You can’t trust all your digital contacts.

It seems like grifting is making a lot of problems these days. People have been acting predatory.

I’ve been informed that many people (including people whom I am now ashamed to know because they are con artist terrorists in “Be Around”) have been chatting and texting with people (including many people I communicate with astrally) falsely claiming to be celebrities, family members, crushes, people with decent intentions, and mysterious people of interest of their targeted scamming victims.

Many of them reuse texts and chats, allegedly, making scripts from things that I have written to people in the past without my permission, plagiarizing logs that have been saved by my various contacts over the years, and I’m very upset by this. They’ve stolen some of my other writing, I believe. I have a unique and very fond style of communication, and of course I hate the idea that con artist terrorists are taking evil and unfair advantage of my writing and my past and current connections (note: I called my most recent ex “cutie”, one of my exes before that “babby”, and more than one ex before that “baby”, as pet names), hoping to grift people somehow using words and sentiments that they never had themselves. They have made social media posts, online posts, and post articles plagiarizing me, sometimes inserting encouragement to harm me or do some other horrible thing. I’m disgusted, if this is true.

The use of morpho filters (including face morph apps, etc.) and very scary usages of photomanipulation may be a factor with this group as well.

I don’t know how much misery and corruption they have caused in total, but it’s probably way too much. I do believe that people in Canada, the United States, and elsewhere were radicalized by “Be Around” (also known as “Sad Satan” or “Creepy Families”) and should absolutely not be trusted. I strenuously advise you not to interact with anyone who seems to be engaged in con artist terrorism.

If you know this problem to be real, please do not give anyone who’s up to scams like this your attention. Do not give them your energy. Avoid them on dating sites and chat platforms. Do not give them anything they’re asking for, demanding, etc.

If you happen to like my writing, I think one of the reasons you might like it because it’s honest. The jokes I make exist because something struck me as potentially funny. The compliments I give are considered. My observations are the product of years of study. If I’m interesting, it’s part of how I’m unique. People have been trying to take shortcuts to seem more like me, perhaps, but that would mean they’re predators.

I’m so sad. I think I’ve seen signs that this is quite likely going on, but I don’t know for sure. Something seems very off with some of the people I know. I’m crushed because I know I have to try to trust some people, and my life has been blown apart by betrayal. I want to say that it is good to talk to me, and it’s horrible to know that I’m being savagely isolated and abused while talking to me is being simulated for targeted scamming victims for cruel and evil reasons. The terrorists have been using the unfair influence they’ve gained to get people to abuse me week after week and to do violent crimes. They brag about having me enslaved.

I’m requesting that people put an immediate stop to any scams that involve exploitation of me or of any other writer.

──── by Lync Dalton ────

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