gods have touched base with me on the matter. I know the names of some of the individuals they have in mind. One interesting thing to note is that many deities seem interested in participating in “concept avatars” that feature human beings manifesting a customized roster of deities, such that a concept emerges, almost like how a fictional superhero is very specialized. All avatars and champions of deities must, of course, be good and decent, and focus on cleaving to the right path. They will not be able to manifest deities nor attract their notice in a corrupted state. Rather, they must be worthy of carrying forward the bright legacies of good mythologies and very good energies. It will be exciting to see some righteous individuals develop that way.

──── by Lync Dalton ────

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The veils of the Tree

On the Tree of Life, there are two veils. When ascending the Tree, the first is called Paroketh, and it is located under Tifareth. The second is the Abyss, which begins above Gevurah and Chesed. In some traditions they are called the Veil of Nephthys and the Veil of Isis. They are dimensional thresholds. They represent paradigm shifts toward enlightenment and spiritual purity. They hide the sefirot above them from being perceived until they’ve been crossed.

The profane may not even cross the first veil.

──── by Lync Dalton ────

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Rama and Sita

The Ramayana is based on real events that took place during the Dvapara Yuga (a time period with roughly twice as much dharma as we have known in the Kali Yuga). It is about Vishnu being born as a prince named Rama, who was destined to rid the world of an evil warlord who could only be killed by a human. In the poem, you can see that even if they weren’t perfect, most of the people in the story put effort into doing the right thing and tended to be good and gracious to one another. The end of the poem is very sad, though, and dharma seems to collapse, causing a lot of tragedy.

Whether Rama and his wife Sita separated at the end of their difficulties in and leading up to Lanka depends on where you ask. It’s different in some cities and households and times than others. I believe and have recovered the information that the tradition that says that Rama and Sita stayed together permanently after she was rescued from the warlord’s grasp is the accurate one.

The tragic ending of Valmiki’s Ramayana, which I believe was adapted in during the Kali Yuga, brings up important feminist questions. They may have been particularly historically or socially relevant questions at that time.

Rama and Sita are known throughout the world as models of a good king and queen, and as good parents. Rama was the Gemini Christ by the same time metric where Jesus is known as the Piscean Christ, Gautama Buddha was the Aries Christ, and Krishna was the Taurean Christ.

──── by Lync Dalton ────

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Ascension is a moderately complicated concept. It involves an alchemical, spiritual, and in some cases physical shift into being a more highly evolved and spiritually connected person. Around 2012, certain communities started buzzing with the idea that we were approaching a time when enormous numbers of people would ascend spiritually into a higher order of being and experience unprecedented blossoming. Information from what were most likely channellings on the subject was shared widely.

The term Ascension as used in this circa-and-post-2012 context does not indicate becoming less a part of three-dimensional reality (as Enoch, Elijah, and Jesus Christ were said to have ascended into heaven), but rather occupying more and more invisible dimensions above that while still alive and participating in life on Earth.

For instance, the fourth dimension contains a lot of social and emotional information. The fifth dimension transcends that and looks at an even bigger picture, and information can move even more freely there. The sixth dimension is very pure and full of good intention. A dedicated individual can theoretically ascend to invisibly occupy up to the eighth dimension (which is involved with temporal anomalies and time travel) and higher.

The (I assume) channelled information discussed an Ascension where a large portion of the population experiencing psychic phenomena, etheric sight and sound, developing more awareness, developing more brain power, an ability to process light almost like food, spiritual experiences, anatomical changes, spontaneously remembering past lives, and an increased sense of peace. I did not happen to come across the original sources for these channelings or predictions, but if you know them please leave the information in a comment. I’d appreciate it.

A Global Ascension would mean that our entire planet and all on it were experiencing a collective shift into new spiritual and experiential levels.

In 2012 I decided that ascending might help me develop some extra healing options at some point or other, and I felt a beckoning. I decided to try. I’m a futurist. I worked at my meditation skills, my philosophies, and my alchemy.

I can confirm physical and phenomenological changes connected with ascending. There have been structural changes. For instance, my skull has changed shape: the part that cradled my hindbrain has been reduced in size, which I believe likely corresponded to developing a brain structure with less hindbrain. Humans on Earth evolved such that the pons and cerebellum have vestigial functions that translate to dysfunction in a contemporary human’s modern-day life, per fairly well-accepted theories in psychology and neurology, as I understand it, in the case of the cerebellum, at least. I believe that both those brain features have been reduced in size in my case, and optimized so that I no longer experience much of that vestigial malfunctioning. Overall my skull has become bigger, and I seem to have developed a larger healthy parietal lobe.

There are other physical changes internally, many of them involving new glands and possibly a second vascular system. I’m a medical intuitive, but this stuff is rather complicated.

And my looks have shifted somewhat. This won’t necessarily happen in each individual ascension, and I’m told it can be prevented in cases where people don’t want it. I like most of the physical changes, some of them quite a lot. I think I’ve read speculation that people will tend to look better after they’ve experienced a significant personal Ascension.

I can also confirm having experienced spontaneous contact with past lives and many of the other Ascension experiences I heard and read about being expected in ascending individuals.

Evil people can’t ascend. They are disqualified. Spiritually, they are walking a grim downward spiral, not an ascending pattern. It’s a lot about getting your mind right. It’s a lot about following your intuition, and using it to do the right thing day in, day out. It’s happy work.

──── by Lync Dalton ────

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