Nontheistic morals and ethics

In general, morals and ethics are related terms. Morals are valid encoded or natural and universal-enough ideas of right and wrong. Ethics are systems by which people navigate doing right over wrong, so that one’s conduct is good enough to satisfy the light, sweet burden of humanity.

In Kali Yuga-era religious traditions, there are a few different objectives that morals are designed to achieve.

  • Harm reduction
    • Some of the rules you’ll find in religious laws are extremely straight forward. They exist to reduce the harm that people cause through unjustified self interest and other antisocial motives.
    • These rules usually concentrate on minimizing interpersonal harm— the ways that people sometimes hurt, violate, and exploit one another. However, various religious codes also seek to reduce the harm that people cause to themselves, animals, their environment, etc.
    • Generally, religious laws that focus on harm reduction have a great deal of overlap with secular ethics. Most people— of any faith or lack thereof— tend to agree that rules that minimize interpersonal harm tend to be sensible, and are necessary for a peaceful society.
  • Social Cohesion and Continuity
    • Religions are in the business of building communities. Sometimes religious rules restrict behaviors, but don’t actively prevent harm in an obvious way. These rules have a community-based purpose. Restricting and encouraging specific behaviors can help define a community, and strengthen members’ identification with the group. This becomes an extreme problem in cases of dangerous cults.
    • For example, if I belong to a religion that instructs me to eat a certain way or dress a certain way, it’s not necessarily mitigating any harm I might do in the world. But it’s informing my identity. It’s making me feel closer to other people who eat and dress and worship the way I do. We’ve become a community of “us” in a sea of “them”. This too becomes an extreme problem in cases of dangerous cults.
    • Rules that achieve social cohesion vary widely between different faiths. As such, they’re extremely subjective, and usually have very little to do with secular codes of ethics.
  • Maintaining Power Structures and Institutions
    • Often, religious rules are put in place to perpetuate the power structures and institutions inside the faith. These often take the form of specific protocols and taboos intended to prevent reform, power struggles, and other shifts in the community.
    • Wherever hierarchies form, the people at the top tend to get very invested in maintaining the current power distribution. That’s human nature. (Whenever religious laws dovetail perfectly with keeping the people in power more happy than uncorrupted, I do think it’s worth asking how divine they actually.)
    • Rules that maintain specific hierarchies within religions aren’t necessarily supported by secular ethics (although they often are, if those hierarchies are doing good in the world). However, similar rules concerning governmental hierarchy are almost always encoded into secular law.

So when we’re talking about morals inside a theistic worldview, they might fall into one or more of those three categories.

Religions tend to have a lot of variation when it comes to moral laws that don’t focus on harm reduction.

Name an activity that’s not hurting anyone. You can probably find a handful of religions that embrace it, and others that consider it a terrible sin.

In this sense, some religious “morals” don’t have an objective reality. They’re sometimes highly subjective and variable, depending on which religion or sect or denomination we’re discussing.

However, the ethical notion of reducing the harm that humans do to other humans is close to universal. You find people in nearly every religion talking about reducing harm, needless suffering, and damage. You find atheists (and agnostics) saying the exact same things.

A rare sort of religious person might think that driving a car is evil.

A rare sort of religious person might think that any song with a repetitive, driving beat is the devil’s music.

A rare sort of religious person might believe that it’s morally repugnant for a woman to wear pants.

An ethical atheist probably doesn’t hold those beliefs. But an ethical atheist is almost certainly going to think that murder and terrorism are wrong, as would anyone, because murder and terrorism cause concrete and unjustifiable harm.

──── by Lync Dalton ────

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(This article by Lync Dalton first appeared on Quora in 2017)

What is the Universe up to?

There was a Big Bang very long ago, and now the Universe exists. The Big Bang was the Cosmos giving birth to the Universe, which had a path in mind at the time: a culmination.

The Universe has many galaxies, and in our small part of the Milk Way Galaxy, life has developed on Earth. Life on Earth is very dense. Some of the other life in the Universe is much less dense, and does not manifest all the way down to solid matter. We did. This is somewhat shocking and wonderful for a Universe. It’s good what we’ve done here.

