On pillars

You never used to hear about societies working without pillars of the community, and enough of them. With their elevation in society, they necessarily become its patrons. The concept of noblesse oblige is that of the upper classes making sure that the rest of the people have a good society to function in, such that it is a symbiotic and positive relationship that is easy to maintain, even across generations. That is a natural mechanism in any sustainable society. These pillars are automatically held up to high standards of behavior and judgment, and society needs that. It’s almost architectural. These are supposed to be the people who hold up the roof of civilization, and the whole structure is better for it. Ptah was a god in ancient Egypt that evoked such an archetype. He is mostly acknowledged as a god of architecture and craftsmanship, but part of his doctrine involved setting a divine example for those humans at the top of society who had an extra measure of prosperity and therefore shouldered extra responsibility in their communities.

──── by Lync Dalton ────

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