etheric terrorism

Etheric terrorism/psychic terrorism is real (seems real, guys…)

Starting in April 2020 I became aware of a bizarre form of terrorist attack going on at the other end of the world. It was extremely appropriate for me to get wind of this in my capacity as World Shaman. A terrorist group based online, with membership mostly in North America (United States and Canada) but with members all over the world, was appearing to people in visions that showcased pedophile terrorists committing terrible acts and performing in what may have been heinous illegal videos, and soon after may have begun to manifest in some places as psychic visions of people who seemed to look almost like zombies or who seemed hostile. Meanwhile, some metaphysical force initiated by that group was causing depression, trauma, and possibly in some cases acts of senseless violence to rise as these visions swept across nation after nation. The Kingdom of Cambodia was affected first by these etheric and astral phenomena, according to my sources, but the metaphysical terrorism rapidly spread all over the world. Every continent except Antarctica was affected, and most islands were not spared.

Etheric symptoms included disturbing and possibly confusing etheric visions (images accessible to non-retinal forms of sight) including of people (sometimes even looking idealized), a sort of sinister miasma effect, emotional triggers, and disturbing or malicious etheric sounds (like hearing voices in one’s head). Astral symptoms included a very unpleasant but subtle tone or buzzing that was only perceptible to some and various kinds of unhealthy mental flashes.

A narrative seemed to emerge as I interrogated these strange phenomena. There were recurring figures, and it seemed that some of them may have been involved with making illegal videos, and had committed other serious crimes that some people were witnessing in very upsetting visions. Alarmingly, I was given to understand that perhaps some people I knew were involved in the crime group revealed. Certain people I know have very obviously been hiding something from me since 2019 or even earlier in some cases, but these individuals have kept it up, and not disclosed much. The group involved is a terrorist group, I believe, which seems to have no official name, but it seems they may have variously called themselves or been called “Be Around”, “Sad Satan”, and/or “Creepy Families”). I believe they started around 2017 or 2018, but many of their members may have been terrorists and child sex traffickers for even longer. Like many, I mostly know about them as an illicit group from rumors, from my terrifying psychic experiences featuring them and their crimes, and from telltale signs that they are indeed wreaking havoc in the world. They are doing more overt harm than having initiated the bizarre metaphysical terrorism that began in 2020 (which I hear was very likely intentional, and reportedly intended to destroy the world), but that alone seems to have already contributed to countless deaths and unfathomable miseries across the globe.

At first, I called the visions and subtle destructive phenomenon that they caused etheric terrorism. After much effort on my part as a shaman, most of the etheric (heavy metaphysical) features of the terrorism have been eradicated, and what’s left may be more accurately described as psychic terrorism. Detailed visions of “Be Around” terrorists and information about their evil acts are often present in people’s daydreams now, and during other alpha state activities. They also cause intrusive thoughts carrying true information about violent episodes, bullying, an epidemic of pedophilia, randomized consumer sabotage in factories/plants and elsewhere, bioterrorism and other terrorist acts, extreme crimes, and the strange delusions that Be Arounds (members of the terrorist group) seem to hold and the lies that they tell. Be Arounds seem proud of their ability to hide in plain sight and avoid the law. I do not know if they can stop any of the metaphysical evil they’ve instigated themselves, but they do not seem to have tried.

People may believe that experiences of “Be Around”-related psychic terrorism are down to dark creative reverie, ghosts, evil spirits, existing fiction, or something else besides bizarre terrorism, but I am increasingly sure over the last year and a half that these disturbing psychic visions are telling people about this group and how desperate they’ve made the world’s current situation. They have unfairly influenced many industries, workers, political leaders, and supply lines through online, over-the-phone, and in-person threats and bullying. They have taken many lives, and ruined even more. They talk about celebrities a lot, possibly so they become or seem more popular than they are. Many Be Arounds are involved in child pornography and child sex trafficking.

I’ve psychically connected with people all over the world who felt that the unchecked metaphysical terrorism issuing from the United States and Canada is absolutely unacceptable. It’s very clearly an example of what are often called terrorist psy ops. I believe it does violate international law for it to continue, but are people here in northern North America willing to take it seriously? It’s deadly serious, but it’s strange.

──── by Lync Dalton ────

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The Apocalypse

This is a long story. It won’t end up being that much to read, but there’s a lot to tell you.

People said that the Apocalypse would start in 2012. It was the end of the Mayan Calendar, according to many. Terence McKenna’s predicted “timewave zero” point of infinite complexity. Christian radio host Harold Camping had been talking for years about a 2011 rapture that preceded the 2012 Apocalypse date. Legends abounded.

(Intuition may have been involved.)