Here is also where we spend time thinking about what will happen to the Universe. Did it really start as one event? Will it end as one event? We think about a singularity that we could experience. A black hole seems like a singularity to us. A singularity is something so rare and full of convergences that it’s remarkably unlikely to ever happen. It gives the impression that nearly anything could happen. We’ve heard about the theory of waiting for a technological singularity to solve our problems, but that’s not really how complex human problems get solved. The more powerful singularity would not be technological.

I’m near a temporal singularity right now, and by times. It’s situated very far in the future, but it knows me already. Theoretically, all human consciousness could converge and unite with it at some point in the very distant future.

It’s not scary, the Divine Eschaton culmination of time. It is where we collectively get to transcend and evolve past time. Heat death is terrifying. It is an unsupportable loss of existence and potential. Eschaton essentially means “final thing”. The Divine Eschaton is God and all possibly other eligible individual consciousnesses together as both final consciousness and final object at the end of time itself. It’s not something that culminates in our human lifetimes, it’s the end of time itself, which is a point in the Universe’s lifespan. Theoretically, our Universe could manifest a binary Divine Eschaton, which would be like two cosmic beings having the best conversation ever while experiencing rapt sexual congress but also all consciousness and all matter combined. The other option is having a more traditional type of singularity, with one, even more integrated consciousness. The Divine Eschaton is how human consciousness can culminate along with the Universe after Earth is gone and we’re sick of doing civilizations and human existence. But let’s play around with them way more first, okay?

Universal heat death would mean there is no final thing, no conservation of consciousness, and everything would grow farther and farther apart, dissipating into non-existence and getting colder, until no life was possible.

──── by Lync Dalton ────

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Fun fact on: Weirdo Camp

Weirdo Camp in part functions as a living guidebook for the coming age. It is purposely aligned with dharma and promoting the return of dharma. What is dharma? It is humanity in harmony with divinity, civilization, species, self, and Earth.

──── by Lync Dalton ────

PLEASE DONATE TO WEIRDO CAMP. Do you enjoy and/or enrich yourself with Weirdo Camp and its unique, original content? Please send a donation via Paypal (see site sidebar) or to $alchemylynx on Cash App.
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I need support.

In most communities throughout history, the shaman has been an important person, and was treated as such. A shaman is someone who can deal with the metaphysical, mysterious, and subtle aspects of a community and potentially for the people in it, in various ways. A community and a shaman traditionally have a symbiotic relationship, with the community taking care of the shaman and the shaman keeping an eye on subtle things in and for the community. A shaman can help with healing, advice, spiritual issues, personal development, and other things. A shaman tends to be good at giving warnings and helping the community tackle complex problems. Abusing a shaman in good standing with the Universe is unacceptable. Stiffing a shaman for services is considered very vulgar. Keeping a good shaman in a state of poverty shames the community that put them there.

Some shamans are psychic, some can channel, some know herbs, spirit communication, etc. All that and more applies to me. A true shaman’s skills are rare, and take time and expertise to develop, and I have developed many of them to high levels over the years. A shaman’s help is worth something. My help is worth something.

In 2019 I became World Shaman. It wasn’t my choice; if I’m guessing, I think it was foisted on me because it was a time when skilled human intervention in that arena was very needed, and I’d been in contact by that time with my predecessor and with places of high spiritual power. Psychic experiences were already on the rise in general. I’ve been a center of activity for that, and trying to repair what I inherited as a violently broken and garbled global system, and it’s been a ton of work overall.

I’ve done a lot of specific work for the United States since that time, though I’ve given special attention and care to a lot of places. In late 2020 I was approached by a representative entity identified with the position of United States Shaman. The entity was a small, almost anthropomorphic figured that looked like wood or worked leather, which pursued me after encountering much hardship elsewhere. Within a week and a half, the entity grew much healthier under my care and stewardship, started looking much different, and identified herself as a full recognizable representation of the Egyptian goddess Mut, who identifies particularly with the United States for reasons I won’t relate here. In early 2021, I believe my installation as the current U.S. Shaman was privately affirmed by [redacted], [redacted], [redacted], [redacted], [redacted], and others.

