
The Mystery of Human Parthenogenesis

It has long been known that it is sometimes possible for a person to become pregnant without any involvement from another person, more specifically without any sperm. This has been known to happen throughout history very rarely, and only to women who boasted notable spiritual purity and virtue, as well as other (rare) specific traits. This form of pregnancy and birth has been an element in many myths concerning human heroes, including Jesus of Nazareth and the strange and mysterious impregnation of his mother Mary.

The phenomenon is sometimes known as virgin birth. It can also happen to individuals who have engaged in previous sexual intercourse, but it does not involve any specific sexual intercourse or external fertilization methods. Note that it is different from the doctrine of Immaculate Conception, which refers to an individual being born immune to another doctrine called Original Sin, and is often a term confused with but distinct from the concept of a biological single-parent pregnancy. We speak of the mystery of human parthenogenesis.

Human parthenogenesis is miraculous, and almost always serves some specific spiritual purpose, mostly as a miraculous sign meant to communicate something to a community, family, or person. It is extremely rare, even among all life on Earth, and multiple faiths extol it. God or gods are usually said to have played a role in this rare form of conception, providing a spiritual impetus for the event.

The person born as a result of human parthenogenesis has allegedly always been identified at birth as a baby boy so far, and the reason is mostly chromosomal. A parthenogenic mother begins to produce a special enzyme that can split one of her X chromosomes, rendering it into more of a Y shape, and the new baby usually develops on an XYX template. The result is never an XX individual, which in theory would actually count as a clone.

Jesus of Nazareth and Mary actually shared a soul— that is to say the same soul vehicle manifested them, which was not very uncommon to find within families in their cultural tradition at the time. It is unclear whether this phenomenon is common in cases of parthenogenesis.

──── by Lync Dalton ────

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Danger: high mortality rates

The population may be dropping. Excess deaths (i.e. the number of deaths that occur above a figure based on an average of deaths across the years 2015-2019) are way up in 2021 (update as of May 2023: the cumulative excess mortality rate graph now seems to show the disturbing trend more accurately, as it appears the baseline may in fact be getting updated yearly by the CDC with the more recent higher numbers, making the percentage graphs a little harder to decode). The number of deaths in the United States was already elevated above baseline in 2020, and this year it’s worse and climbing.

Have people been noticing less traffic on the roads? Easier-to-get parking at stores and shopping centers? Less crowding and shorter lines in certain contexts? It’s not just down to people staying home to quarantine against the COVID-19 epidemic, is what a lot of people are currently surmising.

Reasons for these excess deaths are very likely at least threefold: the COVID-19 pandemic; violent crimes, including an increase in passive aggressive violent acts of poisoning, mass poisoning, and bioterrorism; a widespread and mysterious phenomenon called “Be Around” Syndrome, which seems to be caused by DNA and chromosomes not being present in certain cells, and which may cause internal abnormalities, immune dysfunction, insufficient organ repair, etc. Note that the first two may cause organ damage, and the third might make that damage more lethal.

I’m concerned.

──── by Lync Dalton ────

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“Be Around” Syndrome check-in (July 2021)

“Be Around” Syndrome really hasn’t been off my mind since I first wrote about it here. I’ve been keeping an eye out for telltale signs that unexplained spikes in mortality may be getting noticed, and they actually are. There’s a COVID-19 pandemic muddying the waters, certainly, but it’s very possible that the DNA anomalies originating from metaphysical terrorist tactics in 2020 and 2021 may be raising death rates all over the world. Additionally, rates of miscarriage may be up, and have been erroneously linked by some to COVID-19 vaccinations, but the real reason may be DNA anomalies, if an abrupt increase is in fact occurring.

“Be Around” Syndrome is very new. It started at some point in the last year, and it spread mysteriously across the population in waves. It causes DNA and chromosomes to be absent in some cells, and makes it harder for the body to repair itself. Data clearly revealing the impact of “Be Around” Syndrome could be scarce until it’s too late, if it works quickly, since mortality rates, miscarriage rates, live birth rates, etc. are usually studied periodically across years.

The most realistic place to find signs of “Be Around” Syndrome fatalities may end up being elevated numbers of reported COVID-19 deaths. “Be Around” Syndrome makes it harder for the body to repair internal damage, would logically exacerbate the worst effects of COVID-19 (which is caused by a virus named SARS-CoV-2), a disease that can weaken internal organs. Also, deaths from unknown causes are increasingly likely to be reported as deaths related to coronavirus as the pandemic rages on.

