
The Hidden Myth of our Solar System

The asteroid we call Ceres has a tale to tell. I will relate it here. Ceres was once the center of its own planet, a very long time ago, and that planet was assembling an atmosphere. It had even started, in its own way, thinking of life.

Mercury was an enormous comet back then, and its course was bringing it into our Solar System and close to the Sun. It swiped the planet that became Ceres, and set it off its orbit. From there the planet hurtled toward Earth. Mars remembers seeing this and thinking about how planets sometimes dream of life. The Planet Ceres and Earth crashed, and many things happened at this time. Part of that lost planet or perhaps a piece of the comet became the Moon, possibly with parts of Earth. The atmosphere peeled off Planet Ceres and transferred to Earth. Several planets changed orbit. Bits of Earth and Planet Ceres went flying and became the asteroid belt, Saturn’s rings, and possibly multiple other moons.

Our Earth was one of the planets that changed orbit, and neither it nor Ceres, the other planet’s core, were ever entirely round again. And interestingly, the roundest photographs of Earth do appear to be composites. This is why many people consulting their mystical sense or intuition may sometimes start to believe the Earth to be flat, since the Earth has difficulty conveying the actual situation of being a nearly-round lozenge shape; to call it a sphere is approximate. In fact, though, the atmospheric components from Planet Ceres and the lozenge features of Earth’s current shape, which help hold its crust in a more stable position than a perfect sphere could do (think of wrapping both a basketball and a football in plastic wrap, and you might see for yourself how this works rather simply), are both key factors that nurture complex life here.

Mercury later became the first planet.

──── by Lync Dalton ────

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Welcome to the straightaway

Technically speaking, we’ve run out of Kali Yuga. As such, we’re now experiencing the earliest part of the Satya Yuga (also called Krita Yuga; Satya means “truth”, and Krita means “perfect”). This is in terms of galactic positioning, as we’ve just navigated a very sharp corner (or type of corner) that’s been associated with the Kali Yuga and the transition into the Satya Yuga at least once before. It is still essential for people to bring humanity and civilization into this highly favorable time by promoting dharma, but the corner appears to be turned, which means that we are officially clean out of the Kali Yuga (and in a Satya hyperimperative), in terms of spacetime and its odd characteristics.

There was a point earlier this year when both the Sun and Moon joined Jupiter in Taurus, which might have signaled the official turning point esoterically. The magnetic signal may have been triggered more recently, probably within the last month.

──── by Lync Dalton ────

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Summer Solstice ’23

The major solar holidays are four, and mark the official beginnings of the four seasons in the Gregorian calendar, which is standard in most of the West and indeed much of the world. The solstices are in winter and summer, predictably marking the day with the earliest sunset (and therefore the shortest day and longest night) and the latest sunset (and therefore the longest day and shortest night), respectively. The spring and fall equinoxes are notable for being midpoints between these. The solstices are even more dramatic when observed from far above the Tropic of Cancer or far below the Tropic of Capricorn (note: which may have to be adjusted on maps at some point due to the current pole shift potentially redefining both poles, possibly hundreds of kilometers from their current positions), and incredibly exaggerated very near or at the north and south poles.

Today is the summer solstice, which means it’ll be summer from now on until the equinox ushers in the fall in September.

Seasons in most climates have the esoteric quality of having very discernible tones, perhaps even moreso than years or months. They are that cyclical, and return to us like something we know, year after year. This is perhaps one of the nice luxuries of time.

My new Spotify concept playlist is called That Summer (part of a seasonal set; note that you may have to refresh the page once before the list actually comes up to play on the web interface; you can search for this list as “That Summer (mix)” on the app). It’s a fairly short listen, compiled with summer’s signature tone in mind, as well as my personal ideas of summer as exciting, warm and rhythmic, sweet at dusk, and full of moments that are hard to encapsulate by description. Check it out. Happy Summer.

──── by Lync Dalton ────

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Sun signs through the Western zodiac, part 2

In Hermetic Astrology, the Sun represents the first thing a person tends to do in reaction to real-life variables. It empowers and flavors a person’s virtues and relationship with virtue (it may be helpful to note here that the Moon, often seen as the Sun’s counterpart because of their similar prominence in our sky, is involved with virtue blossoming in a complementary way, through a person’s natural empathy and desire for comfort and a happy society). The Sun is nice. Our solar system’s physical sun gives Earth essential raw material for elaborated matter in many ways, and does so predictably and consistently. People’s kindliness and personal decency is championed by their natal Sun in whatever position it’s found in, whatever aspects it forms. It also represents one side of someone’s creativity, that of initiation and of virtuosity.

In a birth chart, a person’s Sun is sometimes a dominant theme in how they relate to others. In other cases the Moon is more dominant. And these can be very balanced in an individual as well. Sometimes the actual birth time is an indicator of which type one tends toward, with people being born in the daytime often picking up more solar dominance, and people born at night often picking up more lunar dominance, etc. but there are numerous factors.

