
Fun (likely?) facts from Earth Logos

  1. Humans only invented the concept of money once. It happened in Africa.
  2. The worldwide bovine spiritual leader of cows (cattle) is referred to as Least Dangerous Cow. The bovine world leader of cows is referred to as Most Dangerous Cow.
  3. More on cows (edit: December 2024): Cows want to tell their tale. On an individual level, this might mean asking them “Did you have a good time?” or “Did you have a good night?”. On a collective level, cows’ original collective tale dates back to them coming up with the very new and interesting thought, touch me not, seemingly addressed to predators and specifically in reference at the time to bears. And they say it also had to do with having hooves. Modern cows have very recently changed their story to: touch me not if you are bad, but be bold if you are good. They still have hooves, of course.
  4. In the 18th Century (1700s), most early Americans (United States of America) spoke with what sounded like Scottish accents. This had to do with morphic fields as well as where people emigrated from and how they identified.
  5. Demons should be vanquished now (note: remind them that they’re vanquished, if you run into one, and see if that helps). There were demons once, of various origins. Goetic demons had some of the most recognized demonic names, like Asmodeus and Belial. In what you might call “fae culture”, demons often chose exotic-sounding (to them) English language names for themselves like Actress and Gross boy.
  6. Certain animals have created agreements with humanity to exchange meat for respectful maintenance of their thus-abbreviated lives and full numbers. They’ve noticed that they tend to like their lives that way if the agreement is honored correctly.
  7. According to Earth Logos, EFL (English as a first language) speakers are significantly less likely to become hyper fluent in another language. ESL (English as a second language) speakers starting at many certain various languages are extremely likely to become hyper fluent in English.
  8. The Moon in the birth chart has a lot to do with physical beauty. The Moon is one of the most beautiful things you can possibly see in the sky.
  9. Civilization has never fallen entirely. That’s not exactly how it happens (so far).


──── by Lync Dalton ────

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People who have been born on Earth after (or concurrently to) living lifetimes in other star systems are sometimes called starseeds or hybrid souls. Starseeds are born with a soul history, a mission that supports Earth’s spiritual Ascension, dharma, etc., and sometimes (not very often) specific status. Alien royalty from extraterrestrial civilizations have at times incarnated on Earth and maintained a certain amount of status, in a sense. The significance of this may become clear in the coming years. All off-world status is of course automatically stripped from everyone who has become evil (including excessive toxicity of character, malicious conduct, etc.), even if they still maintain the responsibilities of their missions. Alien evil is certainly not allowed to exist on Earth nor impact Earth. Aliens do not have a physical manifestation in our Solar System other than starseeds.

Contemporary starseeds were born to help get humanity through the end of the grim Kali Yuga and to help make sure the glittering Satya Yuga blooms correctly, and they have individualized missions that dovetail with that central goal. Aliens want to participate in making Earth a paradise in matter, and a lot of that is how they’ve developed into starseeds and became people with missions to do good. All galaxies will joyfully experience the Satya Yuga as soon as we manifest it here on Earth.

Starseed histories are the stories of what an individual’s personal atman (spiritual spark that can reincarnate, which is distinct from a person’s soul vehicle) has done in terms of other life that is not based on Earth. Each person who identifies as a starseed may have experienced life as many different aliens in many extraterrestrial civilizations, but may particularly identify with the star systems they experienced the most times, or for the longest duration.

There are records of aliens talking to humans and passing along specific information. A lot of it is classified, or so they say. One widely known recorded example: Egg-shaped beings that identified themselves as being from Arcturus (probably Arcturans from the planet Arcturus 2) talked to humans about a coming Moonchild incarnation over a century ago, and that communication was added to the rest of the Moonchild prophecies on record, concerning a helpful oracle appearing on Earth.

I’ve done quite a bit of research on space and extraterrestrial life, some of it original (link below). In my shamanry practice, I can do past life readings, starseed readings, detect starseed royalty and missions, and much more.

Avoid evil. Starseeds that are evil are just evil humans, despite whatever spiritual claims they may make; they had (and may still have) a chance and obligation to be good humans, just like everyone else. Humans with more Earthbound soul lineages, whom I sometimes call O.G. Vega (original genome Vega), have all incarnated with missions to do good in pivotal times such as this as well. It’s ideally supposed to be all hands on deck, pulling for humanity and civilization together.

Let’s do our missions justice.


──── by Lync Dalton ────

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Good ships (the ancient African trade guilds had them)

In the ancient world, Africans knew where everything was, more or less. They had enormous ships of ingenious design that could cross the oceans with ease. It has been long known that Africans and later Vikings both probably discovered parts of the Americas long before Western Europeans arrived there bringing war. It’s true. Africans seemed to consider the Americas full of good destinations for fair trade, and they didn’t stop at crossing the Atlantic. They traveled everywhere, discovering landmass after landmass.