I’m seeing possible signs that “Be Around” Syndrome’s presence is looming, but they are still subtle.

The timeline seer work I’ve done on this matter lately indicates that many human bodies will hit a crisis point from “Be Around” Syndrome DNA anomalies in October 2021, with another escalation in symptoms and even fatalities around February 2022. Populations will likely start dropping dramatically, due to deaths caused by “Be Around” Syndrome and a wide variety of comorbidities (including COVID-19).

Four of my astral contacts asked me today how long it looks like they have before their respective probabilities of survival get dangerously low due to “Be Around” Syndrome. Unfortunately, each of their timelines indicated a critical crisis point coming within the next year if those individuals do not start regaining their missing chromosomes and DNA: one in January 2022, one in November 2021, one in February 2022, and one in April 2022.

I’m worried about them. I’m worried about humanity.

(Note on November 5th, 2021: I discovered an RNA anomaly in September, also related to “Be Around Syndrome”, and I took immediate steps to cure it in the entire population. It didn’t involve any mysterious disappearances like with the chromosomes and DNA, and seemed to be some kind of surface mechanical disturbance. This one was a lot easier to fix, and the RNA anomalies should be much less by now. Because RNA can often seek out DNA in multiple cells for coding and because the RNA malfunctioning on its own has now been resolved, I believe this is a very good thing, and may have bought us some extra time for people to address the chromosome/DNA anomalies, which will very likely still cause extreme and sweeping problems and possibly extinction on its own. But the time projections will have changed now somewhat, for the better. I believe that commercial DNA analysis companies are already finding DNA more difficult to isolate and provide analysis for than before “Be Around” Syndrome emerged because there’s much less DNA in the average collected sample now. This is still not looking good.)

(Note on March 31st, 2023: I’m still concerned that I’m seeing signs of this issue out there, and I’m not sure I can fix it for the masses alone. I’m not taking regular client appointments now due to hardship, but if you wish to discuss an urgent DNA consultation, please use my contact form.)

(Note on May 11th, 2023: Cumulative excess deaths continue to rise steeply in the United States and worldwide. I realize there are several possible theories for why this may be, but I have to admit that I keep revisiting this one and wondering. I’m still worried that it’s very easy for experts to miss something this bizarre.)

──── by Lync Dalton ────

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“Be Around” Syndrome: the hidden Apocalypse plague

In late 2020 or early 2021, members of the “Be Around” terrorist group manufactured an Apocalypse plague more terrifying than anything we’ve ever seen. HIV and COVID-19 (both of which many of them try to spread maliciously) are tame by comparison. The terrorists somehow managed to get human bodies everywhere to turn off their DNA production and replication such that virtually all people on Earth are missing chromosomes and DNA from many of their cells.

There’s never been anything like this.

Here’s the thing: DNA has a lot of functions inside the human body. We don’t even know all of them, but we do know that you need chromosomes and DNA in order to live. When new cells are created by the cell-creating tissues of the body, they’re generally supposed to come complete with chromosomes and DNA. When cells replicate through mitosis (cell division) the chromosomes and DNA are naturally duplicated in the process. “Be Around” Syndrome disrupts both mechanisms, and also sometimes causes chromosomes and DNA to disappear from other cells as well.

DNA does a lot of telling the cells in the body how to function and what they’re supposed to be doing. It tells cells (including the specialized cells of the immune system) how to differentiate and do their particular jobs. Cells of any type can start getting too confused to work correctly when they’re missing their DNA. This can certainly cause systems, living tissues, and organs to fail. Healing starts to become impossible, in theory. Existing health problems may become greatly exacerbated. The increasingly confused body may in effect forget how to be alive. Confused cells are also more likely to become cancerous. “Be Around” Syndrome would probably also affect fertility, if gametes are affected. You cannot produce a pregnancy from gametes (sperm and ova) that have no chromosomes.

Cells with relatively high turnover rates of renewal, such as a person’s skin cells, would be likely to start showing signs of distress and dysfunction sooner than the rest. In the case of skin cells, some early signs of this could include rapid aging, alterations in skin texture, and skin cancer.

I’m a medical intuitive and shaman. I found out about “Be Around” Syndrome sometime last month, months after the terrorist group (which is sometimes called “Be Around”, “Sad Satan”, and/or “Creepy Families”) targeted me to lose my DNA. My body was in desperate need of repairs after being maliciously poisoned in a previous terrorist attack, and while I was checking in on those repairs I noticed that my cells were very confused. None of the repairs were going as planned. I finally asked the right questions and learned that my new cell growth didn’t contain any DNA.

