oral history

Good ships (the ancient African trade guilds had them)

In the ancient world, Africans knew where everything was, more or less. They had enormous ships of ingenious design that could cross the oceans with ease. It has been long known that Africans and later Vikings both probably discovered parts of the Americas long before Western Europeans arrived there bringing war. It’s true. Africans seemed to consider the Americas full of good destinations for fair trade, and they didn’t stop at crossing the Atlantic. They traveled everywhere, discovering landmass after landmass.

Doing past life work last year, I uncovered reports from King Solomon of ancient Israel (reign circa 970–931 B.C.) that he was aware (during his lifetime) of many West Africans knowing about every continent besides Australia, and that they could describe where they were and what they were like, along with islands in every ocean, and had done trade most everywhere. He also reported that the designs of their ships were proprietary to specific trade guilds and kept secret, and that you could not buy them.

image of carvings from the Temple of Seti I in Abydos depicting some mysterious objects that appear to be machines
Carvings of mysterious objects that look like vehicular machines at the Temple of Seti I at Abydos

At the Temple of Seti I at Abydos in Egypt, there are famous carvings depicting mysterious objects that many people have speculated to be early aircraft, technological prophecy, or UFOs. The carvings resemble vehicles. My process as a shaman has uncovered that the carvings in question may depict highly sophisticated seafaring ships from other kingdoms in Africa outside of Egypt. The kings of Egypt did not have any such ships, but perhaps felt that they could in a sense “own” them by having them carved in relief at the temple, according to what we know of the ancient Egyptian belief system. King Seti I (reign circa 1294–1279 B.C.) named himself after Set, a god of immigrants and foreign lands, and perhaps it stands to reason that he might have shown particular interest in foreign technologies. These carvings may be the best surviving record of what those astounding ancient African vessels really looked like.

──── by Lync Dalton ────

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The Merovingians

How rare is it to be related to the legendary Merovingian kings? Not all that uncommon. For many generations, the Merovingian kings and lords of Europe practiced what is sometimes called “droit du seigneur” or “jus primae noctis”, whereby the ruler of a realm would claim sexual access to any woman who was a commoner at any time, and particularly on a bride’s wedding night.

Historians have wondered if that chilling practice of oppression was ever actually a real thing that happened. It did, and it must have been demoralizing. It was especially associated with the Merovingians, who systematically raped their way into many, many family lines (many of which probably had tons of mystique of their own) over a long period of time. When kings and lords of old would institute it, they would often think of the Merovingians.

Considering that this happened for a long time during the Middle Ages and Renaissance, and that each person has over 2,000 great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great grandparents (and note that I do not know how many greats it takes to go back all the way to the Middle Ages, but it’s more than that), the odds are reasonably substantial that anyone who has any European ancestry is quite possibly somehow related to this family of kings.

I wonder if this missing element of the Merovingian legacy adds to the shroud of mystery behind the idea of that bloodline, which is often associated with conspiracy theories and modern urban legends. Carolingians, from lines reputed to be related to Charlemagne (circa 747-814 A.D.), are another frequent subject of legends, as is the Davidic line, which is itself not all that uncommon to this day, considering that King Solomon ben David is said to have had something around 1,000 wives and concubines.

──── by Lync Dalton ────

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Past life à gogo

Identity is mostly just a story you tell yourself about yourself. And it should be a true story.

For some, Ascension changes the story to be a longer one, and it can do so in multiple ways. When you can remember and summon up past lives, you have an expanded identity, but it doesn’t actually change that much. This is mysterious, and can teach us much.

I started my ascension process very noticeably (to me) in 2012. I had spiritual experiences, was pelted with refreshing ideas that came up suddenly and revolutionary to upend my tired ones. I wasn’t so bad before, but I started liking myself better. I found myself in possession of an increased spirit of uprightness and measured fairness, and a willingness to forgive if I thought that would be the healthier choice for me. Some of the shapes in my face started changing (note: this won’t happen to everyone who ascends, and I’m told can be prevented in cases where people don’t want it), and I liked the new ones even better than I’d liked the original shapes. In 2017, I started to spontaneously remember some of my past lives, which kicked into high gear in 2019 when I first read the Ramayana and noticed that I could remember that time.

After that, I started to channel past lives when they came up. Sometimes I’d walk around somehow rendering one of the many people I used to be. Old stories make themselves known, and long past personalities emerge. Sometimes the memories are sad, and I cry about those old wounds until I don’t anymore. It’s important to remember not to blame nor seek to punish other people here now for things that their other lives they had before did to me, even if I pick up on having suffered old crimes and miseries. I know they’re not those people anymore, and I hope that they learned to do better in subsequent lifetimes. I did. Overall, it’s a very cool experience, remembering and channeling past lives immersively and vividly, and it’s an ability I always wondered about. If reincarnation were true, would that be possible?

Some of my past lives bring skills and knowledge with them. Some of my past lives were doctors, often in China but just as often from somewhere else. Some of my past lives were famous actors and actresses, and they tell me they think they could still do exciting things through me creatively, given the right chances. Some of them want to try to live my life alongside me, in a sense. This can happen. I’ve made it clear to them that this lifetime is for good, and that I will not compromise.

There are some indications that there may be a darker side to past lives being activated in certain cases, especially during the time of the Apocalypse. Some people may be experiencing characteristics from some of their past lives that cause them to have terrible habits, vicious sensibilities, and perhaps even, in some sense, the vacated consciences of those now dead. This seems to be a mechanism of the Apocalypse much more than a mechanism of Ascension. It may also be related to the Luciferian Doctrine expiring. These experiences are to be banished and rejected, as they do not seem to support good behavior or justice.

──── by Lync Dalton ────

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Gordian knot.

One day Alexander of Macedonia, while visiting Phrygia, learned that there was an elaborate tangled knot in a place called Gordium, which they challenged people to untie.

“You can cut right through it,” Alexander offered.

“We didn’t say anything about cutting it. We were talking about untying it,” they said.

“But watch me cut it,” said Alexander. “Then it isn’t a knot anymore. Then all of you can settle down about the knot.”

And so he did. And that’s why the Gordian knot is famous even today. Otherwise it was a little like one of those giant balls of yarn that people visit at roadside attractions.

Alexander the Great, they called him.

──── by Lync Dalton ────

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The druids

Part of the reason ancient druids didn’t write down their philosophies was because their culture emphasized that a druid was so valuable as a person that nothing could duplicate a conversation with one.

More than anything else, the druids were philosophers.

(Times have changed, and many traditions are lost now, and I’m reaching out to the world over the internet because there are many indications that there is need, and I don’t have the capability nor the time to have a conversation with each of you. Yes, I want to be valuable to you. Yes, I want to be treated that way.)

──── by Lync Dalton ────

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