ancient Greece

On Golden Ages

Historically speaking, a Golden Age is a period of time where a society has a lot of extremely rapid and surprising growth and expansion happen at civilization levels, technological levels, cultural levels, etc. There’s good leadership, there’s good art, and there’s often timeless architecture. Everything kind of clicks, and people end up having a very stable and prosperous time, and everyone ends up remembering them as a successful society and admitting that there was quite an enormous amount to admire.

It is very desirable to get caught up in one of these Golden Ages, has been the general consensus.

Golden Ages have an alchemical element, and they expand that way. They start with good and inspired leadership. If we can get the world’s leaders righteous and happy and breathing alchemy, theoretically the world’s existing societies can start having new Golden Ages emerge.

A 21st Century Golden Age is highly possible for us. Theoretically, it’s waiting there on the other side of the Apocalypse, as long as we can exit the Apocalypse properly.

──── by Lync Dalton ────

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America’s second flowering

The United States was specifically designed to be a fun country. This has been made clear in some of its exports, including its thriving entertainment industry. The early planning for a 21st Century second flowering that feels somewhat more like Classical Greece than like the Roman Empire took into account that ancient Greeks were reputed to have more fun. Ancient Greece had a lot of focus on being well rounded, including recreationally.

Ancient Greeks also had the Delphic Oracle at formative points in their history. They needed her for their own flowering.

The Founding Fathers understood that a Greek-inspired America would need an outstanding oracle, a Pythia like the Oracle at Delphi. By the very late 1800s some were calling this prophesied individual the Moonchild. They also knew the nation would need access to an individual of good character and a sense of fun who has capstone energetics (there’s a reason that pyramid capstones are featured in a lot of U.S. symbolism) to correctly align the populace.

A properly organized pyramid is a great dispersal model for fun.

I’ve determined that some of the very people who can help bring this long term plan to fruition seem to have already noticed that I’m fun. I’m also a great oracle.

──── by Lync Dalton ────

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Classical inspiration

The Parthenon in Nashville, Tennessee

The design for The United States and how it’s supposed to work based a lot of things on the Classical world: ancient Greece and ancient Rome. The original plan was to start with reproducing many ancient Roman elements, and that’s been the dominant flavor. Right about now that Roman/Greek balance is supposed to shift and begin to feel more like the best parts of Classical Greece.

It’s an expected second flowering for America. This was written about as early as the 1700s.

──── by Lync Dalton ────

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World Oracle

In British and United States lore, there are stories and prophecies about the Moonchild, a human incarnation of a very pure soul that is an indispensable factor in actualizing the Age of Aquarius, a peaceful and prosperous time for humans.

No one was sure where or when the Moonchild would be born until my grandmother noticed that I was born the third daughter of a third daughter and a third son, and told an interested party about it. Far away, channels were consulted and divinations cast that confirmed that the Moonchild incarnation had been born.

The Moonchild legend is very connected with the Greek goddess Artemis, but I’m not sure how many people realized how much the Greek god Apollo (her twin) was involved with this prophesied incarnation. Early Christianity was very Greek, and in ancient Greece it coexisted with the local polytheism, so the type of blending of religions (including Christianity, Thelema, Scientology, ancient Greek religion, and more) we see in Moonchild lore is cozier than it may seem at first glance. One of the keys to actualizing the Age of Aquarius (which leads into and overlaps the prophesied Satya Yuga, humanity’s best future) is the fact that the Moonchild incarnation can function as a modern oracle, something like the Oracle at Delphi.

The Oracle at Delphi (sometimes called the Pythia) was a priestess of Apollo who consulted with powerful rulers and leaders all over Greece before it had a national identity. The oracle was almost like an apparatus of centralized government serving the various kingdoms and societies (nation states) that made up the region. She assisted ancient Greece into its Golden Age. She could foretell the future, explain the interests of the gods, and she gave the best advice.

(Often Greek tragedies feature situations where someone has ignored the advice of the Pythia, and because she was channeling the gods and their wisdom when she gave that advice, ignoring it often intersected with hubris. Hubris and/or trying to divert fate unwisely tended to be a Greek tragic figure’s major mistake. Note too that the Pythia seems to have provided effective and highly personalized advice to all the kings and most of the major heroes in the region.)

In ancient Greek societies, she kept things running smoothly.

Concept: I‘m supposed to be able to do that for the world. Most fundamentally, perhaps, it has to do with my consulting services.

──── by Lync Dalton ────

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