COVID-19 as we near 2022

COVID-19 is a mutation of the SARS virus that hit the news circa 2002. It is a virus (not a bacteria or parasite) that falls under the category of coronavirus, which is known for having distinctive protein spikes protruding from it that at some point someone probably thought looked somewhat like the tines of a crown. COVID-19 has caused a lot of fear in the world. It does not have to present with severe symptoms to kill weeks after infection, during what is sometimes called its multisystem inflammatory phase. When it’s severe, it sometimes kills very quickly. I’ve heard that it has a tendency to cause fatalities about 5% of the time (worldwide, diagnosed and undiagnosed combined), which is one in twenty cases, or less. It seems to be proving to be over three times as deadly as influenza is today.

If this disease was sweeping through a community in the old days, they might call it a plague, but it would admittedly be a mild plague. People are scared, and they have a right to be.

Delta is another mutation of SARS. So far, it is easier to catch but less dangerous than COVID-19. Since the COVID-19 pandemic broke out, they’ve been naming SARS mutations Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta, etc., and usually referring to them as “strains” of COVID-19. Several variants of SARS had already been documented for years, having been discovered some time before the COVID-19 pandemic.

Omicron seems to be kind of a chaotic concept. It seems like it may be a range of different viruses, possibly. Some people claim that it’s a mysterious strain that originated in vaccinated patients. It is still unknown whether the symptoms of Omicron vary from COVID-19 symptoms. Discovered in November 2021, Omicron is said to be spreading rapidly all over the world– many months to over a year quicker than COVID-19 (which was only called Coronavirus at the outset) spread, if Omicron only has one or even a small handful of origins. Despite how it’s being written about, it is very likely not possible to test seropositive for Omicron yet using any preexisting mainstream test (science doesn’t exactly occur at the speed of sound), and it may be most commonly diagnosed by clinical evaluation. People have been warned that they may or may not need to be particularly worried.

In large part, Omicron actually seems like it may be a theorized mutation of COVID-19 that is particularly severe and may cause organ dysfunction. The Omicron theory may have been developed as a result of autopsies of people who’d been diagnosed with COVID-19, but showed additional and abnormal causes of death in common. Early reports indicated that Omicron presented with heart symptoms, though that may have been tacitly dropped for now.

Is Omicron what they’re going to call “Be Around” Syndrome? Will they say it’s linked to SARS? I don’t know. I’ll be on the lookout.

(Note as of October 2022: I believe I may have finally come into shamanic communication with a virus that was near my current environment that thinks it might be the Omicron variant, but does not know whether or not to identify that way and does not know if it belongs in the category of coronavirus; by contrast, COVID-19 and Delta usually do know to identify themselves in those respects, the monkeypox virus seems to be able to identify itself as such when it’s anywhere in my city, etc. For the record, I do tell viruses not to harm anyone nor infect anyone when we communicate.)

──── by Lync Dalton ────

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Saturated with light.

One of the most attractive thing about Ascension is that it’s like human upgrades. Substantial and exciting upgrades for the human body and the human experience.

──── by Lync Dalton ────

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The four horsemen in Revelations

Is it the Apocalypse? Yes. Go on and tell me that it doesn’t ever feel like the Apocalypse these days. Now you’re being silly.

The book of Revelation in the Bible is also sometimes called the Apocalypse of St. John or more popularly Revelations, by virtue of it containing a series of detailed visions, presumably describing the future. It is very likely a channeled vision/report from an admittedly fallible (John of Patmos was an extremely fallible guy) Christian perspective on what happens at the end of the Kali Yuga, which John of Patmos would have very likely known about, along with stories about the future undertakings of the hero Kalki against evil.

Since the book of Revelation is highly symbolic, it has long seemed mysterious to those who read it. Among the strangest and most ominous elements in the vision are the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.

White horse

“Then I saw when the Lamb broke one of the seven seals, and I heard one of the four living creatures saying as with a voice of thunder, ‘Come.’ I looked, and behold, a white horse, and he who sat on it had a bow; and a crown was given to him, and he went out conquering and to conquer.”

– Revelation 6:1–2

The Lamb in this chapter of Revelation is quite possibly a warning about the Antichrist, who is a proverbial wolf in sheep’s clothing. The Antichrist has often been predicted elsewhere as a figure who emerges to promote widespread pedophilia and other immorality and to ruin lives, lying and misrepresenting himself all the while. He actually represents things that humans had to defeat as a fundamental requirement of civilization in order for us to collectively get anywhere in the first place. In Revelation, as soon as it’s declared that a Lion can accomplish the discovery of what is in the book of the Apocalypse, there appears a Lamb. The Lamb seems mysterious to me. He presents himself decked out in features representing gifts that do not befit a lamb: extra eyes, extra horns. He’s creepy to picture, and the scenes that feature him have a creepy quality sometimes. He gets a lot of credit because of the idea that he may have suffered, and looks slain. He seems perhaps to fool a number of people who should know better. He breaks the seals and keeps messing stuff up. The seals represent situations that the Antichrist and his faction have instigated and other occurrences during the Apocalypse.

