Etheric terrorism/psychic terrorism is real (seems real, guys…)

Starting in April 2020 I became aware of a bizarre form of terrorist attack going on at the other end of the world. It was extremely appropriate for me to get wind of this in my capacity as World Shaman. A terrorist group based online, with membership mostly in North America (United States and Canada) but with members all over the world, was appearing to people in visions that showcased pedophile terrorists committing terrible acts and performing in what may have been heinous illegal videos, and soon after may have begun to manifest in some places as psychic visions of people who seemed to look almost like zombies or who seemed hostile. Meanwhile, some metaphysical force initiated by that group was causing depression, trauma, and possibly in some cases acts of senseless violence to rise as these visions swept across nation after nation. The Kingdom of Cambodia was affected first by these etheric and astral phenomena, according to my sources, but the metaphysical terrorism rapidly spread all over the world. Every continent except Antarctica was affected, and most islands were not spared.

Etheric symptoms included disturbing and possibly confusing etheric visions (images accessible to non-retinal forms of sight) including of people (sometimes even looking idealized), a sort of sinister miasma effect, emotional triggers, and disturbing or malicious etheric sounds (like hearing voices in one’s head). Astral symptoms included a very unpleasant but subtle tone or buzzing that was only perceptible to some and various kinds of unhealthy mental flashes.

A narrative seemed to emerge as I interrogated these strange phenomena. There were recurring figures, and it seemed that some of them may have been involved with making illegal videos, and had committed other serious crimes that some people were witnessing in very upsetting visions. Alarmingly, I was given to understand that perhaps some people I knew were involved in the crime group revealed. Certain people I know have very obviously been hiding something from me since 2019 or even earlier in some cases, but these individuals have kept it up, and not disclosed much. The group involved is a terrorist group, I believe, which seems to have no official name, but it seems they may have variously called themselves or been called “Be Around”, “Sad Satan”, and/or “Creepy Families”). I believe they started around 2017 or 2018, but many of their members may have been terrorists and child sex traffickers for even longer. Like many, I mostly know about them as an illicit group from rumors, from my terrifying psychic experiences featuring them and their crimes, and from telltale signs that they are indeed wreaking havoc in the world. They are doing more overt harm than having initiated the bizarre metaphysical terrorism that began in 2020 (which I hear was very likely intentional, and reportedly intended to destroy the world), but that alone seems to have already contributed to countless deaths and unfathomable miseries across the globe.

At first, I called the visions and subtle destructive phenomenon that they caused etheric terrorism. After much effort on my part as a shaman, most of the etheric (heavy metaphysical) features of the terrorism have been eradicated, and what’s left may be more accurately described as psychic terrorism. Detailed visions of “Be Around” terrorists and information about their evil acts are often present in people’s daydreams now, and during other alpha state activities. They also cause intrusive thoughts carrying true information about violent episodes, bullying, an epidemic of pedophilia, randomized consumer sabotage in factories/plants and elsewhere, bioterrorism and other terrorist acts, extreme crimes, and the strange delusions that Be Arounds (members of the terrorist group) seem to hold and the lies that they tell. Be Arounds seem proud of their ability to hide in plain sight and avoid the law. I do not know if they can stop any of the metaphysical evil they’ve instigated themselves, but they do not seem to have tried.

People may believe that experiences of “Be Around”-related psychic terrorism are down to dark creative reverie, ghosts, evil spirits, existing fiction, or something else besides bizarre terrorism, but I am increasingly sure over the last year and a half that these disturbing psychic visions are telling people about this group and how desperate they’ve made the world’s current situation. They have unfairly influenced many industries, workers, political leaders, and supply lines through online, over-the-phone, and in-person threats and bullying. They have taken many lives, and ruined even more. They talk about celebrities a lot, possibly so they become or seem more popular than they are. Many Be Arounds are involved in child pornography and child sex trafficking.

