
The Monomyth

The hero’s journey, or monomyth, is an idea extensively detailed and explored in author Joseph Campbell’s work, and notably his book The Hero with a Thousand Faces. The hero’s journey is a narrative pattern informed by a syncretic analysis of numerous myths and folk tales from all over the world. It is a foundational layer of story that generically explores how a person could become a hero.

“Hero” is an archetype. Pioneering psychiatrist Carl Jung talked a lot about archetypes, which are somewhat mysterious in nature, but they are essentially, like the hero’s journey, something like mythic templates. Unlike the hero’s journey, which is a template for a story, archetypes are usually templates for characters. But not all characters are archetypes, which have a particular kind of power that’s hard to come by. Real and fictional heroes actually both have something of this in their nature, being larger than life because of rare and particular achievements, as well being of very good character.

Deconstructing a hero within fiction too much leaves you with something less inspiring, and you usually lose the archetypal nature of the character. You’ll just have a protagonist, then, or possibly even less. They still might be referred to as the hero of the story, but they are usually not an archetypal hero.

I like archetypes a lot as a subject, in part because the more alchemy I’ve practiced, the more a doorway into their arcane mysteries has opened up to me. When I was in eleventh grade, I remember asking my English teacher if there was a list of all the archetypes I could find somewhere. He said there wasn’t one that he knew of, which was the right answer. An exhaustive list is actually probably not available, but nor are archetypes up to the discretion of the writer or audience. They are more objective than that. There’s something about them that’s like those mineral compounds that can be polished into gems. Some may still be unknown, but there are quite a few we know of, and their luster is predictable if they are pure enough.

So what happens to a hero? Campbell’s proposed monomyth contains seventeen steps, which I’ll add concise original descriptions of, according to how I’ve come to understand them after exactly the amount of alchemical work I’ve done plus the sheer amount of suffering I’ve gone through by the time I’m writing this.

The Call to Adventure
The hero is more or less a normal person at this stage, but there’s something about them, or there’s something about the world they’re in, that has the potential to explode into an incandescent adventure. Human condition, I guess you could say.
Refusal of the Call
But the hero would prefer to live some version of the life they can see all around them, thank you very much.
Supernatural Aid
Not so fast, says something genuinely abnormal. To the hero, it is possible that this stage feels very far from what they would recognize as “aid”. Maybe it feels worthwhile, and maybe it doesn’t. It can be a mentor with a certain spiritual connection, or a mysterious happening, or a mystical experience.
The Crossing of the First Threshold
The hero can’t stay where they are, doing what they probably thought they wanted to do when they were refusing the call. They have to get moving.
Belly of the Whale
The bad news is, that this endeavor isn’t going to be quite as easy as the hero probably deserves. A problem arises, and the hero faces it, more or less alone. This moment probably proves something about the hero: maybe that they’re a good person (which heroes have to be), or that they have the right idea (which is helpful for a hero), or that they have skills or potential or fortitude (which heroes have to have).
The Road of Trials
The hero has to keep moving, and alas, the way is arduous. Difficulties arise along the way, defining the adventure as a quest, as opposed to a mere travel log.
The Meeting with the Goddess
This one is rather confusing when you’re doing literary analysis, as most stories do not feature a meeting with any actual goddesses. This is a reference to finding something special. Perhaps it’s adapted from the theological theory that the manifest universe is the domain of the Goddess in a particular way. At this point, the manifest universe somehow seems to have a pinnacle to show the hero. It can be an item, a goddess, a splendid city, or something else, but it is worth seeing.
Here is where the question “Why continue?” or “Why go anywhere else?” comes up in one way or another, but it is not wholesome in contrast to the hero’s actual destiny. Once the hero comes to realize this, the hero rejects the temptation to halt the quest, and continues on.
Something happens that brings up a new idea: someone or something might have a quarrel with the hero based on the hero’s history, nature, or conduct, or based on the nature of reality itself. Suddenly there is a problem that cannot be solved so directly as the prior challenges. The hero must confront something about themselves here, and understand who they the hero are, what they’ve done, and how they feel about the world, all well enough to navigate this stage.
Oh good, the hero did a good job navigating the last stage! Now they’re the bigger person, compared with before. They are something larger than life, and their instincts will from now on be to do the very right thing.
The Ultimate Boon
Now the hero reaches a key objective, getting something they needed or at least wanted very much and are not entirely undeserving of.
Refusal of the Return
There is likely something on the journey or at the end of the journey that the hero doesn’t want to leave. But one thing the hero has learned is that not everything can stay exactly the same all the time. What we see here is actually usually much more like reluctance than refusal, though stories may vary. A hero at this stage can move forward if they know they’re supposed to. They just can.
The Magic Flight
The hero starts on the journey home, usually with the ultimate boon or something gained from it.
The hero deserves help, and sometimes they really need it by now. It’s usually help from someone or something powerful, and this is where it comes in.
The Crossing of the Return Threshold
At this point the hero often returns in some way to what one could call the real world, which is at least semi-distinct from the more single-minded existence of the quest. This is where that shift occurs. The hero may be reunited with previous companions, locales, or pursuits.
Master of the Two Worlds
This is where the hero integrates back into that real world, but this time as a person who has developed new abilities, new understanding, and the right instincts. The world is lucky to have a person such as this. They have the education and life experience that faithfully following the quest offered them, and they are better for it.
Freedom to Live
Life can be good, and the hero is ready– and well-equipped– to live it. Sometimes the status quo even changes because what came before was so pivotal in the world, and part of the hero’s great reward is this: it’s a better status quo.