It may be after Revelation started circulating that it became popular to call Jesus Christ the Lamb of God, but that’s uncertain. That epithet certainly made it into the gospels. It’s unclear whether this was a misunderstanding of the fact that the Lamb of Revelation may actually be the Antichrist or whether Jesus Christ is presented in that epithet as a foil to the untrustworthy Lamb of Revelation. Indeed, there appear to be two or three Lambs referred to in Revelation (suggesting that “the Lamb” may actually be something more like an office or role held by different people at different points in the narrative): the Antichrist and later the Lamb of God, who is Jesus Christ himself and possibly also refers to the Second Coming of Christ, in addition to a beast who is described in Chapter 13 as having horns like a lamb.

The book referred to in Revelation Chapter 6 seems to be the story of how humanity gets through the end of the Kali Yuga to the Satya Yuga (or Krita Yuga), a blessed time that operates like God’s kingdom as a literal and terrestrial paradise.

The rider on the white horse seems to indicate that the Aquarian Christ, Second Coming and (quite possibly) final Vishnu avatar Kalki, who symbolizes the war against evil at least, and who is specifically known for being associated with a white horse, must come into prominence at the time of the Apocalypse, forced by the unacceptable activities of the Antichrist and his followers (possibly represented by the Lamb and his fellow abominations), and that person will help conquer evil and also gain worldly power. The true Christ, as opposed to the Antichrist, is the Lion, like Vishnu’s avatar Narasimha, who battles and defeats evil. In contrast to the creepy Lamb’s seven eyes and seven horns (which are reminiscent of the other abominations in Revelation), Kalki is said to exhibit eight mystic opulences and eight special qualities of Godhead. This same rider probably appears later in Revelation Chapter 19, after a description of a bride that may be the same woman described earlier as being clothed with the sun. The rider is described as Faithful and True, King of Kings, and Lord of Lords, and turns the tide of the Apocalypse. After that point, everything starts getting better.

Red horse

“When He broke the second seal, I heard the second living creature saying, ‘Come.’ And another, a red horse, went out; and to him who sat on it, it was granted to take peace from Earth, and that men would slay one another; and a great sword was given to him.”

– Revelation 6:3–4

The rider on the red horse indicates a time of violence, especially spurred by the Antichrist faction. Acts of violence and terrorism are rife during the Apocalypse, and they take a huge toll. Before the Apocalypse is totally over, the tables must turn against the evil people who revel in violence, and many of the decent and questing human beings left on Earth may find themselves in positions where they must use judicious and careful acts of many kinds that will decisively stop evil.

Black horse

“When He broke the third seal, I heard the third living creature saying, ‘Come.’ I looked, and behold, a black horse; and he who sat on it had a pair of scales in his hand. And I heard something like a voice in the center of the four living creatures saying, ‘A quart of wheat for a denarius, and three quarts of barley for a denarius; but do not damage the oil and the wine.'”

– Revelation 6:5–6

The rider on the black horse indicates that the food supply will be disrupted, intentionally spoiled, and even tainted during the Apocalypse, and admonishes people to stop damaging any food and drink that others may eat or consume. Municipal water supplies and other water sources must be protected and managed responsibly during this time. Food prices also come up as a possible issue. Food, drink, and water must be safe and affordable for people; worse than that makes for a grim and mean Apocalypse.

Pale horse

“When the Lamb broke the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth living creature saying, ‘Come.’ I looked, and behold, a pale horse; and he who sat on it had the name Death; and Hades was following with him. Authority was given to them over a fourth of the earth, to kill with sword and with famine and with pestilence and by the wild beasts of the earth.”

– Revelation 6:7–8

The rider on the pale or roan horse indicates that during the Apocalypse, the population will fall very significantly through a wide range of factors, with a 25% or higher reduction being predicted.

Prophecies are electric right now. Many are burgeoning. Many are pointing to the recent past, the present, and virtually all are offering some kind of hope for a future that’s better. I wouldn’t say that if things didn’t seem so bleak right now. The fact of Revelation is that most of all it serves as a set of warnings, not as a roadmap. If we stay sensitive to and careful of the type of hardships the chapter describes, we can cut off those patterns quickly and suffer less. The book of Revelation seems to specifically warn us about misunderstandings, victimization, contamination, hunger, corruption, deceptions, deaths, wanton immorality, alienation, war, natural disasters, animal attacks, and more. It also tells us to have hope.

I remember being taught as a child that Revelation was a political critique of historical issues that were ongoing while it was being written, and that’s not a theory without merit, but it doesn’t necessarily feel like that to read it, does it? It was a vision: one that counts as prophecy. It is about the Apocalypse. It’s not clear that John of Patmos understood it completely point for point, and some points were very likely omitted. Some elements in the vision were trying to tell him something specific and personal. He was exiled on the island of Patmos, not simply due to religious persecution, but because he actually did have to change his ways, behavior-wise, and the vision (as many visions tend to do) likely contained messages about that.

But a lot of people think the vision was mostly about us, here and now. A lot of people are feeling like this is the Apocalypse.

