

It’s hard to go through life as an empath. Other people’s emotions can kind of crash into you, and that gets confusing or frustrating. When you can feel someone else’s learned helplessness or resentment toward someone who has barely wronged them resounding aimlessly through your body for the sixth or seventh time in a row encountering them, it can feel like their heaviness is physically begging you to scream and rant about logic the second they go away (or maybe directly at them).

Truly sad stories can hit you hard and ache. Hearing about atrocities can set you sobbing, howling in pain. Even memories can sometimes knock you sideways for days or weeks. And if you start getting into a cycle of people pleasing, you begin to feel mechanical and like all your moving parts are going straight to rust. And then people tell you that empaths are stronger because they get taken advantage of, and can identify as having been wronged by more callous people. More confusion. More frustration.

Once I ascended to the point where I’d integrated the fifth dimension, I started to consistently interpret input from my empathy as information rather than as some kind of emergency or gale force. This was streamlined. This was calm and centered. This was where I finally understood that boundaries are more important than what other people are feeling because they are about what people do.

To ascend, be humble and wise. Respect your spiritual path and don’t make too many assumptions about your spiritual advancement until you’ve proven yourself to yourself and can safely trust your own judgment. Be good and pay attention with a woken up mind.

──── by Lync Dalton ────

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