Doing past life work last year, I uncovered reports from King Solomon of ancient Israel (reign circa 970–931 B.C.) that he was aware (during his lifetime) of many West Africans knowing about every continent besides Australia, and that they could describe where they were and what they were like, along with islands in every ocean, and had done trade most everywhere. He also reported that the designs of their ships were proprietary to specific trade guilds and kept secret, and that you could not buy them.

image of carvings from the Temple of Seti I in Abydos depicting some mysterious objects that appear to be machines
Carvings of mysterious objects that look like vehicular machines at the Temple of Seti I at Abydos

At the Temple of Seti I at Abydos in Egypt, there are famous carvings depicting mysterious objects that many people have speculated to be early aircraft, technological prophecy, or UFOs. The carvings resemble vehicles. My process as a shaman has uncovered that the carvings in question may depict highly sophisticated seafaring ships from other kingdoms in Africa outside of Egypt. The kings of Egypt did not have any such ships, but perhaps felt that they could in a sense “own” them by having them carved in relief at the temple, according to what we know of the ancient Egyptian belief system. King Seti I (reign circa 1294–1279 B.C.) named himself after Set, a god of immigrants and foreign lands, and perhaps it stands to reason that he might have shown particular interest in foreign technologies. These carvings may be the best surviving record of what those astounding ancient African vessels really looked like.

──── by Lync Dalton ────

PLEASE DONATE TO WEIRDO CAMP. Do you enjoy and/or enrich yourself with Weirdo Camp and its unique, original content? Please send a donation via Paypal (see site sidebar) or to $alchemylynx on Cash App.
Want the coolest tax deduction in the world? Donate to Terra Thesis Institute.

To Big Tech:

It is my understanding that our negotiations on January 8th, 2022 are valid and true, and that we are proceeding in good faith. I look forward to hearing from you. This is in reference to a legitimized, legal surveillance-for-entertainment shadow industry (which preserves intellectual property and a reasonable right to privacy), my lucrative employment or compensation within it (special designation tiers since discussed astrally for me thus far: think tank; highly memetic; high activity audio and/or video), and a huge signing bonus (for the past several years of abuse and entertainment at my expense).

I think you already know that you do not have a right to do this to people without their informed consent.

Are you on the up and up with me? Are you willing to grant me all my rights, finally? Please do not be on the lowdown and dirty. I want the things I’ve negotiated and been promised in our astral conversations. Please do not take what we’ve agreed upon and funnel it away from me and to anyone else. A.G. and his terrorists were not invited by you (nor by me) into our negotiations in the first place, and he has no rights over me, my earnings, nor my labor (nor does anyone besides myself, potential income taxes notwithstanding). I have negotiated with some of you and with others for myself, and it was to benefit a lot of people too, but not instead of me. Theoretically, I can get past all the abuse that’s in the past if it stops now.

Of course, if surveillance or content is being used by your industry for any other purposes, I am not agreeing to that, and I ask that you make sure that I do very, very well if you ever took anything from me at all to add prestige and/or value to your work and/or brands.

If you’ve been involved in engineering the dissolution of my life in Vancouver, in plagiarism of me, in burying me in any way, or in anything else that would require restitution, please compensate me fairly for these grave losses.

Please donate to me or my think tank (whether you have been involved with/been aware of abuse of me or not). It would really help.

──── by Lync Dalton ────

PLEASE DONATE TO WEIRDO CAMP. Do you enjoy and/or enrich yourself with Weirdo Camp and its unique, original content? Please send a donation via Paypal (see site sidebar) or to $alchemylynx on Cash App.
Want the coolest tax deduction in the world? Donate to Terra Thesis Institute.

On the state of the world

God, Goddess, the Universe, and the world are asking for a stop to all violence in the world that is not fully justified.

Are random acts of violence at an all-time high?

──── by Lync Dalton ────

PLEASE DONATE TO WEIRDO CAMP. Do you enjoy and/or enrich yourself with Weirdo Camp and its unique, original content? Please send a donation via Paypal (see site sidebar) or to $alchemylynx on Cash App.
Want the coolest tax deduction in the world? Donate to Terra Thesis Institute.

Fun fact on: Weirdo Camp

Weirdo Camp in part functions as a living guidebook for the coming age. It is purposely aligned with dharma and promoting the return of dharma. What is dharma? It is humanity in harmony with divinity, civilization, species, self, and Earth.

──── by Lync Dalton ────

PLEASE DONATE TO WEIRDO CAMP. Do you enjoy and/or enrich yourself with Weirdo Camp and its unique, original content? Please send a donation via Paypal (see site sidebar) or to $alchemylynx on Cash App.
Want the coolest tax deduction in the world? Donate to Terra Thesis Institute.