
Kalki, final Vishnu avatar

“For whenever there is a decline in righteousness and an increase in un-righteousness, Arjuna, then I emanate myself. For the protection of good people, for the destruction of evil-doers, and for the restoration of righteousness, I take birth in age after age.”

– Krishna, Bhagavad Gita

Messages of Kalki, the expected final Vishnu avatar who (never being evil) overcomes evil with good, and who helps restore dharma to the world, have existed for a long time. They’re prophecies given by Hindu prophets, and they hold secrets about the Apocalypse and yuga turn (the transition from the Kali Yuga to the Satya Yuga). They talk about Kalki as a real person who lives at the end of the Kali Yuga (our current age, which is at its end, if things run their proper course).

I’ve recovered some interesting information that seems to be present in various Kalki prophecies, some of which is obscure and/or known only in certain regions:

  • Kalki is the living avatar of Vishnu, a good and just god. Kalki champions dharma, which involves people fulfilling their potential as good and productive beings (individually and collectively).
  • Kalki is Vishnu born to help humans attain the living paradise of Satya Yuga.
  • Kalki hates evil.
  • Kalki is supposed to defeat evil. Kalki tries to save the world alongside the other people who want to rise above evil, defeat it, and have a good and productive future for humanity.
  • In or before the 1800s, prophets started having visions of Kalki turning out to be a woman: Vishnu’s first female human avatar. Otherwise, Kalki seems to undertake the very serious challenge of the Apocalypse in his youth or early manhood.
  • In or before the 1500s, prophets started having visions of Kalki having trouble at some point with being plagiarized. Even before that, it was understood that Kalki would be a sacred scholar who studied morality, dharma, ethics, and other things. Vishnu avatars are all philosophers.
  • In or before the 1400s, prophets started describing that Kalki would be one of several children, and have evil siblings, who are very depraved, who are unjust to Kalki, and who perpetrate offensive acts that Vishnu hates, and that the righteous hate. Kalki, however, was expected to be good and just, and to have sound philosophies.
  • Kalki is predicted to have chronic health issues for long periods, and these health problems will place undue limitations on Kalki’s life and lifestyle.
  • Kalki has something like a built-in cosmic calculator. This could describe a kind of alchemical mental state connected with Logos.
  • There has been an understanding that Kalki would be a musician, and may write songs.
  • Kalki was expected to have a mystery to solve about some of the evil going on in the world, and would present what was discovered to the public on some kind of screen.
  • Kalki was prophesied by some to be a survivor of abuse.
  • It’s been said that Kalki works specifically with (and as) multiple Vedic and Upanishad gods, including Vishnu, Kartikeya’s identities (notably Murugan, Skanda, and Subrahmanya), and Durga, and counts as the avatar of all of those. Kalki also has a special relationship with the god Shiva, who is Kartikeya’s father and Durga’s consort. Kalki also has special identification with Rama, Vishnu’s first human avatar.
  • Kalki is an avatar who becomes aware of being an avatar at some point relatively early in life.
  • Kalki must live a long life. Kalki may experience a resurrection and transfiguration at some point.
  • Kalki is associated with a white horse. Kalki may own a white horse.
  • Kalki is associated with a parrot. Kalki may own a parrot.
  • Kalki is associated with a sword. Kalki may receive or have a physical, etheric, or metaphorical weapon that could be called or compared to a sword.
  • Some prophecies have claimed that Kalki would be born in a land that was associated with dreams.
  • Kalki is supposed to be instrumental in getting humanity through the Apocalypse at the end of the Kali Yuga and into the sacred Satya Yuga.
  • Kalki confronts demons, and engages in battles with them.
  • Kalki cares about and cooperates with righteous people who champion virtue during a time when too much human virtue is lost.
  • More than one person, including someone who holds special interest for the god Brahma, is prophesied to be destined to help and be close with Kalki. They must have good and enjoyable lives to create an environment that blooms into the Satya Yuga.
  • Kalki has a spouse at some point who is probably associated with an island somewhere and is either named after a flower, or known for being beautiful or delicate like a flower.
  • Kalki is a leader.
  • The numbers of years often quoted as the duration of the various yugas may very likely be estimations or figurative.
  • Kalki will be born around the time when humans are running out of dharma so much that they’re hitting a very serious crisis point.

──── by Lync Dalton ────

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You can’t trust all your digital contacts.

It seems like grifting is making a lot of problems these days. People have been acting predatory.

I’ve been informed that many people (including people whom I am now ashamed to know because they are con artist terrorists in “Be Around”) have been chatting and texting with people (including many people I communicate with astrally) falsely claiming to be celebrities, family members, crushes, people with decent intentions, and mysterious people of interest of their targeted scamming victims.

Many of them reuse texts and chats, allegedly, making scripts from things that I have written to people in the past without my permission, plagiarizing logs that have been saved by my various contacts over the years, and I’m very upset by this. They’ve stolen some of my other writing, I believe. I have a unique and very fond style of communication, and of course I hate the idea that con artist terrorists are taking evil and unfair advantage of my writing and my past and current connections (note: I called my most recent ex “cutie”, one of my exes before that “babby”, and more than one ex before that “baby”, as pet names), hoping to grift people somehow using words and sentiments that they never had themselves. They have made social media posts, online posts, and post articles plagiarizing me, sometimes inserting encouragement to harm me or do some other horrible thing. I’m disgusted, if this is true.