I’m doing what I can, and still I have to live. If you believe in what I’m doing in any dimension, please donate money to me and my work. I am still awaiting a salary or compensation and any other personal privileges associated with the work I’d doing as a shaman. These communities I mention are huge, and I continue to try to serve them under extreme hardship. I need support.

──── by Lync Dalton ────

PLEASE DONATE TO WEIRDO CAMP. Do you enjoy and/or enrich yourself with Weirdo Camp and its unique, original content? Please send a donation via Paypal (see site sidebar) or to $alchemylynx on Cash App.
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Right now

Don’t you guys think there’s a lot of terror in the news these days (but not all that much else)? To what extent is organized terrorism a factor? I’m afraid about the influence domestic terrorists have had on my country and internationally in the last, probably five years. Are people passionately and dispassionately pursuing remedies to the terrorism problem?

Meta questions: Was there a media blackout? Is it over? Is the fourth estate trying to help the people?

Odd yet sound advice: Do not trust any “social experiments”, requests that you do something “just because”, etc. for a good long while, I think. Also, please don’t trust that something has a good purpose when it seems like an objectively bad thing to do. I hear these methods are being used by terrorists as pretexts for terrorism and recruitment into terrorist operations. This through the grapevine.

Semi-relatedly: The internet has less engagement than it did ten years ago. It’s probably a reaction to the introduction of certain malicious psy-ops in that intervening time, and certain effects of social media on people, including kind of a natural burnout that seems to come from people knowing one another’s names on the internet more and more, and each person being encouraged to have and maintain a “personal brand” even if there’s no product (you can argue that people are products in one sense or another, but why?). Are a lot of internet comments we do see around the internet these days destructive psy-ops (or is it that the astral rumors I’ve been hearing are about just one site or a very limited number of sites)? If so, what is their origin and purpose?

──── by Lync Dalton ────

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Sun signs through the Western zodiac, part 2

In Hermetic Astrology, the Sun represents the first thing a person tends to do in reaction to real-life variables. It empowers and flavors a person’s virtues and relationship with virtue (it may be helpful to note here that the Moon, often seen as the Sun’s counterpart because of their similar prominence in our sky, is involved with virtue blossoming in a complementary way, through a person’s natural empathy and desire for comfort and a happy society). The Sun is nice. Our solar system’s physical sun gives Earth essential raw material for elaborated matter in many ways, and does so predictably and consistently. People’s kindliness and personal decency is championed by their natal Sun in whatever position it’s found in, whatever aspects it forms. It also represents one side of someone’s creativity, that of initiation and of virtuosity.

In a birth chart, a person’s Sun is sometimes a dominant theme in how they relate to others. In other cases the Moon is more dominant. And these can be very balanced in an individual as well. Sometimes the actual birth time is an indicator of which type one tends toward, with people being born in the daytime often picking up more solar dominance, and people born at night often picking up more lunar dominance, etc. but there are numerous factors.

The Sun in the first six signs. (I recommend reading the article on the first six signs before moving on to this one, so as to get an idea of the zodiac year in order).

The Sun in the second six signs:
And everyone has all the signs up in the sky…

Libra: By Libra season, the sun (Northern Hemisphere) is settling into its autumnal moods, reclining yet keeping everyone mostly comfortable. The riches of the solar year are beginning to add up. Venus is the exoteric ruler of Libra, and Uranus (the sky god whose phallus fell into the sea and produced the goddess Aphrodite or Venus) is its esoteric ruler. An examination of that god/goddess lore may suggest to some a certain confidence and self-containment that’s often found in Libra. Solar Libra wants to be able to trust that the past, present, and future are understandable and reasonable. They want logic to prevail, and they certainly want to seem logical to others. In general, they don’t shine as much when they show off. They can usually easily learn to balance logic and optimism. Quirk: Libras are often among those people who can achieve normalcy all on their own, and they’re a little less likely than average to want a pet to keep them company.