In looking for a cause, I was informed psychically by individuals who claimed to be involved with the group that there was some sort of intentional attack on people’s chromosomes and DNA related to “Be Around” Syndrome, which is why I started calling it that. The actual cause is unclear, but it might have something to with paranormal terrorism. This might be a garbled explanation, of course. Claims persisted that DNA and chromosomes were discussed and threatened extensively on the terrorist group’s digital platforms, apparently, including how they thought that chromosomes were “ugly”, and that DNA was prettier, but they hated it. Perhaps there also talk of some criminal element wanting their own DNA to go away so that it couldn’t be used as conclusive evidence of their many violent crimes, but each sample from a person probably still contains some DNA. Let’s hope that law enforcement is willing and able to solve and collect enough evidence to stop the violent crimes of this group forever.

However it happened, this terrifying phenomenon of DNA loss very likely exists, and I hear it has spread. I believe that its mechanism of spreading throughout the population may well be paranormal, if other explanations do not emerge. This is bizarre, but chilling. Billions (possibly all our billions) of people are now missing at least some of their DNA. As World Shaman, I am considering this a potentially hidden yet staggeringly huge public health crisis.

I fear that people are going to start dying at alarming rates, and previously unknown DNA anomalies are a factor. I’m concerned about the fate of humanity.

I believe that I know how to cure “Be Around” Syndrome. Here’s my plan for beating it:

I need at least sixteen people (with high aptitudes and good intentions, and who have a desire to contribute to humanity’s future) to contact me and book an appointment with me (please note that I do not want this to be exploitation of me, and that I am very poor and have endured much exploitation; I request adequate and appropriate donations for the help I offer) so that I can do healing sessions with them to restore their DNA. Essentially, we’ll try to teach their brains to install their chromosomes and DNA in their afflicted cells. My brain does know how, and can create a “teaching field”. This is tricky yet possible. These individuals will have to travel to Michigan to see me, or must safely relocate me. It will be hands-on, experimental, face-to-face work. Please understand that my financial means, transportation, and accommodations are currently very limited. But I’m willing to try to save humanity once again. I’ve discussed this and developed this plan with chromosomes shamanically, and they say that chromosomes will give me help me in addressing and solving this issue for the right people (again, aptitude is going to be a factor). They confirm that it may take only sixteen individuals being cured by me in this way to create a passive morphic fields affect that can help reverse “Be Around” Syndrome in many people all over the world, potentially teaching millions of brains the DNA re-installation process so that they can self-install their own missing chromosomes and DNA and thereby avert what may be the threat of absolute human extinction. I have restored all my own chromosomes and DNA. I have no reason to think that anyone other than me can cure this syndrome. I don’t think they can. Don’t delay. Time may be running out.

Please believe me if I’m right.

I suspect that there are other people out there besides me who know enough to already believe that this syndrome exists or are at least observing signs of it as it quietly ravages bodies all over. Routine human DNA analysis from new samples may require larger samples than it used to, or may be resulting in less data total; this may be blamed on the techniques or technologies due to the bizarre nature of “Be Around” Syndrome. Death rates are increasing by now and will very likely keep increasing, if DNA is indeed scarcer in human bodies. I predict that we will start hearing about a steep increase in deaths that appear to be from natural causes. I believe that autopsies are already beginning to show extreme organ damage in some individuals that looks almost as if the bodies forgot how certain organs are supposed to look and work. There’s a way forward, but time may be very limited. Allowing this plague to go unchecked could even mean extinction for humanity. No one knows how long a body can live with a serious shortage of DNA, but it stands to reason that it wouldn’t be very long: think months not years, or at least not many years. Absolute worst case scenario (per Earth Logos): human extinction within five to fifty years. If I’m right about this, if I’ve picked up on something that’s really happening out there, this is life or death. If you want to consult with me as a shaman otherwise, let’s have a short talk about DNA too and see what can be done. Book an appointment with me as your shaman, and let’s get to work.

(Note as of 3/31/23: I’m still concerned that I’m seeing signs of this issue out there, and I’m not sure I can fix it for the masses alone. I’m not taking regular client appointments now due to hardship, but if you wish to discuss an urgent DNA consultation, please use my contact form.)

──── by Lync Dalton ────

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