Astral hearts guide

Hearts have an astral element that has a lot to do with emotions, bonding, how we treat people, and how people have been treating us. As a shaman with clairvoyant second sight (etheric sight), I can observe a certain kind of heart health that is not physical, and says more about how someone is doing in those other elements of life. Many people with or without second sight can observe the differences between astral hearts in various ways, sometimes by feel, sometimes by impression. Features of your astral heart can often tell you a lot about what direction you’re taking in life, and how it’s affecting essential parts of your nature and being.

Please note that these are not symbolic hearts. I absolutely do not mean to get in anyone’s way of expressing themselves via colorful heart symbols, which I know is very common. In my experience, astral hearts are not shaped like a heart symbol. Heart symbols look great and can mean positive things in all colors.

The meanings of these colors observed in astral hearts do not indicate that there’s any problem with any of the colors themselves, it’s just that some of them are not good colors for an astral heart to be, sort of like how you don’t want the inside of your throat to look very red, but it’s nice for a strawberry or your physical heart to look that way.

Here are some astral heart characteristics that I have seen and/or heard about, and what they mean:

Green: A green astral heart is a healthy, loving heart. It feels good. The person currently has enough love from others that they can be optimistic, and they themselves are well intentioned enough that they have not significantly damaged their own heart. Green astral hearts used to be the most common to see, and that was a good thing compared to now.

Blue: A blue astral heart is very capable of healthy love, but appears slightly damaged by cynicism, grief, pain, or past bad decisions. The person is usually feeling that their heart is somewhat battered or bruised in general (not always from just one event or loss), or they may be withdrawing from others (which can be healthy if they can’t find the right company). A blue astral heart may also be healing, and on its way to green. If your heart is blue, it’s best to focus on good, pure motives, and spend your time with and invest your energy in good people with good hearts, if you can find them.

Black: Sometimes, when a heart has been repeatedly broken by victimization and abuse, the astral heart will appear black, like it’s been burned and scorched. This is the look of a devastated heart, and does not indicate that the person has done anything wrong. The true color of the heart (which can be green or blue) will sometimes glint through the painful blackened crust. The person is probably afraid to trust those around them, but fantasizes about finding someone to trust.

Pink: A pink astral heart indicates that an astral heart is in a healing mode, and it’s a good sign that the heart will turn blue or green before too long. It’s usually the result of someone trying to be a better person, and can also happen spontaneously from spending time and paying attention to people who are good influences.

Purple: A purple astral heart is a sign that a person feeling remorseful, and probably finds it difficult to pull their attention away from the guilt they’re feeling. This heart is still very alive, and indicates that someone still knows right from wrong. Taking steps to atone for what they’ve done wrong can help the person start to heal.

Red: An astral heart that’s red usually indicates that a person is feeling angry, and it’s usually a fairly clean anger, which is to say that there is often little else complicating it, emotionally speaking.

White: When an astral heart pales to white, the person is beginning to become too indifferent, often from boredom or other indulgences. This is a crisis in the heart. An astral heart is being allowed to become sick if it starts getting to where it cannot care as it reasonably should.

Orange: A prolonged period of selfish and callous behaviors and attitudes can turn an astral heart orange. It is beginning to become something like rotten. This is a crisis. It’s a sign that the selfishness really has to stop, or at least start lessening considerably.

Yellow: Weakness in the face of corruption or temptation to be corrupt can turn an astral heart yellow. It is not a bright, beautiful shade of yellow; it’s a sickly shade. The person has been doing the wrong things. A yellow heart has been allowed to become sick, and is at high risk for becoming brown or grey. This is a crisis. Good choices, including good boundaries against corruption and corrupt actions, can set a yellow heart on the path to healing.

Brown: A brown astral heart will look like there’s something about it that’s shredded somehow, resembling dried tobacco. This heart is very distorted, and results from someone being too mean for too long. This is a crisis. It’s very important for the person to reevaluate many of their actions, habits, and choices and show more kindness and integrity to allow the astral heart to heal and become functional.

Grey: A grey astral heart looks cold and anemic, like a barely living, slimy thing. It is the result of someone choosing to do cruel things too many times. This astral heart is in extreme crisis, and the person is very likely causing serious crises in the real world. It can still feel, and it’s absolutely critical for the person to pay attention to what they’ve really been doing, and become compassionate and caring to the right uncorrupted people in the right ways. There is very little room for error here, if the person does not want their nonphysical heart to shrink and die.

