Age of Aquarius

Fun fact on: Weirdo Camp

Weirdo Camp in part functions as a living guidebook for the coming age. It is purposely aligned with dharma and promoting the return of dharma. What is dharma? It is humanity in harmony with divinity, civilization, species, self, and Earth.

──── by Lync Dalton ────

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Yugas and Ages

Neither yugas nor astrological ages are entirely standardized. They come when they come, and they tend to leave when it’s time.

Yugas are part of a very long cycle, and have evolutionary significance. When the world is due to turn from one yuga to another, the signs are extremely dire. Things become highly untenable. Usually mistakes are made that hint at decay in the old paradigm and the coming of a new one. The mistakes have solutions, and the new yuga grows alongside those solutions and the natural realignments that occur.

Some of us experienced yuga turns in past lives in other star systems or here on Earth. Earth records show that humans physically evolved on Earth during the Dvapara Yuga. The Dvapara Yuga ended with the Fall of Eden, along with various other mistakes that happened around that time. Gaining the Satya Yuga will require enough people making sure things go very right, since Kali Yuga to Satya Yuga is a huge leap in quality otherwise unknown. All the other yuga turns are actually downgrades, but the quality of existence itself in each past yuga (and during the main part of the Kali Yuga, when it was not too decayed) is still much better than the current bottoming out we’ve been experiencing in the late, late Kali Yuga.

Ages are a shorter cycle. The Kali Yuga has been in progress for multiple ages straight now. The Age of Pisces is ending. The signs that an age is decaying are subtler than with yugas. Ages often last more than a thousand years, and the distinctions between them have more to do with specific spiritual needs and subtle influences that come to the forefront as the energy of the previous age ebbs away. As the next age blossoms, new archetypes and iconographies come into sharper focus. The ages go in reverse zodiacal order (like North Node in astrology usually moves, with brief direct periods analogous to the retrograde periods occasionally observed in planets).

The story of Moses banning a gold statue of Apis (or another polytheistic sacred bull or calf) is often interpreted as both a statement about monotheism and its importance right then and as an intuitive understanding that the old Age of Taurus was over, and a new way must be sought.

Similarly, Christianity’s association between Satan (or the devil) and goats may have been a conscious or unconscious statement that the old Age of Aries and some of its ways contained pitfalls during the Age of Pisces.

There isn’t supposed to be any Satan nor devil (nor even Eshu) in the Age of Aquarius (and therefore no witchcraft). No lords of illusion here, out of the Piscean Age’s slippery grasp. No backwardness. The Age of Aquarius is that much about order and collective good.

So it isn’t really about how many years each age and yuga lasts. It’s more like watching a climate shift throughout the year and seeing weather systems roll through. The timing is more naturalistic than clockwork.

──── by Lync Dalton ────

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Longevity in the Satya

Legends about the Satya Yuga say that people then live longer lifetimes than we do now. They’re virtuous and beautiful. You can read about this elsewhere on the internet. They say also that the Kali Yuga is too sinful, and that in it we are living in comparative misery.

Corruption and villainy are very rare and detested in the Satya Yuga. Polyamory and other nonmonogamy should be much easier. People are more gracious, and dharma pervades their relationships.

The Satya Yuga is due on everyone’s timeline, whether they are Hindu or not. Some people call the Satya Yuga the Age of Aquarius (although that’s just the first part of it, I think), the Golden Era, or Paradise.

We could be inside the Satya timeframe or close in ten years, theoretically. We could be those people. Ascension would provide transition between Kali Yuga biology and Satya Yuga biology and culture.

Some individuals may resurrect and end up living multiple centuries. Living to 150 may start becoming common for everyone else.

──── by Lync Dalton ────

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The world can get better.

Aquarian principle: Developing and planning for win/win situations.

So after the unacceptable elements of the situation have been eliminated or minimized (mandatory for a successful win/win, think Aquarius co-ruler Saturn in its role as enforcer of practical limitations and practical morality), each of the participants (who are all desirable human elements) ends up getting a rewarding and nuanced balance of flexibility and satisfactory range of beneficial outcome. Takes some wisdom. Usually ends up being at least a little bit fun.

Jupiter, who holds things sacred, is about to re-enter Aquarius (while in retrograde) soon. Saturn has been there for a while.

──── by Lync Dalton ────

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World Oracle

In British and United States lore, there are stories and prophecies about the Moonchild, a human incarnation of a very pure soul that is an indispensable factor in actualizing the Age of Aquarius, a peaceful and prosperous time for humans.

No one was sure where or when the Moonchild would be born until my grandmother noticed that I was born the third daughter of a third daughter and a third son, and told an interested party about it. Far away, channels were consulted and divinations cast that confirmed that the Moonchild incarnation had been born.

The Moonchild legend is very connected with the Greek goddess Artemis, but I’m not sure how many people realized how much the Greek god Apollo (her twin) was involved with this prophesied incarnation. Early Christianity was very Greek, and in ancient Greece it coexisted with the local polytheism, so the type of blending of religions (including Christianity, Thelema, Scientology, ancient Greek religion, and more) we see in Moonchild lore is cozier than it may seem at first glance. One of the keys to actualizing the Age of Aquarius (which leads into and overlaps the prophesied Satya Yuga, humanity’s best future) is the fact that the Moonchild incarnation can function as a modern oracle, something like the Oracle at Delphi.

The Oracle at Delphi (sometimes called the Pythia) was a priestess of Apollo who consulted with powerful rulers and leaders all over Greece before it had a national identity. The oracle was almost like an apparatus of centralized government serving the various kingdoms and societies (nation states) that made up the region. She assisted ancient Greece into its Golden Age. She could foretell the future, explain the interests of the gods, and she gave the best advice.

(Often Greek tragedies feature situations where someone has ignored the advice of the Pythia, and because she was channeling the gods and their wisdom when she gave that advice, ignoring it often intersected with hubris. Hubris and/or trying to divert fate unwisely tended to be a Greek tragic figure’s major mistake. Note too that the Pythia seems to have provided effective and highly personalized advice to all the kings and most of the major heroes in the region.)

In ancient Greek societies, she kept things running smoothly.

Concept: I‘m supposed to be able to do that for the world. Most fundamentally, perhaps, it has to do with my consulting services.

──── by Lync Dalton ────

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