
Rama and Sita

The Ramayana is based on real events that took place during the Dvapara Yuga (a time period with roughly twice as much dharma as we have known in the Kali Yuga). It is about Vishnu being born as a prince named Rama, who was destined to rid the world of an evil warlord who could only be killed by a human. In the poem, you can see that even if they weren’t perfect, most of the people in the story put effort into doing the right thing and tended to be good and gracious to one another. The end of the poem is very sad, though, and dharma seems to collapse, causing a lot of tragedy.

Whether Rama and his wife Sita separated at the end of their difficulties in and leading up to Lanka depends on where you ask. It’s different in some cities and households and times than others. I believe and have recovered the information that the tradition that says that Rama and Sita stayed together permanently after she was rescued from the warlord’s grasp is the accurate one.

The tragic ending of Valmiki’s Ramayana, which I believe was adapted in during the Kali Yuga, brings up important feminist questions. They may have been particularly historically or socially relevant questions at that time.

Rama and Sita are known throughout the world as models of a good king and queen, and as good parents. Rama was the Gemini Christ by the same time metric where Jesus is known as the Piscean Christ, Gautama Buddha was the Aries Christ, and Krishna was the Taurean Christ.

──── by Lync Dalton ────

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Valid myths

Old myths often feature gods and/or humans, very often in combination. The humans in myths often had their own bright philosophies, and tried to be good examples for people and even entire societies. Sometimes this was more recognized about the men than the women in some cultures, but not all. They were larger than life, probably in their own times as well as in the retellings of their lives and deeds with lessons that became myths.

A story about a son or daughter of a god would in many cases be determined after someone had shown exceptional abilities and merit.

Sometimes myths are about the founding of civilizations, founded by people with solid enough personal philosophies (which can be informed by philosophers, advisors, mates, etc.) to maintain a blessed feeling system for a very long time. Good gets done in myths, if you know how to read the lessons.

Satya Yuga is the most virtuous yuga, but it’s effortless to be virtuous in the Satya Yuga because of how fun and worthwhile everything is and feels. People are good there (then). The myths leading into the Satya should have people doing a lot of good (in terms of making the right choices) to get the vibe right. As a philosopher, shaman, oracle, and light in the world, I am trying to restore dharma to the world. The examples of dharma we set leading up to the Satya Yuga can resound for thousands of years.

On the flip side, that means that people making the wrong choices have been keeping us all trapped in the wrong time quality.

During the Kali Yuga, our current age going back thousands of years, which is now stale, some of our myths lost key components of their original lessons such that those lessons became hard for humans to notice or even access. This yuga is like a dark ages compared to the others (i.e. the Dvapara Yuga, Treta Yuga, and Satya Yuga).

That’s one of the reasons that valid, true modern myths are due. We need real individuals to live through modern problem solving endeavors that end up making the world feel better and work better for people. We need them each to have a spiritual journey in the process. I don’t know what’s going to happen in the new myths, but I know that people have problems to solve.

I’m ready to be the oracle they go to. I’m ready to be their shaman that gives them the right information.

──── by Lync Dalton ────

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Kalki, final Vishnu avatar

“For whenever there is a decline in righteousness and an increase in un-righteousness, Arjuna, then I emanate myself. For the protection of good people, for the destruction of evil-doers, and for the restoration of righteousness, I take birth in age after age.”

– Krishna, Bhagavad Gita

Messages of Kalki, the expected final Vishnu avatar who (never being evil) overcomes evil with good, and who helps restore dharma to the world, have existed for a long time. They’re prophecies given by Hindu prophets, and they hold secrets about the Apocalypse and yuga turn (the transition from the Kali Yuga to the Satya Yuga). They talk about Kalki as a real person who lives at the end of the Kali Yuga (our current age, which is at its end, if things run their proper course).

I’ve recovered some interesting information that seems to be present in various Kalki prophecies, some of which is obscure and/or known only in certain regions:

  • Kalki is the living avatar of Vishnu, a good and just god. Kalki champions dharma, which involves people fulfilling their potential as good and productive beings (individually and collectively).
  • Kalki is Vishnu born to help humans attain the living paradise of Satya Yuga.
  • Kalki hates evil.
  • Kalki is supposed to defeat evil. Kalki tries to save the world alongside the other people who want to rise above evil, defeat it, and have a good and productive future for humanity.
  • In or before the 1800s, prophets started having visions of Kalki turning out to be a woman: Vishnu’s first female human avatar. Otherwise, Kalki seems to undertake the very serious challenge of the Apocalypse in his youth or early manhood.
  • In or before the 1500s, prophets started having visions of Kalki having trouble at some point with being plagiarized. Even before that, it was understood that Kalki would be a sacred scholar who studied morality, dharma, ethics, and other things. Vishnu avatars are all philosophers.
  • In or before the 1400s, prophets started describing that Kalki would be one of several children, and have evil siblings, who are very depraved, who are unjust to Kalki, and who perpetrate offensive acts that Vishnu hates, and that the righteous hate. Kalki, however, was expected to be good and just, and to have sound philosophies.
  • Kalki is predicted to have chronic health issues for long periods, and these health problems will place undue limitations on Kalki’s life and lifestyle.
  • Kalki has something like a built-in cosmic calculator. This could describe a kind of alchemical mental state connected with Logos.
  • There has been an understanding that Kalki would be a musician, and may write songs.
  • Kalki was expected to have a mystery to solve about some of the evil going on in the world, and would present what was discovered to the public on some kind of screen.
  • Kalki was prophesied by some to be a survivor of abuse.
  • It’s been said that Kalki works specifically with (and as) multiple Vedic and Upanishad gods, including Vishnu, Kartikeya’s identities (notably Murugan, Skanda, and Subrahmanya), and Durga, and counts as the avatar of all of those. Kalki also has a special relationship with the god Shiva, who is Kartikeya’s father and Durga’s consort. Kalki also has special identification with Rama, Vishnu’s first human avatar.
  • Kalki is an avatar who becomes aware of being an avatar at some point relatively early in life.
  • Kalki must live a long life. Kalki may experience a resurrection and transfiguration at some point.
  • Kalki is associated with a white horse. Kalki may own a white horse.
  • Kalki is associated with a parrot. Kalki may own a parrot.
  • Kalki is associated with a sword. Kalki may receive or have a physical, etheric, or metaphorical weapon that could be called or compared to a sword.
  • Some prophecies have claimed that Kalki would be born in a land that was associated with dreams.
  • Kalki is supposed to be instrumental in getting humanity through the Apocalypse at the end of the Kali Yuga and into the sacred Satya Yuga.
  • Kalki confronts demons, and engages in battles with them.
  • Kalki cares about and cooperates with righteous people who champion virtue during a time when too much human virtue is lost.
  • More than one person, including someone who holds special interest for the god Brahma, is prophesied to be destined to help and be close with Kalki. They must have good and enjoyable lives to create an environment that blooms into the Satya Yuga.
  • Kalki has a spouse at some point who is probably associated with an island somewhere and is either named after a flower, or known for being beautiful or delicate like a flower.
  • Kalki is a leader.
  • The numbers of years often quoted as the duration of the various yugas may very likely be estimations or figurative.
  • Kalki will be born around the time when humans are running out of dharma so much that they’re hitting a very serious crisis point.

──── by Lync Dalton ────

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On Set Apotheosis

Set Apotheosis is that Set (the ancient Egyptian god) is manifest on Earth, and I (Lync Dalton) am Set.

Set is a polytheistic presence, part of a continuity of gods called Neters, which have elements of both deities and angels. He not evil. He is a god that understands how to navigate chaos. He’s a desert god, and the sacredness of a desert includes getting through hardship, understanding complex systems, and meditative intuition.

Ancient Egyptian religions were devotional, and spiritually earnest participants tended to bond with a particular Neter (under God) after making devotional overtures (like donations, atonement, and/or prayers). With others, it was more of a direct transactional relationship with the god or goddess, like making offerings for consideration as someone a god might take a personal interest in.

I was deep into a period of very intense deity work, and I’d started feeling shades of Set.

Set is an ancient Egyptian Neter, or god. He is a very exciting being to work with. Past mythologies featuring him that I’ve been exposed to show Set to be a Ra loyalist (note: Osiris and Horus were not Ra loyalists, nor was Isis) who often associated with immigrants to Egypt. He made for a fierce enemy, and was seen as a trickster during certain points in Egyptian history.

He’s talkative, inventive. He’s earnest. Set is known as a god of chaos. He is more the god of navigating chaos than of administering it. He always loved oases more than the barren and ever changeable sand. When I’m in my Set aspect I feel that I intuitively know the difference between hard desert, wholesome desert, oasis, and mirage. Set knows that primordial chaos is not entropy.

I drew this portrait of Set in 2013.

He’s one of the coolest looking god images in recorded history, is Set. He has his own mystery animal. Historians and Egyptologists often wonder, what beast is the Set animal or sha based on?

Set and many of the other Neters have an intent to build new mythology in the 21st Century. This is a current yearning in many of the polytheistic gods and goddesses that have manifested benevolent energies and presences all over the Earth.

The Set animal is comprised of any and every animal that Set says it is, says Set. The Set animal can eat anything Set wants you to leave alone until it is absolutely inaccessible to you. It is also sometimes called a sha, and in ancient Egypt it was likely supposed to give the overall impression of an animal one has never seen before, perhaps from foreign lands.

I’d felt his heart softening toward me while I was living in Canada, sore and lonely from immigration (he’s one of the gods who work especially with immigration and immigrants). Lucky me.

So my life fell apart entirely in 2019 (due to outside hostilities that are bewildering in motive, and I have made no enemies through ever doing any injustice to anyone, for example) and I started channeling Set spontaneously at various points in the day. It started out very full-body, at the level of channeling that some continuities would call horsing.

And I was manifesting Set in his full deity superpersonality through my mind, my personality, my voice, and my body. This is very rare for channeling. I am told that only avatars do this. When I say superpersonality I mean a god personality that is at least somewhat represented in myth, history, and religious doctrine. It’s a non-human “personality” originating in consciousness that stays at a very high level of vibration and in dimensions higher than human consciousness.

Set started feeling fairly protective of me right away because I’d been experiencing torture for months, having been targeted by a terrorist group/bullying club, and I had no clear way out of that situation.

I’ve been spiritually incubating Set (alchemically) and developing and channeling my Set aspect as an expression of the Divine Masculine principle. I’m a woman, but it’s still a very important project. He’s an aspect of mine that really loves teaching. He seems to think a lot about what it takes to be a good man, even though in Set’s iconography he does not look like a man.

He is interested in interacting with people and in lecturing (note: I would have to be manifesting him when he does this), and wants my life to get better.

──── by Lync Dalton ────

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