Glowing: A glowing astral heart usually glows either green or blue, and can sometimes glow through a black heart injury in bright green or blue patches. A glowing heart is a great heart, one that is very strong, very pure, and provides a lot of beautiful energy that’s often apparent to the people in the person’s life.

Rainbows: An astral heart that exhibits rainbows will have another dominant color, but iridescent rainbows will sometimes glint in and out when the heart is observed, especially in certain moods. This is a sign that there is a high capacity in the person for universal, transcendental love.

Experiences: It is not uncommon for an astral heart to do something while it’s being observed, especially if an interaction is occurring at the same time. They can talk, move, turn into things that look like animals, vehicles, landscapes, and more. Large, vital, healthy, happy, and peaceful experiences are all good signs. Sometimes astral hearts can communicate what they want to be like soon.

Gold sheen: An astral heart that is burnished gold in color or sheen indicates someone who is basically nice to everyone all the time. Note that this doesn’t mean they’re going to be pushovers; setting and maintaining boundaries is an important aspect of astral heart health, and they’re likely to have some skills along those lines. These are people who really do have a “heart of gold”. They’re rare, and very special to know. They look very different from yellow hearts.

Silver sheen: A shiny silver element to the astral heart indicates the heart of someone who is never mean, and who tries hard to be good. They look very different from grey hearts.

Crystal: A transparent looking faceted crystal astral heart indicates someone who is whimsical and kindly. They look very different from white hearts.

Shrinking: As a general rule, bigger than average astral hearts are better, smaller than average astral hearts are worse. When an astral heart is grey for too long without any genuine improvement in the person’s behaviors and attitudes, the astral heart may start to shrink, possibly permanently. It sometimes flops, like spasms. The emotional and loving aspects of the heart have been ignored by the person for too long. This is a dying astral heart, and the person may feel very dangerous or toxic in others’ estimation. Fear in these cases is the result of instinct.

There is a global heart crisis at this time, starting around five years ago. It’s been noticeable to many, in energy and through observing people’s actions. A lot of people have downgraded their astral hearts by doing the wrong things, things that they knew were wrong. Most damage to an astral heart is reversible under the right motives and improvements.

──── by Lync Dalton ────

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Ascending to the fourth dimension

You’re in the third dimension right now. You are solid and made of flesh and bone. Your hands are three dimensional. The device you’re touching right now is three dimensional too, but what’s on the screen is not. Notice that you are in a room, a vehicle, or a location in three dimensional space.

Around 2012, a huge percentage of people started or accelerated their personal evolutions into fourth dimensional existence (in terms of consciousness and vibration) in a process commonly called Ascension. People everywhere were integrating the fourth dimension and in some cases even the fifth dimension. There were a lot of personal breakthroughs, people were growing. New thoughts and feelings emerged, along with sudden insights about thoughts and feelings. Things felt optimistic for many of us.

Around 2019, many of those people started to reverse the process of Ascension and sink back into a mode constrained by three dimensional limitations by choosing dysfunctional patterns. This damaged a lot of people’s development, but it didn’t necessarily stop it.

If you have recently (or ever) experienced a descent in consciousness, you might be able to feel it, perhaps by remembering what a healthy enrapture state felt like and when you last experienced it. If you’ve been on the descent spiritually, allow yourself to grow in humility now. You are smaller inside, which can help a person become humble. Stay sincere. Reject evil and pettiness. Keep your intentions good.

People do best when they are not as small as their bodies. Your aura, which is comprised of the metaphysical parts of your being, wants to be bigger than the internal electrical system of your body, and in some cases it can become and feel much smaller. It has become less and less common for the average person to exhibit an aura bigger than the boundaries of their skin.

Tell me you’ve noticed this.

How to start growing again? How to rejoin the Ascension process? The fourth dimension is beautiful. Imagine what you’d do if you were a truly good person, and then do that. Do not complicate your ideas of what a good person is like with falsity; you already know what a good person is like. It’s firmware in the human animal.

