United States Shaman

Fun (likely?) facts from Earth Logos

  1. Humans only invented the concept of money once. It happened in Africa.
  2. The worldwide bovine spiritual leader of cows (cattle) is referred to as Least Dangerous Cow. The bovine world leader of cows is referred to as Most Dangerous Cow.
  3. More on cows (edit: December 2024): Cows want to tell their tale. On an individual level, this might mean asking them “Did you have a good time?” or “Did you have a good night?”. On a collective level, cows’ original collective tale dates back to them coming up with the very new and interesting thought, touch me not, seemingly addressed to predators and specifically in reference at the time to bears. And they say it also had to do with having hooves. Modern cows have very recently changed their story to: touch me not if you are bad, but be bold if you are good. They still have hooves, of course.
  4. In the 18th Century (1700s), most early Americans (United States of America) spoke with what sounded like Scottish accents. This had to do with morphic fields as well as where people emigrated from and how they identified.
  5. Demons should be vanquished now (note: remind them that they’re vanquished, if you run into one, and see if that helps). There were demons once, of various origins. Goetic demons had some of the most recognized demonic names, like Asmodeus and Belial. In what you might call “fae culture”, demons often chose exotic-sounding (to them) English language names for themselves like Actress and Gross boy.
  6. Certain animals have created agreements with humanity to exchange meat for respectful maintenance of their thus-abbreviated lives and full numbers. They’ve noticed that they tend to like their lives that way if the agreement is honored correctly.
  7. According to Earth Logos, EFL (English as a first language) speakers are significantly less likely to become hyper fluent in another language. ESL (English as a second language) speakers starting at many certain various languages are extremely likely to become hyper fluent in English.
  8. The Moon in the birth chart has a lot to do with physical beauty. The Moon is one of the most beautiful things you can possibly see in the sky.
  9. Civilization has never fallen entirely. That’s not exactly how it happens (so far).


──── by Lync Dalton ────

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I need support.

In most communities throughout history, the shaman has been an important person, and was treated as such. A shaman is someone who can deal with the metaphysical, mysterious, and subtle aspects of a community and potentially for the people in it, in various ways. A community and a shaman traditionally have a symbiotic relationship, with the community taking care of the shaman and the shaman keeping an eye on subtle things in and for the community. A shaman can help with healing, advice, spiritual issues, personal development, and other things. A shaman tends to be good at giving warnings and helping the community tackle complex problems. Abusing a shaman in good standing with the Universe is unacceptable. Stiffing a shaman for services is considered very vulgar. Keeping a good shaman in a state of poverty shames the community that put them there.

Some shamans are psychic, some can channel, some know herbs, spirit communication, etc. All that and more applies to me. A true shaman’s skills are rare, and take time and expertise to develop, and I have developed many of them to high levels over the years. A shaman’s help is worth something. My help is worth something.

In 2019 I became World Shaman. It wasn’t my choice; if I’m guessing, I think it was foisted on me because it was a time when skilled human intervention in that arena was very needed, and I’d been in contact by that time with my predecessor and with places of high spiritual power. Psychic experiences were already on the rise in general. I’ve been a center of activity for that, and trying to repair what I inherited as a violently broken and garbled global system, and it’s been a ton of work overall.

I’ve done a lot of specific work for the United States since that time, though I’ve given special attention and care to a lot of places. In late 2020 I was approached by a representative entity identified with the position of United States Shaman. The entity was a small, almost anthropomorphic figured that looked like wood or worked leather, which pursued me after encountering much hardship elsewhere. Within a week and a half, the entity grew much healthier under my care and stewardship, started looking much different, and identified herself as a full recognizable representation of the Egyptian goddess Mut, who identifies particularly with the United States for reasons I won’t relate here. In early 2021, I believe my installation as the current U.S. Shaman was privately affirmed by [redacted], [redacted], [redacted], [redacted], [redacted], and others.

I’m doing what I can, and still I have to live. If you believe in what I’m doing in any dimension, please donate money to me and my work. I am still awaiting a salary or compensation and any other personal privileges associated with the work I’d doing as a shaman. These communities I mention are huge, and I continue to try to serve them under extreme hardship. I need support.

──── by Lync Dalton ────

PLEASE DONATE TO WEIRDO CAMP. Do you enjoy and/or enrich yourself with Weirdo Camp and its unique, original content? Please send a donation via Paypal (see site sidebar) or to $alchemylynx on Cash App.
Want the coolest tax deduction in the world? Donate to Terra Thesis Institute.