War with terror.

Terrorists usually don’t bother to declare war. We are currently at war with terrorism. It’s outright war between civilization and terrorism, and the terrorists started it. They have declared war on all of us without an official declaration. It’s happening now. Terrorists have been attacking civilization itself at every level, destabilizing crucial parts of society and corrupting what they can, and things have started falling apart. The current terrorist threat tends to be people who have been radicalized online, but still rely on civilization for all their comforts. They shouldn’t want to win this war, but they’ve demonstrated a puzzling willingness to destroy everything if they’re allowed to do so. If civilization doesn’t put up enough of a fight, there’s no assurance that we’ll be able to keep civilization going.

This isn’t exactly a war on terror anymore. A war on a social evil suggests prevention. There’s little time to waste now. We are at a point of crisis, and various terrorist groups have been gaining ground over the last few years. This is (mostly domestic) terrorism as a serious existential threat to civilization itself. The problem could be addressed through systematic and orthodox means, focusing on solving the crimes involved, punishing the offenders, and rooting out all the digital crime nests that the terrorists are using to coordinate their crimes.

There’s reason to believe that many terrorist groups do not openly admit to being terrorists. They may even point out statements made at one point or another or various historical theories as faux evidence that they are not terrorists. Indeed, they do not necessarily self-identify as terrorists, per se, but self-identification is not the standard here. It is terrorist crimes that define a terrorist.

In some places it has come to violence in the streets now, decent people vs. terrorists. Civilization and decency must be saved; they must fight back, as they have in earlier generations. Don’t embrace terrorism. Don’t accept it. The human spirit can do no worse with itself than to slip into terrorism and terroristic crimes and other criminal tantrums. Terrorism is a paradigm of endless war, and the most pointless kind of war at that.

We didn’t start this. It can end, though. End it now.

──── by Lync Dalton ────

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