Up to the seventh dimension, it’s worthwhile to think about how the dimensions find parallels in the seven chakras. It’s best to hold this concept lightly, like an analogy, but it can be useful. Some quick points of analysis:

  1. Root chakra (Muladhara)/First dimension: Whether one exists or not.
  2. Sacral chakra (Svadhisthana)/Second dimension: The relationship between oneself and a sensation or other pure point of reference.
  3. Solar Plexus chakra (Manipura)/Third dimension: The mobility and agency of a physical organism, and what one chooses to do as a physical organism.
  4. Heart chakra (Anahata)/Fourth dimension: Complex thoughts and emotions and how they influence a life and consciousness.
  5. Throat chakra (Vishuddha)/Fifth dimension: Expression, story, and narrative adding emphasis to life that transcends time and can have immediate and lasting impact.
  6. Third eye chakra (Ajna)/Sixth dimension: Understanding that which is timeless, that which is infinite, that which is on a larger scale than a human mind can easily conceive of, and being at peace with those things.
  7. Crown chakra (Sahasrara)/Seventh dimension: Facets of being timeless, experiencing something that is both the self and simultaneously infinite, developing a part of oneself that is larger than a human mind can easily conceive of, and exuding a kind of scintillating peace.

When the fourth dimension is calling, it is time to open your heart to the right things, to follow its wisdom. It is time to use the first three dimensions and chakras to remind yourself about boundaries, purification, and enforcement of principles. Hold yourself to your highest standards of honor. Eject overtly corruptive influences from your life. It may be helpful to journal secretly, developing your thoughts and unburdening your heart, but not sharing your thoughts publicly until you feel the throat chakra wanting it. The heart chakra is sometimes very private, and its beauty will often compound in wholesome silence.

It’s time to grow again.

──── by Lync Dalton ────

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Gordian knot.

One day Alexander of Macedonia, while visiting Phrygia, learned that there was an elaborate tangled knot in a place called Gordium, which they challenged people to untie.

“You can cut right through it,” Alexander offered.

“We didn’t say anything about cutting it. We were talking about untying it,” they said.

“But watch me cut it,” said Alexander. “Then it isn’t a knot anymore. Then all of you can settle down about the knot.”

And so he did. And that’s why the Gordian knot is famous even today. Otherwise it was a little like one of those giant balls of yarn that people visit at roadside attractions.

Alexander the Great, they called him.

──── by Lync Dalton ────

PLEASE DONATE TO WEIRDO CAMP. Do you enjoy and/or enrich yourself with Weirdo Camp? Please send a donation via Paypal (see site sidebar) or to $alchemylynx on Cash App.
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On Fascism

In the 20th Century, some politicians and political scientists started promoting something called fascism as a possible alternative to Communism (note that Communism and fascism have never proven to be mutually exclusive, and indeed fascists movements have usually embraced Communism, or they use something else deemed to be politically trendy at the time). Fascism emerged as a kind of forced and hyperactive patriotism coupled with draconian rule-making. No, I do not know why this seemed even possibly viable to anyone, but probably because no one had tried it yet (and therefore inevitably failed at it yet). It requires mass media, and a truly irritating amount of government micromanagement over the content of mass media.

Fascism makes for terrible neighbors. It makes leaders particularly miserable as compared with any other system of government.

The word fascism comes from a term for a battering stick made of smaller sticks tied together called a fascio. You can see it used in 20th Century fascist Italian iconography.

Fascism is a battering stick. It injures much where it finds room to land.

Fascism is like “does not play well with others” writ large and corrupt and violent. The world cannot tolerate it.

──── by Lync Dalton ────

PLEASE DONATE TO WEIRDO CAMP. Do you enjoy and/or enrich yourself with Weirdo Camp? Please send a donation via Paypal (see site sidebar) or to $alchemylynx on Cash App.
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On Golden Ages

Historically speaking, a Golden Age is a period of time where a society has a lot of extremely rapid and surprising growth and expansion happen at civilization levels, technological levels, cultural levels, etc. There’s good leadership, there’s good art, and there’s often timeless architecture. Everything kind of clicks, and people end up having a very stable and prosperous time, and everyone ends up remembering them as a successful society and admitting that there was quite an enormous amount to admire.

It is very desirable to get caught up in one of these Golden Ages, has been the general consensus.

Golden Ages have an alchemical element, and they expand that way. They start with good and inspired leadership. If we can get the world’s leaders righteous and happy and breathing alchemy, theoretically the world’s existing societies can start having new Golden Ages emerge.

A 21st Century Golden Age is highly possible for us. Theoretically, it’s waiting there on the other side of the Apocalypse, as long as we can exit the Apocalypse properly.

──── by Lync Dalton ────

PLEASE DONATE TO WEIRDO CAMP. Do you enjoy and/or enrich yourself with Weirdo Camp? Please send a donation via Paypal (see site sidebar) or to $alchemylynx on Cash App.
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