For real life heroes, hewing to the best in themselves can take them into and through some of these steps rather naturally, sometimes in this order, sometimes in a different order.

──── by Lync Dalton ────

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Extinction (as a general concept)

Extinction is a little different than we’ve been taught to conceptualize it. The term “extinction” is used to describe a species or subspecies that human beings know existed at one point, either from observation or the fossil record, but do not observe anymore. It essentially describes a type of living thing that we cannot find anymore anywhere we’re currently looking, but of course this doesn’t mean we’re able to look everywhere at all times. A species receiving the designation of “extinct” does not, as is claimed, necessarily mean that there are no members of that species left on Earth. Many of the species and subspecies we consider extinct seem to be observed again in nature (or possibly captivity) by someone sooner or later. The coelacanth is a classic example of this. Other animals are probably observing these species already, but they are usually very sparse, very remote, or otherwise hard to find, so we must resign ourselves to see them when we see them, if we ever get to see them again.

Of course, some species surely do go away, never to return unless their genes atavistically assert themselves to surge into a novel yet familiar niche, recalling the past, usually looking a little different. Failing that, over time those species usually became something much different and more suited to the present. Not even dog breeds stay the same over time.

But did any of those truly lost species live in the ocean? This is eminently doubtable.

There are entire ecosystems we’ve never seen out there. It is common today to discover new species, but it is also extremely common to rediscover known ones we thought were lost. Science describes things, but cannot actually define them within reality.

──── by Lync Dalton ────

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On pillars

You never used to hear about societies working without pillars of the community, and enough of them. With their elevation in society, they necessarily become its patrons. The concept of noblesse oblige is that of the upper classes making sure that the rest of the people have a good society to function in, such that it is a symbiotic and positive relationship that is easy to maintain, even across generations. That is a natural mechanism in any sustainable society. These pillars are automatically held up to high standards of behavior and judgment, and society needs that. It’s almost architectural. These are supposed to be the people who hold up the roof of civilization, and the whole structure is better for it. Ptah was a god in ancient Egypt that evoked such an archetype. He is mostly acknowledged as a god of architecture and craftsmanship, but part of his doctrine involved setting a divine example for those humans at the top of society who had an extra measure of prosperity and therefore shouldered extra responsibility in their communities.

──── by Lync Dalton ────

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Fun (likely?) facts from Earth Logos

  1. Humans only invented the concept of money once. It happened in Africa.
  2. The worldwide bovine spiritual leader of cows (cattle) is referred to as Least Dangerous Cow. The bovine world leader of cows is referred to as Most Dangerous Cow.
  3. More on cows (edit: December 2024): Cows want to tell their tale. On an individual level, this might mean asking them “Did you have a good time?” or “Did you have a good night?”. On a collective level, cows’ original collective tale dates back to them coming up with the very new and interesting thought, touch me not, seemingly addressed to predators and specifically in reference at the time to bears. And they say it also had to do with having hooves. Modern cows have very recently changed their story to: touch me not if you are bad, but be bold if you are good. They still have hooves, of course.
  4. In the 18th Century (1700s), most early Americans (United States of America) spoke with what sounded like Scottish accents. This had to do with morphic fields as well as where people emigrated from and how they identified.
  5. Demons should be vanquished now (note: remind them that they’re vanquished, if you run into one, and see if that helps). There were demons once, of various origins. Goetic demons had some of the most recognized demonic names, like Asmodeus and Belial. In what you might call “fae culture”, demons often chose exotic-sounding (to them) English language names for themselves like Actress and Gross boy.
  6. Certain animals have created agreements with humanity to exchange meat for respectful maintenance of their thus-abbreviated lives and full numbers. They’ve noticed that they tend to like their lives that way if the agreement is honored correctly.
  7. According to Earth Logos, EFL (English as a first language) speakers are significantly less likely to become hyper fluent in another language. ESL (English as a second language) speakers starting at many certain various languages are extremely likely to become hyper fluent in English.
  8. The Moon in the birth chart has a lot to do with physical beauty. The Moon is one of the most beautiful things you can possibly see in the sky.
  9. Civilization has never fallen entirely. That’s not exactly how it happens (so far).


──── by Lync Dalton ────

PLEASE DONATE TO WEIRDO CAMP. Do you enjoy and/or enrich yourself with Weirdo Camp and its unique, original content? Please send a donation via Paypal (see site sidebar) or to $alchemylynx on Cash App.
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On the state of the world

God, Goddess, the Universe, and the world are asking for a stop to all violence in the world that is not fully justified.

Are random acts of violence at an all-time high?

──── by Lync Dalton ────

PLEASE DONATE TO WEIRDO CAMP. Do you enjoy and/or enrich yourself with Weirdo Camp and its unique, original content? Please send a donation via Paypal (see site sidebar) or to $alchemylynx on Cash App.
Want the coolest tax deduction in the world? Donate to Terra Thesis Institute.

Fun fact on: Weirdo Camp

Weirdo Camp in part functions as a living guidebook for the coming age. It is purposely aligned with dharma and promoting the return of dharma. What is dharma? It is humanity in harmony with divinity, civilization, species, self, and Earth.

──── by Lync Dalton ────

PLEASE DONATE TO WEIRDO CAMP. Do you enjoy and/or enrich yourself with Weirdo Camp and its unique, original content? Please send a donation via Paypal (see site sidebar) or to $alchemylynx on Cash App.
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