The use of morpho filters (including face morph apps, etc.) and very scary usages of photomanipulation may be a factor with this group as well.

I don’t know how much misery and corruption they have caused in total, but it’s probably way too much. I do believe that people in Canada, the United States, and elsewhere were radicalized by “Be Around” (also known as “Sad Satan” or “Creepy Families”) and should absolutely not be trusted. I strenuously advise you not to interact with anyone who seems to be engaged in con artist terrorism.

If you know this problem to be real, please do not give anyone who’s up to scams like this your attention. Do not give them your energy. Avoid them on dating sites and chat platforms. Do not give them anything they’re asking for, demanding, etc.

If you happen to like my writing, I think one of the reasons you might like it because it’s honest. The jokes I make exist because something struck me as potentially funny. The compliments I give are considered. My observations are the product of years of study. If I’m interesting, it’s part of how I’m unique. People have been trying to take shortcuts to seem more like me, perhaps, but that would mean they’re predators.

I’m so sad. I think I’ve seen signs that this is quite likely going on, but I don’t know for sure. Something seems very off with some of the people I know. I’m crushed because I know I have to try to trust some people, and my life has been blown apart by betrayal. I want to say that it is good to talk to me, and it’s horrible to know that I’m being savagely isolated and abused while talking to me is being simulated for targeted scamming victims for cruel and evil reasons. The terrorists have been using the unfair influence they’ve gained to get people to abuse me week after week and to do violent crimes. They brag about having me enslaved.

I’m requesting that people put an immediate stop to any scams that involve exploitation of me or of any other writer.

──── by Lync Dalton ────

PLEASE DONATE TO WEIRDO CAMP. Do you enjoy and/or enrich yourself with Weirdo Camp? Please send a donation via Paypal (see site sidebar) or to $alchemylynx on Cash App.
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Where is Quizzical Pussy?

In the late aughts and early teens (about 2009-2014) I wrote a blog called Quizzical Pussy. It was a anonymous sex blog (meaning that I wrote about feminist themes, relationships, dating, and acknowledged the existence of sexual congress), but that’s me: I’m “Quizzical Pussy”.

My old blog was was funny, silly, light-hearted, inquiring, accepting, and philosophical in tone. I talked about my theories a lot, and a my life a little bit. I often called it (and myself) QP. There wasn’t much on it I’d call smut, although I did end reposting a lot of cheesecake-esque photos (none of me), and I had a “Sex Confessional” form where people were encouraged to write in to me “confessing” things they wanted to get off their chests (or possibly wax triumphant about) in the realm of sex and relationships…

I loved the vibe I had with my readers, even though I had no idea how many of them there were. I really cared about my readers. I cared about the world and what love and dating and sex and relationships meant inside it.

Anyway, I like odd blog names, I guess. I had a ton of fun writing that blog, but it was a very vulnerable undertaking. Bottom line: it’s just incredibly personal stuff to write about. Weirdo Camp is not about sex, but I may end up having a small sacred-sexuality-oriented section that will in some strange way pick up where Quizzical Pussy left off.

One deeply upsetting thing I’ve heard about “Be Around” (a Satanic terrorist group also known as “Sad Satan” and “Creepy Families”) is that their terrorist “recruiters” sometimes send scary private messages and chats to people claiming to have “caught the anonymous blogger Quizzical Pussy”, mentioning me in other ways, plagiarizing things I’ve said or written, and threatening me and my life.

I don’t know what to do about this. The thing I know is that I am economically trapped by digital abuse and chronic illness that allows me to do very advanced work as a shaman, helping all the layers of community that I live in as well as many individuals. It takes a lot out of me, but I can do it from bed. I have been doing it from bed. I know I deserve payment for much of what I’ve done and what’s been imposed on me ever since around the time I began my anonymous sex blog (which I no longer have due to both “Be Around” involvement and financial poverty). I request fair payment.

I am very vulnerable in my life right now. If I weren’t economically trapped in this way, I wouldn’t be nearly as vulnerable to a terrorist group that has targeted me specifically. I am– in my capacity as a person with a heart and an engaged mind and as a writer– extremely against the kinds of things they are doing to me, and extremely against the kinds of things they are doing in terms of violence everywhere.

What reactions are the terrorists getting when they send these disturbing messages about me to people? How illegal is it for them to be seemingly trying to “recruit” people by bragging that they’re ruining my life and in the process of killing me? How illegal is it for people to encourage others to do me real harm and violence? Do people know that many people involved with this “Be Around” group are doing some of the most illegal things imaginable in their real lives?

I want to tell people that I’m afraid, that what “Be Around” terrorists are doing is wrong, and that it must not be tolerated. Tolerating this sort of thing is unthinkable, right?

Please help me. Please try to stop abuse of me wherever and whenever you see anyone plotting it. Please treat me with humanity and fairness.

And I need some people solidly on my side.

──── by Lync Dalton ────

PLEASE DONATE TO WEIRDO CAMP. Do you enjoy and/or enrich yourself with Weirdo Camp? Please send a donation via Paypal (see site sidebar) or to $alchemylynx on Cash App.
Want the coolest tax deduction in the world? Donate to Terra Thesis Institute.