"Be Around" Syndrome

COVID-19 as we near 2022

COVID-19 is a mutation of the SARS virus that hit the news circa 2002. It is a virus (not a bacteria or parasite) that falls under the category of coronavirus, which is known for having distinctive protein spikes protruding from it that at some point someone probably thought looked somewhat like the tines of a crown. COVID-19 has caused a lot of fear in the world. It does not have to present with severe symptoms to kill weeks after infection, during what is sometimes called its multisystem inflammatory phase. When it’s severe, it sometimes kills very quickly. I’ve heard that it has a tendency to cause fatalities about 5% of the time (worldwide, diagnosed and undiagnosed combined), which is one in twenty cases, or less. It seems to be proving to be over three times as deadly as influenza is today.

If this disease was sweeping through a community in the old days, they might call it a plague, but it would admittedly be a mild plague. People are scared, and they have a right to be.

Delta is another mutation of SARS. So far, it is easier to catch but less dangerous than COVID-19. Since the COVID-19 pandemic broke out, they’ve been naming SARS mutations Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta, etc., and usually referring to them as “strains” of COVID-19. Several variants of SARS had already been documented for years, having been discovered some time before the COVID-19 pandemic.

Omicron seems to be kind of a chaotic concept. It seems like it may be a range of different viruses, possibly. Some people claim that it’s a mysterious strain that originated in vaccinated patients. It is still unknown whether the symptoms of Omicron vary from COVID-19 symptoms. Discovered in November 2021, Omicron is said to be spreading rapidly all over the world– many months to over a year quicker than COVID-19 (which was only called Coronavirus at the outset) spread, if Omicron only has one or even a small handful of origins. Despite how it’s being written about, it is very likely not possible to test seropositive for Omicron yet using any preexisting mainstream test (science doesn’t exactly occur at the speed of sound), and it may be most commonly diagnosed by clinical evaluation. People have been warned that they may or may not need to be particularly worried.

In large part, Omicron actually seems like it may be a theorized mutation of COVID-19 that is particularly severe and may cause organ dysfunction. The Omicron theory may have been developed as a result of autopsies of people who’d been diagnosed with COVID-19, but showed additional and abnormal causes of death in common. Early reports indicated that Omicron presented with heart symptoms, though that may have been tacitly dropped for now.

Is Omicron what they’re going to call “Be Around” Syndrome? Will they say it’s linked to SARS? I don’t know. I’ll be on the lookout.

(Note as of October 2022: I believe I may have finally come into shamanic communication with a virus that was near my current environment that thinks it might be the Omicron variant, but does not know whether or not to identify that way and does not know if it belongs in the category of coronavirus; by contrast, COVID-19 and Delta usually do know to identify themselves in those respects, the monkeypox virus seems to be able to identify itself as such when it’s anywhere in my city, etc. For the record, I do tell viruses not to harm anyone nor infect anyone when we communicate.)

──── by Lync Dalton ────

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Danger: high mortality rates

The population may be dropping. Excess deaths (i.e. the number of deaths that occur above a figure based on an average of deaths across the years 2015-2019) are way up in 2021 (update as of May 2023: the cumulative excess mortality rate graph now seems to show the disturbing trend more accurately, as it appears the baseline may in fact be getting updated yearly by the CDC with the more recent higher numbers, making the percentage graphs a little harder to decode). The number of deaths in the United States was already elevated above baseline in 2020, and this year it’s worse and climbing.

Have people been noticing less traffic on the roads? Easier-to-get parking at stores and shopping centers? Less crowding and shorter lines in certain contexts? It’s not just down to people staying home to quarantine against the COVID-19 epidemic, is what a lot of people are currently surmising.

Reasons for these excess deaths are very likely at least threefold: the COVID-19 pandemic; violent crimes, including an increase in passive aggressive violent acts of poisoning, mass poisoning, and bioterrorism; a widespread and mysterious phenomenon called “Be Around” Syndrome, which seems to be caused by DNA and chromosomes not being present in certain cells, and which may cause internal abnormalities, immune dysfunction, insufficient organ repair, etc. Note that the first two may cause organ damage, and the third might make that damage more lethal.

I’m concerned.

──── by Lync Dalton ────

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RNA anomaly alert

World Shaman report: I recently discovered an RNA anomaly ravaging my body that reminded me of the DNA anomalies described as “Be Around” Syndrome. Some of the RNA wasn’t working right. There’s reason to believe that many more people were afflicted the same way, due to bizarre causes similar to how “Be Around” Syndrome developed. Fortunately, I believe I’ve been able to promptly fix this problem for the population as a whole. This should already be corrected in the population generally as of September 10, 2021.

This may save some lives, and it certainly stands to improve quality of life for many bodies. Mine is recovering from a lot of RNA malfunctioning.

My research shows that RNA plays a role in some of the chemical components of certain emotions, in pheromones, and in internal logistics for the body.

“Be Around” Syndrome DNA shortage, with its widespread chromosome/DNA loss, still seems to be raging on.

In other news, on September 9, 2021, I was able to lift all family curses on Earth. There were even some affecting other species.

──── by Lync Dalton ────

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