The Sun in the first six signs. (I recommend reading the article on the first six signs before moving on to this one, so as to get an idea of the zodiac year in order).

The Sun in the second six signs:
And everyone has all the signs up in the sky…

Libra: By Libra season, the sun (Northern Hemisphere) is settling into its autumnal moods, reclining yet keeping everyone mostly comfortable. The riches of the solar year are beginning to add up. Venus is the exoteric ruler of Libra, and Uranus (the sky god whose phallus fell into the sea and produced the goddess Aphrodite or Venus) is its esoteric ruler. An examination of that god/goddess lore may suggest to some a certain confidence and self-containment that’s often found in Libra. Solar Libra wants to be able to trust that the past, present, and future are understandable and reasonable. They want logic to prevail, and they certainly want to seem logical to others. In general, they don’t shine as much when they show off. They can usually easily learn to balance logic and optimism. Quirk: Libras are often among those people who can achieve normalcy all on their own, and they’re a little less likely than average to want a pet to keep them company.

Scorpio: The sun is giving way to weather in Scorpio season. We don’t tend to notice the sun as much as we notice the longer nights and the dramatic weather during those weeks of the year. Solar Scorpio is somewhat like this, trending toward darker aesthetic tastes, richly expressive and wanting to express intensity. Mars and Pluto are the joint exoteric rulers of Scorpio, and Mars is its esoteric ruler. With such a Martian nature, Scorpio is most lovable being honest, spontaneous, and decent. People will notice their intensity just fine. Scorpio doesn’t have to love people, but they should find a way to love the world and respect that other people have to live there. Quirk: Scorpio doesn’t understand the eighth house, and they tend to forget that sex usually happens in the fifth.

Sagittarius: In Sagittarius season, the year is growing old and weather in the Northern Hemisphere is noticeably tearing things apart outside, and traditionally, survival thoughts begin to extend forward through the coming winter. The exoteric ruler of Sagittarius is Jupiter, and its esoteric ruler is Esoteric Earth. Earth must be allowed to consider Sagittarius an ally, and Jupiter (called Guru in Vedic Astrology) must be allowed to consider Sagittarius a good student of life. Although this may not directly reflect its etymology, Sagittarius truly needs the first syllable of its zodiac name to indicate sage wisdom, which they should follow faithfully, and develop over time if they can. Solar Sagittarius loves to get excited about good ideas, and must learn to identify them and to throw out the bad ones without regret. They must take care not to get convinced of the wrong things. Quirk: Sagittarius has a tendency to forget that they like fun.

Capricorn: Capricorn season (Northern Hemisphere) can range from dreary to deep freeze, depending on where you live. People have learned to distract themselves with holidays while Capricorn season does its thing outside. As soon as the Winter Solstice happens, people abruptly notice that the sun is remote and brief with us. Saturn rules Capricorn both exoterically and esoterically. Solar Capricorn may sometimes come across as severe without meaning to. Capricorn is good at forgiving, often even if they give a different impression. Capricorn has generally messed up before, but must not define themselves that way. They must be more humble than that, is the thing. They usually know that they must make an honest, decent person of themselves. That’s the alchemical secret of Capricorn, and it makes them shine. Quirk: Capricorn can quickly pick up the bad habit of seducing people with the hard sell, and they have to watch it. The results can be very painful for people.

Aquarius: In the Northern Hemisphere, it is very important to approach Aquarius season with a hopeful mindset. The sun isn’t doing much during this time, but we keep moving around it, and we don’t forget what it does during the year. As with most signs of the zodiac, most of the holidays during a sign’s time resonate strongly with its themes. This is true of Aquarius as well. With things chilly outside, we have an urge to retreat to human contact for warmth. Aquarius season reaffirms humans as trustworthy. We think of a future past the winter. Aquarius wants to understand a vision, as in a forward-projecting overview of a viable future: either their own vision or a better one, not worse. They want to be human with people. They think about it a lot. The exoteric rulers of Aquarius are Saturn and Uranus, and its esoteric ruler is Jupiter. Quirk: Aquarians think that everyone is too emotional.

Pisces: Pisces is a time of slush and tease, with the sun coaxing a coming spring along. Things start sprouting, which feels merry. It’s a little more natural to look back; your coming spring is assured, as long as you get to enough tomorrows. Pisces is philosophical like that. Jupiter and Neptune are the exoteric rulers of Pisces, and Pluto is its esoteric ruler. Solar Pisces has personality, and they like personalities. It’s hard to concede that they are nebulous, but others often ask Pisces energy to be less nebulous no matter what. Pisces can forgive and be heroic, simple tasks when they keep their minds on the right things. They have a tendency to sometimes start contemplating the wrong things, which can mess things up too much. Quirk: Pisces wants to laugh.

──── by Lync Dalton ────

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