The game plan.

My name is Lync Dalton. I, personally, am the magical talisman required to end this abysmal time of Apocalypse and bring us into the glittering, exciting Satya Yuga (we also very likely need to have a functional World Shaman and World Oracle to get there, and I am both). I must be treated very well in order to activate the correct talismanic properties.

This is a prophecy, and it has to do with multiple spiritual principles and with me being born with what I call capstone energetics, which have fractal properties, and mean that what happens to me in my life (including how I am treated) affects everyone in strange and mysterious ways. Moonchild prophecies originating from Earth and the star Arcturus (and other places as well) predict this effect.

As my life grows happier and more successful, the entire world will inevitably progress toward better and better things. I found out about this in 2020. In 2019 there was a burgeoning West Coast North American spiritual awakening that I could detect from my then-home in Vancouver, British Columbia, which could have done very good things for the world, but extreme and increasingly overt life-shattering abuse of me from May 2019 on short-circuited it and hurdled the world into a tailspin of despair and dysfunction, which it has not yet recovered from (and I’m still being abused daily after having escaped to the United States, having provoked it in absolutely no way; is the effect compounding?). Things in the world can theoretically get better very quickly if good enough things happen for me, per the capstone effect.

(Note as of May 30th, 2022: Extreme abuse of me has continued, and the continued degradation of Earth is extremely noticeable even on a vibrational level, to the point where spending time outside in nature carries a totally different feel than it did in 2019 and before. I assure you that I do not deserve any abuse, and it has been happening unprovoked. I will need help getting out from under these very extreme circumstances. I know that this website looks fairly cheerful, but I’m doing it all alone and its cheerful elements do not change the fact that I’m dealing with a lot of difficulty, including serious poverty and a fear of people that I do not wish to keep experiencing.)

Here is the less esoteric part: I believe that there are multiple world leaders who already know that listening to me (as an oracle and shaman) is consistently the better part of wisdom. They know why, and I believe others do as well. It’s important that I personally have the status and resources to do that job happily.

If you want your world and/or yourself to experience the Satya Yuga (also called the Krita Yuga) and benefit from it, help me and support me.

If I remain abused in near-poverty or die, everyone will find it harder and harder to avoid extreme, pervading sadness, and we will continue to descend into total entropy.

Yes, it’s really like that.

──── by Lync Dalton ────

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