I’ve psychically connected with people all over the world who felt that the unchecked metaphysical terrorism issuing from the United States and Canada is absolutely unacceptable. It’s very clearly an example of what are often called terrorist psy ops. I believe it does violate international law for it to continue, but are people here in northern North America willing to take it seriously? It’s deadly serious, but it’s strange.

──── by Lync Dalton ────

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It’s hard to go through life as an empath. Other people’s emotions can kind of crash into you, and that gets confusing or frustrating. When you can feel someone else’s learned helplessness or resentment toward someone who has barely wronged them resounding aimlessly through your body for the sixth or seventh time in a row encountering them, it can feel like their heaviness is physically begging you to scream and rant about logic the second they go away (or maybe directly at them).

Truly sad stories can hit you hard and ache. Hearing about atrocities can set you sobbing, howling in pain. Even memories can sometimes knock you sideways for days or weeks. And if you start getting into a cycle of people pleasing, you begin to feel mechanical and like all your moving parts are going straight to rust. And then people tell you that empaths are stronger because they get taken advantage of, and can identify as having been wronged by more callous people. More confusion. More frustration.

Once I ascended to the point where I’d integrated the fifth dimension, I started to consistently interpret input from my empathy as information rather than as some kind of emergency or gale force. This was streamlined. This was calm and centered. This was where I finally understood that boundaries are more important than what other people are feeling because they are about what people do.

To ascend, be humble and wise. Respect your spiritual path and don’t make too many assumptions about your spiritual advancement until you’ve proven yourself to yourself and can safely trust your own judgment. Be good and pay attention with a woken up mind.

──── by Lync Dalton ────

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On vaccines

Vaccines in general are designed to do only two beneficial things:

  1. Teach a person’s immune system how to produce antibodies against one or more specific pathogen. Antibodies are like an immune system’s messaging system, which can be used to chemically signal to pathogens. Antibodies are reputed in medical science to be an effective way to kill pathogens because sometimes those signals can tell the pathogens to die or to leave a person alone.
  2. Teach a person’s immune system how to kill one or more specific pathogen. This is often done variously with pretty close to a full range of vitamins. For instance, some pathogens die more easily with vitamin A methods, others with vitamin C methods or vitamin E methods, etc., or by combination of methods.

Vaccines can be preventative of disease when developed and manufactured correctly, but do not work instantly. They are supposed to deliver a version of a virus or bacteria that is reduced in vigor: deactivated or killed. You can perhaps think of vaccines as something like a mother predator giving a small specimen of wounded prey to her offspring to teach them to hunt. The methodology is similar.

Vaccines in general cannot reduce a viral nor bacterial load in and of themselves, but they can provide an immune system with an opportunity to learn how to eliminate a virus or bacteria. Vaccines in general cannot prevent nor reduce transmission of a virus in and of themselves, but that can of course be a fortunate byproduct of an immune system systematically eliminating a virus from the body. Theoretically, vaccines in general do not provide any further benefits beyond what one gains by contracting and successfully fighting off an illness, thereby training the immune system through urgent necessity how to produce antibodies and kill the pathogen in question.

──── by Lync Dalton ────

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Glass heroes

Civilization is the infrastructure that you and I use to live. At all. Everything we end up doing leans on civilization to assist it. Civilization is strong and fundamental, and lovable, even where society can seem confusing and even frustrating at times. Fitting into civilization such that you feel justifiably valued and such that you feel the value in things helps create real contentment.

Who shows us how to do that? Anyone can. Is that what makes a hero in times of peace? And they’ll uphold civilization if and when the time comes?

Some people want to admire characters in fiction because fiction gives us catharsis. We can really feel the value there quickly, but it’s emotional. Most fictional stories aren’t object lessons, and most characters don’t necessarily do the right things. Characters in fiction are usually built around stories, and they’re used to maximize and flamboyantly resolve conflict in stories.

A real life that’s a good true story to live out takes a long time to build, and we build it conscientiously, so that the person at the center of it is worth knowing.

──── by Lync Dalton ────

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Um, guys?

“…in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air.”

