Leisure city

I’m back to playing The Sims, after a years-long hiatus during which I experienced many things that I’ll have a cry over yet again shortly. My play style is significantly different now that I’m a shaman.

Current Sim roster:
Andre: Male. Likes to rant in the park for fun. Yes, he practices speeches in the mirror. Dylan and Tom seem to like to listen to Andre’s rants. Their sprites gravitate toward his soapbox when it’s ranting time, if they’re in the park too. The rest of the Sims hang back a little, but assure me that they enjoy Andre’s rant stylings just fine. Sea usually reminds me that he can hear Andre from anywhere in the park. Andre was the first Sim to get the best shower, but now Agrippa has that particular one.
Narelle: Female. She is the only Sim who wanted to do the Survivor-inspired island game show challenge. She’s a little blunt, but it’s refreshing (all my Sims seem to have good personalities). Has the biggest bathroom, I think. Tom and Twyla’s is also quite large.
Tom: Male. A straight forward, driven guy. Got a crush on Twyla right away, and things progressed very quickly. Shortly after their Sim wedding, Tom let me know that it was definitely not okay if anyone had a bigger house than them, and so we moved them to a different house two doors down. They’re currently happy together and have a mirror triptych.
Twyla: Female. Married to Tom. Twyla is sweetly funny, and seems to be the Sim most likely to stay chill in all the village. She has orange hair. She DJs at the club sometimes. She wants a pet once I unlock them. Sea had a crush on her at first, but she was into Tom. I’m a channel (including of fictional characters at times), and Sims seem very clear on their preferences when I ask them. The first time Tom told Twyla he loved her, Twyla responded: “That is the best.”
Sea: Male. Slightly cranky, yet still somehow maintains a consistent good humor. Likes to bake. Currently dating Andre. They like each other well enough, but really they got together because Sims have to be in a relationship to make Woohoo. They say they’re not sure if they want to move in together. They love the good showers.
Dylan: Female. Dylan had the biggest house until Tom and Twyla built a slightly bigger one. She has pink hair, and had a crush on Andre about thirteen seconds before he started dating Sea, and now she likes Gray. She’s a little wry.
Gray: Male. Gray is short for Grayson, but he likes Gray. Bright primary red hair. The only Sim who wanted to be a Sims wizard, Gray has relentlessly pursued every Sims magic challenge, and recently saved the town from mummies. Dylan, whom he is not currently dating and who swears to me that she is in love with him, went around the neighborhood during his quest telling everyone about his heroics.
Agrippa: Male. Agrippa’s new to town today, and he’s going to want a dog. Requested cozy wood paneling installed in Andre’s old living room.

Are we living in a simulation?

────────── by Lync Dalton ──────────

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