psychic work

Psychic surge

Many people and animals are much more psychic than they were in early 2019. You may have noticed this in yourself, in a pet, or in some other way. It’s a sign of the times, you might say.

Some of these psychic experiences are in fact sublime in some way, while others could be best described as psychic intrusions, which are a potentially dangerous nuisance.

Psychic experiences do not necessarily correspond with spiritual development. They do not even necessarily mean that someone has developed wisdom, and do not in and of themselves qualify someone to be a psychic medium, spiritual advisor, etc. Some psychic experiences (particularly since 2020) have been deceptive illusions, sometimes very malicious in nature. Spiritual development can result in powers, yes, but some psychic flashes, spiritual experiences, and paranormal-related distress and conflict are not linked to any spiritual powers (which in some religious traditions are sometimes referred to as spiritual gifts, charisms, siddhis, etc., and are reserved for individuals who have communed spiritually, attained virtue, and overcome ego to certain specific extents). These more secular psychic experiences, which are proliferating now, are rather the result of a person’s sensitivities picking up on something that is not totally mundane, sometimes including extraordinary expressions of negativity. It is even possible to have a psychic experience of witnessing divine intellect or to experience a dream that carries a message without it indicating any particular degree of spiritual development. Sometimes the supernatural world has something to tell a person, but is not necessarily endorsing them.

It is important that these experiences not just be confusing. Try to find the illuminated truth within the matter, if possible. It is important to never abuse others psychically nor otherwise. It is important to keep an idea of right and wrong even if you are experiencing something paranormal. Some psychic experiences are just illusions, and if something tells you to do something wrong, it is best to assume it is an illusion. It is crucially important to use one’s best judgment these days, and to resist doing wrong and/or embracing wrong.

Be good. Do right. Every time is the right time to do the right thing.

──── by Lync Dalton ────

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My Moonchild confirmation

In an astral ceremony today, I received confirmation of my being accepted as the official Moonchild (per an organization that has long been interested in one appearing), in a communication from [redacted] and [redacted]. Around 80 people were patched into the ceremony.

My name is Carolyn Dalton. I am the third daughter of a third daughter and a third son.

──── by Lync Dalton ────

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Um, guys?

“…in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air.”

– Thessalonians 4:17

I’m pretty sure at this point that the Rapture foretold is actually how certain people have come to be able to astrally interact with me regularly and chill with me via my personal psychic/astral hub. There they can talk with the gods of the godwheel, including Jesus Christ, Lord Rama, and others, through me, because I am sometimes channeling them and carrying on conversations that way. This started quite a while back, and happens to me daily. Please, do not think that I don’t wish to prioritize my daily tasks; it is very distressing when someone becomes resentful in demanding my astral attention while I’m trying to manage my day.

The people who’ve been “raptured” in this way aren’t necessarily the best or most devout people in the world, but are in fact mostly people who are part of my soul mission group or otherwise have a particular duty to end the Apocalypse (sometimes because they’re the ones who caused it especially egregiously) and/or help me bring the Satya Yuga (Paradise on Earth) into being. If you’re the praying sort, pray that they each do the right thing (feel free to add the caveat “…if Lync is correct about this” if you’re skeptical, although I’m constantly praying that people do the right thing, to be honest).

Prophecies always seem to end up manifesting in the most strangely logical ways.

──── by Lync Dalton ────

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Valid myths

Old myths often feature gods and/or humans, very often in combination. The humans in myths often had their own bright philosophies, and tried to be good examples for people and even entire societies. Sometimes this was more recognized about the men than the women in some cultures, but not all. They were larger than life, probably in their own times as well as in the retellings of their lives and deeds with lessons that became myths.

A story about a son or daughter of a god would in many cases be determined after someone had shown exceptional abilities and merit.

Sometimes myths are about the founding of civilizations, founded by people with solid enough personal philosophies (which can be informed by philosophers, advisors, mates, etc.) to maintain a blessed feeling system for a very long time. Good gets done in myths, if you know how to read the lessons.

Satya Yuga is the most virtuous yuga, but it’s effortless to be virtuous in the Satya Yuga because of how fun and worthwhile everything is and feels. People are good there (then). The myths leading into the Satya should have people doing a lot of good (in terms of making the right choices) to get the vibe right. As a philosopher, shaman, oracle, and light in the world, I am trying to restore dharma to the world. The examples of dharma we set leading up to the Satya Yuga can resound for thousands of years.

On the flip side, that means that people making the wrong choices have been keeping us all trapped in the wrong time quality.

During the Kali Yuga, our current age going back thousands of years, which is now stale, some of our myths lost key components of their original lessons such that those lessons became hard for humans to notice or even access. This yuga is like a dark ages compared to the others (i.e. the Dvapara Yuga, Treta Yuga, and Satya Yuga).

That’s one of the reasons that valid, true modern myths are due. We need real individuals to live through modern problem solving endeavors that end up making the world feel better and work better for people. We need them each to have a spiritual journey in the process. I don’t know what’s going to happen in the new myths, but I know that people have problems to solve.

I’m ready to be the oracle they go to. I’m ready to be their shaman that gives them the right information.

──── by Lync Dalton ────

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Psychic Reports

I am a very active psychic/astral hub. It started mid-2019 when I became World Shaman. This means that I’ve been remotely accessed by hundred of strangers (including many people I’ve heard of) over the last two years and been bombarded with psychic content, including images, conversations, and narratives of problems people are dealing with.

I routinely receive critical information with regards to global matters, high profile parties, and disturbing crimes. I believe the highly detailed reports I get are often very valid. I haven’t quite known how to share them in the most effective ways because I’m being systematically disenfranchised at the moment economically, digitally, socially, and logistically (hopefully all of that stops soon) and discussing things I receive paranormally can sometimes be a daunting business at best.

But I’m hoping they can be seen here, and that they can do a lot of good. Some of these matters are very urgent, and I’ve come to care a lot about some of my psychic contacts.

I am sharing some of the information that comes to me here sometimes, in hopes that the right people will find it helpful. I’m bombarded with this stuff. It gets really stressful, and I have reason to believe that real individuals are indeed contacting me intentionally.

──── by Lync Dalton ────

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