– Thessalonians 4:17

I’m pretty sure at this point that the Rapture foretold is actually how certain people have come to be able to astrally interact with me regularly and chill with me via my personal psychic/astral hub. There they can talk with the gods of the godwheel, including Jesus Christ, Lord Rama, and others, through me, because I am sometimes channeling them and carrying on conversations that way. This started quite a while back, and happens to me daily. Please, do not think that I don’t wish to prioritize my daily tasks; it is very distressing when someone becomes resentful in demanding my astral attention while I’m trying to manage my day.

The people who’ve been “raptured” in this way aren’t necessarily the best or most devout people in the world, but are in fact mostly people who are part of my soul mission group or otherwise have a particular duty to end the Apocalypse (sometimes because they’re the ones who caused it especially egregiously) and/or help me bring the Satya Yuga (Paradise on Earth) into being. If you’re the praying sort, pray that they each do the right thing (feel free to add the caveat “…if Lync is correct about this” if you’re skeptical, although I’m constantly praying that people do the right thing, to be honest).

Prophecies always seem to end up manifesting in the most strangely logical ways.

──── by Lync Dalton ────

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COVID-19 as we near 2022

COVID-19 is a mutation of the SARS virus that hit the news circa 2002. It is a virus (not a bacteria or parasite) that falls under the category of coronavirus, which is known for having distinctive protein spikes protruding from it that at some point someone probably thought looked somewhat like the tines of a crown. COVID-19 has caused a lot of fear in the world. It does not have to present with severe symptoms to kill weeks after infection, during what is sometimes called its multisystem inflammatory phase. When it’s severe, it sometimes kills very quickly. I’ve heard that it has a tendency to cause fatalities about 5% of the time (worldwide, diagnosed and undiagnosed combined), which is one in twenty cases, or less. It seems to be proving to be over three times as deadly as influenza is today.

If this disease was sweeping through a community in the old days, they might call it a plague, but it would admittedly be a mild plague. People are scared, and they have a right to be.

Delta is another mutation of SARS. So far, it is easier to catch but less dangerous than COVID-19. Since the COVID-19 pandemic broke out, they’ve been naming SARS mutations Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta, etc., and usually referring to them as “strains” of COVID-19. Several variants of SARS had already been documented for years, having been discovered some time before the COVID-19 pandemic.

Omicron seems to be kind of a chaotic concept. It seems like it may be a range of different viruses, possibly. Some people claim that it’s a mysterious strain that originated in vaccinated patients. It is still unknown whether the symptoms of Omicron vary from COVID-19 symptoms. Discovered in November 2021, Omicron is said to be spreading rapidly all over the world– many months to over a year quicker than COVID-19 (which was only called Coronavirus at the outset) spread, if Omicron only has one or even a small handful of origins. Despite how it’s being written about, it is very likely not possible to test seropositive for Omicron yet using any preexisting mainstream test (science doesn’t exactly occur at the speed of sound), and it may be most commonly diagnosed by clinical evaluation. People have been warned that they may or may not need to be particularly worried.

In large part, Omicron actually seems like it may be a theorized mutation of COVID-19 that is particularly severe and may cause organ dysfunction. The Omicron theory may have been developed as a result of autopsies of people who’d been diagnosed with COVID-19, but showed additional and abnormal causes of death in common. Early reports indicated that Omicron presented with heart symptoms, though that may have been tacitly dropped for now.

Is Omicron what they’re going to call “Be Around” Syndrome? Will they say it’s linked to SARS? I don’t know. I’ll be on the lookout.

(Note as of October 2022: I believe I may have finally come into shamanic communication with a virus that was near my current environment that thinks it might be the Omicron variant, but does not know whether or not to identify that way and does not know if it belongs in the category of coronavirus; by contrast, COVID-19 and Delta usually do know to identify themselves in those respects, the monkeypox virus seems to be able to identify itself as such when it’s anywhere in my city, etc. For the record, I do tell viruses not to harm anyone nor infect anyone when we communicate.)

──── by Lync Dalton ────

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