──── by Lync Dalton ────

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Danger: high mortality rates

The population may be dropping. Excess deaths (i.e. the number of deaths that occur above a figure based on an average of deaths across the years 2015-2019) are way up in 2021 (update as of May 2023: the cumulative excess mortality rate graph now seems to show the disturbing trend more accurately, as it appears the baseline may in fact be getting updated yearly by the CDC with the more recent higher numbers, making the percentage graphs a little harder to decode). The number of deaths in the United States was already elevated above baseline in 2020, and this year it’s worse and climbing.

Have people been noticing less traffic on the roads? Easier-to-get parking at stores and shopping centers? Less crowding and shorter lines in certain contexts? It’s not just down to people staying home to quarantine against the COVID-19 epidemic, is what a lot of people are currently surmising.

Reasons for these excess deaths are very likely at least threefold: the COVID-19 pandemic; violent crimes, including an increase in passive aggressive violent acts of poisoning, mass poisoning, and bioterrorism; a widespread and mysterious phenomenon called “Be Around” Syndrome, which seems to be caused by DNA and chromosomes not being present in certain cells, and which may cause internal abnormalities, immune dysfunction, insufficient organ repair, etc. Note that the first two may cause organ damage, and the third might make that damage more lethal.

I’m concerned.

──── by Lync Dalton ────

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The Merovingians

How rare is it to be related to the legendary Merovingian kings? Not all that uncommon. For many generations, the Merovingian kings and lords of Europe practiced what is sometimes called “droit du seigneur” or “jus primae noctis”, whereby the ruler of a realm would claim sexual access to any woman who was a commoner at any time, and particularly on a bride’s wedding night.

Historians have wondered if that chilling practice of oppression was ever actually a real thing that happened. It did, and it must have been demoralizing. It was especially associated with the Merovingians, who systematically raped their way into many, many family lines (many of which probably had tons of mystique of their own) over a long period of time. When kings and lords of old would institute it, they would often think of the Merovingians.

Considering that this happened for a long time during the Middle Ages and Renaissance, and that each person has over 2,000 great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great grandparents (and note that I do not know how many greats it takes to go back all the way to the Middle Ages, but it’s more than that), the odds are reasonably substantial that anyone who has any European ancestry is quite possibly somehow related to this family of kings.

I wonder if this missing element of the Merovingian legacy adds to the shroud of mystery behind the idea of that bloodline, which is often associated with conspiracy theories and modern urban legends. Carolingians, from lines reputed to be related to Charlemagne (circa 747-814 A.D.), are another frequent subject of legends, as is the Davidic line, which is itself not all that uncommon to this day, considering that King Solomon ben David is said to have had something around 1,000 wives and concubines.

──── by Lync Dalton ────

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Past life à gogo

Identity is mostly just a story you tell yourself about yourself. And it should be a true story.

For some, Ascension changes the story to be a longer one, and it can do so in multiple ways. When you can remember and summon up past lives, you have an expanded identity, but it doesn’t actually change that much. This is mysterious, and can teach us much.

I started my ascension process very noticeably (to me) in 2012. I had spiritual experiences, was pelted with refreshing ideas that came up suddenly and revolutionary to upend my tired ones. I wasn’t so bad before, but I started liking myself better. I found myself in possession of an increased spirit of uprightness and measured fairness, and a willingness to forgive if I thought that would be the healthier choice for me. Some of the shapes in my face started changing (note: this won’t happen to everyone who ascends, and I’m told can be prevented in cases where people don’t want it), and I liked the new ones even better than I’d liked the original shapes. In 2017, I started to spontaneously remember some of my past lives, which kicked into high gear in 2019 when I first read the Ramayana and noticed that I could remember that time.

After that, I started to channel past lives when they came up. Sometimes I’d walk around somehow rendering one of the many people I used to be. Old stories make themselves known, and long past personalities emerge. Sometimes the memories are sad, and I cry about those old wounds until I don’t anymore. It’s important to remember not to blame nor seek to punish other people here now for things that their other lives they had before did to me, even if I pick up on having suffered old crimes and miseries. I know they’re not those people anymore, and I hope that they learned to do better in subsequent lifetimes. I did. Overall, it’s a very cool experience, remembering and channeling past lives immersively and vividly, and it’s an ability I always wondered about. If reincarnation were true, would that be possible?

Some of my past lives bring skills and knowledge with them. Some of my past lives were doctors, often in China but just as often from somewhere else. Some of my past lives were famous actors and actresses, and they tell me they think they could still do exciting things through me creatively, given the right chances. Some of them want to try to live my life alongside me, in a sense. This can happen. I’ve made it clear to them that this lifetime is for good, and that I will not compromise.

There are some indications that there may be a darker side to past lives being activated in certain cases, especially during the time of the Apocalypse. Some people may be experiencing characteristics from some of their past lives that cause them to have terrible habits, vicious sensibilities, and perhaps even, in some sense, the vacated consciences of those now dead. This seems to be a mechanism of the Apocalypse much more than a mechanism of Ascension. It may also be related to the Luciferian Doctrine expiring. These experiences are to be banished and rejected, as they do not seem to support good behavior or justice.

──── by Lync Dalton ────

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