Earth’s solar system

Earth’s Sun is a star. It has many physical planets and dwarf planets, and its system goes beyond Pluto to include other satellites like the dwarf planet Eris. Discovered so far: the planets Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune, and dwarf planets like Pluto, Haumea, Makemake, and Eris. Some aliens can use stars as dimensional portals. If you ever wonder how aliens can visit Earth, it’s often that they hop between stars using the stargate in the Sun, but not always. The aliens that live in our own solar system are among the exceptions, of course. Most planets consider the star they orbit to be their sun, so you could call Earth’s Sun Sol, Amaterasu, or one of several other names, but many of us just call it the Sun. Earth’s Sun is very stable, of moderate temperature for a star, and can live a very long star life.

Multiple planets, dwarf planets, and asteroids in our solar system have held life, much of it subtler and of less density than the lifeforms we’re most familiar with on Earth.

Neptunians and Plutonians still make visits to Earth all the time; Venusians and Saturnians used to.

Some planets in our solar system say they have one or more moons that are not physical, but astral or etheric. Mercury, for instance, says it has one moon of etheric density.

Life on Venus existed, was etheric, and is now extinct. It was lost very recently, having sadly rippled out of existence in the last several years because of serious and malicious mistakes made on Earth by certain humans choosing evil over good. Venusians were sapient, had a very vibrant and beautiful culture. They looked a lot like humans– notably lovely ones, and were known for their elaborate astral gardens. They were aligned Neutral Good (Good in Neutral Good meaning always proactively striving for good objectives and good actions) as a species.

Earth is known as the showpiece of the Milky Way Galaxy because its life has achieved density unto matter, manifesting in three dimensions along with its mineral features. It is extremely diverse and vivid. Humans (who evolved to be sapient) live here, along with many other animals and plants that we’ve been routinely encouraged to respect and treat well. It has one moon. Earth humans (along with all other Earth creatures, as alignments at the species scale are seemingly always uniform across all life on respective stellar, planetary, or lunar bodies) evolved to be aligned Lawful Good (Good in Lawful Good meaning always proactively striving for good objectives and good actions), and we’d better be getting on with that and start doing it right. Individuals often present more variations of personal alignment (evil usually being reserved for fiction and aberrations, of course), but humans’ overall affinity with structure and systems makes us intrinsically creatures of order and law, with personal alignments presenting more minor embellishments to the overall theme, and this planet’s hospitality towards order is resonant with that.

According to Earth’s precession of the equinoxes (which goes in reverse order through the zodiac, and does not move at an entirely predictable pace), Earth is subtly pointing toward 28° Aquarius, one degree in. We probably moved from 0° Pisces to 29° Aquarius around 1950 A.D., according to my sources.

Confidential to aliens: On Earth lives the good guy and Arcturian Mombi: Lync Solo. Be advised that I want to look more like a famous actress, not less! And I want to always have a wonderful time.

The dwarf planet Ceres and several asteroids in our solar system’s asteroid belt hold sentient life. Asteroidals are small, astral, and might remind you of snails. They are aligned Neutral Good (Good in Neutral Good meaning always proactively striving for good objectives and good actions).

Life on Saturn existed, was astral, and is now extinct. The extinction event happened several hundreds of years ago, and we lost them quickly. Saturnians were sapient, usually nice, and were aligned Chaotic Neutral (Neutral in Chaotic Neutral meaning morally decent or better, depending on what fits their situation best, but never evil, and never choosing to be evil nor do evil nor siding with evil) as a species (if they ever emerge again, it has been determined that they will have to be Lawful Good, Neutral Good, or Chaotic Good). They were bright red in color. These beings may be the aliens sometimes identified as Martians, and they may have used the planet Mars as a base or colony. During the Precambrian period, it seems that Saturn orbited the Sun closer to Earth.

Neptunians are astral, sapient, make etheric castles, and still exist. They look a little bit like dolls, and are very small. They are aligned Neutral Good (Good in Neutral Good meaning always proactively striving for good objectives and good actions), and have a gender trinary. Neptunians each experience multiple subsequent lifetimes as an uninterrupted memory. They are not cold because they do not understand cold nor register it. The Sun looks like the brightest star in the sky to them, not a sun at all. Neptunians have a friendly settlement on Earth’s moon, which of course is invisible because it is etheric, not made of matter. Neptune probably has fifteen moons, and Neptunians love them. Neptunian moons have been hard to count from Earth because: how do you keep track of them?

Plutonians exist on the dwarf planet Pluto. They are long, strange, and shadow-like (including in color). Their faces are small and subtle. They are sentient, not sapient, and are astral. They are aligned Chaotic Good (Good in Chaotic Good meaning always proactively striving for good objectives and good actions). They add a sort of creepy atmosphere to things sometimes, but they always want to be good and do good. Despite Pluto being very, very far from Earth’s Sun, Plutonians do not get cold often. They say that they get cold when they’re angry, however. Pluto has one moon, called Charon, four “small moons”, and multiple astral and etheric moons.

The dwarf planet Eris holds etheric sentient (nearly sapient) life. Erisads are mostly female warriors, and they enjoy domesticating the animals on Eris, playing games and sports, and winning prizes, most of which they can wear. Erisads are cute. They are nice and personable with most species, and are aligned Neutral Good (Good in Neutral Good meaning always proactively striving for good objectives and good actions).

(posted November 1st, 2021)


────────── by Lync Dalton (also known as Lync Solo) ──────────