Right now

Don’t you guys think there’s a lot of terror in the news these days (but not all that much else)? To what extent is organized terrorism a factor? I’m afraid about the influence domestic terrorists have had on my country and internationally in the last, probably five years. Are people passionately and dispassionately pursuing remedies to the terrorism problem?

Meta questions: Was there a media blackout? Is it over? Is the fourth estate trying to help the people?

Odd yet sound advice: Do not trust any “social experiments”, requests that you do something “just because”, etc. for a good long while, I think. Also, please don’t trust that something has a good purpose when it seems like an objectively bad thing to do. I hear these methods are being used by terrorists as pretexts for terrorism and recruitment into terrorist operations. This through the grapevine.

Semi-relatedly: The internet has less engagement than it did ten years ago. It’s probably a reaction to the introduction of certain malicious psy-ops in that intervening time, and certain effects of social media on people, including kind of a natural burnout that seems to come from people knowing one another’s names on the internet more and more, and each person being encouraged to have and maintain a “personal brand” even if there’s no product (you can argue that people are products in one sense or another, but why?). Are a lot of internet comments we do see around the internet these days destructive psy-ops (or is it that the astral rumors I’ve been hearing are about just one site or a very limited number of sites)? If so, what is their origin and purpose?

──── by Lync Dalton ────

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