Scorpio: The sun is giving way to weather in Scorpio season. We don’t tend to notice the sun as much as we notice the longer nights and the dramatic weather during those weeks of the year. Solar Scorpio is somewhat like this, trending toward darker aesthetic tastes, richly expressive and wanting to express intensity. Mars and Pluto are the joint exoteric rulers of Scorpio, and Mars is its esoteric ruler. With such a Martian nature, Scorpio is most lovable being honest, spontaneous, and decent. People will notice their intensity just fine. Scorpio doesn’t have to love people, but they should find a way to love the world and respect that other people have to live there. Quirk: Scorpio doesn’t understand the eighth house, and they tend to forget that sex usually happens in the fifth.

Sagittarius: In Sagittarius season, the year is growing old and weather in the Northern Hemisphere is noticeably tearing things apart outside, and traditionally, survival thoughts begin to extend forward through the coming winter. The exoteric ruler of Sagittarius is Jupiter, and its esoteric ruler is Esoteric Earth. Earth must be allowed to consider Sagittarius an ally, and Jupiter (called Guru in Vedic Astrology) must be allowed to consider Sagittarius a good student of life. Although this may not directly reflect its etymology, Sagittarius truly needs the first syllable of its zodiac name to indicate sage wisdom, which they should follow faithfully, and develop over time if they can. Solar Sagittarius loves to get excited about good ideas, and must learn to identify them and to throw out the bad ones without regret. They must take care not to get convinced of the wrong things. Quirk: Sagittarius has a tendency to forget that they like fun.

Capricorn: Capricorn season (Northern Hemisphere) can range from dreary to deep freeze, depending on where you live. People have learned to distract themselves with holidays while Capricorn season does its thing outside. As soon as the Winter Solstice happens, people abruptly notice that the sun is remote and brief with us. Saturn rules Capricorn both exoterically and esoterically. Solar Capricorn may sometimes come across as severe without meaning to. Capricorn is good at forgiving, often even if they give a different impression. Capricorn has generally messed up before, but must not define themselves that way. They must be more humble than that, is the thing. They usually know that they must make an honest, decent person of themselves. That’s the alchemical secret of Capricorn, and it makes them shine. Quirk: Capricorn can quickly pick up the bad habit of seducing people with the hard sell, and they have to watch it. The results can be very painful for people.

Aquarius: In the Northern Hemisphere, it is very important to approach Aquarius season with a hopeful mindset. The sun isn’t doing much during this time, but we keep moving around it, and we don’t forget what it does during the year. As with most signs of the zodiac, most of the holidays during a sign’s time resonate strongly with its themes. This is true of Aquarius as well. With things chilly outside, we have an urge to retreat to human contact for warmth. Aquarius season reaffirms humans as trustworthy. We think of a future past the winter. Aquarius wants to understand a vision, as in a forward-projecting overview of a viable future: either their own vision or a better one, not worse. They want to be human with people. They think about it a lot. The exoteric rulers of Aquarius are Saturn and Uranus, and its esoteric ruler is Jupiter. Quirk: Aquarians think that everyone is too emotional.

Pisces: Pisces is a time of slush and tease, with the sun coaxing a coming spring along. Things start sprouting, which feels merry. It’s a little more natural to look back; your coming spring is assured, as long as you get to enough tomorrows. Pisces is philosophical like that. Jupiter and Neptune are the exoteric rulers of Pisces, and Pluto is its esoteric ruler. Solar Pisces has personality, and they like personalities. It’s hard to concede that they are nebulous, but others often ask Pisces energy to be less nebulous no matter what. Pisces can forgive and be heroic, simple tasks when they keep their minds on the right things. They have a tendency to sometimes start contemplating the wrong things, which can mess things up too much. Quirk: Pisces wants to laugh.

──── by Lync Dalton ────

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