Apocalypse is the end of a cycle. (March 2022 note: Many were expecting it to be or coincide with World War III) The word Apocalypse can tease out different associations, and they are cinematic: zombies shambling across a post-civilization wasteland, wars and cataclysms, conspiracies, plagues, the horsemen from Revelations, angels, seals, the Antichrist leading people astray, and the Christ leading them.

What if I told you that a lot of this stuff has been happening? That it just hasn’t been looking the exact way you might’ve expected?

2012 was the year I met two Canadian nationals who would go on to join (or even co-found?) an Apocalyptic terrorist group called “Be Around”. They told me that they were going to include me, a disabled woman, in an intentional community.

2012 was also the year that I decided to allow myself to become a shaman. Which was mostly about meditating, then an increasing amount of studying, then practical alchemy, if anyone was wondering.

Seven years later, those two people and others in their terrorist group had utterly destroyed my life and were well on their way to ruining the world. They very nearly murdered me that year because they knew (without even having to ask me) that I would never cooperate with their terrorist activities nor any child abuse.

Unrelatedly, 2019 was also the year when Earth chose to open up my psychic space and abilities wide enough for me to be World Shaman. It was painful but rapturous. There are parts of it that I really hate. I can talk to virtually anything and get an answer, theoretically, which is usually not one of the parts I hate. I’m trying to get the world through what I’m now certain is the Apocalypse.

“Be Around” (formed circa 2017, I believe, also known as “Sad Satan” or “Creepy Families”) has the worst agenda I’ve ever heard of. I had to find out about them through my psychic abilities and shamanry skills because they are involved in a gaslighting operation against me that has lasted years. I am exhausted. Here’s what I learned starting in 2019, and have believed more every month since telltale signs of what they were doing started showing up in the news and online: They do bioterrorism with HIV. They groom people to be predatory. They’re known for doing online dating scams. They encourage wanton murder, and they encourage people to hide the deaths of their loved ones, even if they die of natural causes (to provide extra cover for murders, and to further widespread demoralization, I suppose). Many of them make and distribute child pornography, according to rumors. “Be Around” promotes the sexual abuse of children and adolescents, raping and murdering babies, church burnings, and hate crimes. They routinely meet voiced concerns with lies and even gaslighting. They seem to be trying to force humanity toward extinction. They recruit people by saying that they are “funny” and “cool”, and inviting them to bully others.

They have also abused magic, with repulsive results. They littered the Earth with evil magic, altering many people’s drives and perspectives temporarily, for example. This part gets hard to believe, I know, but it happened for a period of years, and it took me over a year of constant effort as a shaman to defeat their magical malpractice. When I first started warning people about them on the internet in 2020, I suggested that people use the name “Sad Satan” for the terrorist group (note: I named them that myself, kind of just to have something to call them. I literally developed it because I was experiencing psychic harassment by one of their alleged founders, a man I called Piers Vitiard on my now-retired anonymous blog, and I used to exasperatedly call him “Sad Satan” sometimes during that period of harassment, as a wry reference to Led Zeppelin backmasking) because “Be Around” the group somehow seemed to have temporarily hexed the name they were using at the time (i.e. “Be Around”, a name which I heard through a source) at that point, and it seemed not entirely safe to say nor type that phrase for a short period of time, which was indeed bizarre. I worked hard to clear that hex because I can’t just tolerate hexes out there operating, and I think that original name is totally cleared to use to refer to them now, which is why I use it to name them and hope that makes it easier to help end the “Be Around” crisis.

It’s weird and extremely painful how the explosion of magical terrorism they’ve caused happened, I think. Certain members of “Be Around” [redacted], ever since they were tipped off that [redacted]. Simply [redacted] shouldn’t have given them so much power, but one of them used [redacted] and unscrupulously wrangled some temporary magical provisions from the Universe somehow (which is now impossible and was certainly never valid, whether a person [redacted] or not). Honestly, there is no easy shortcut to powerful magic, this was all like glitches. “Miraculous” magic (note: as opposed to figurative magic, which is everywhere but unfortunately not in everyone) is not accessible to humans (ugh, can you imagine? Now you can.), and it was more like [redacted] to get cosmic attention. I hope the cosmos and all forces and powers within it are paying enough attention to punishing evil, that they never empower evil again, and that they empower the forces of good wisely and without mistakes.

Meanwhile, rates of metaphysical experiences started going up, starting around 2019. Is that in Revelation? I don’t know?

“Be Around” had some unfair advantages over the past several years, in part because of the sorcery that resulted from those many years of unchecked magical theft. It really does seem they have been affecting people’s behaviors, perceptions, and emotions, possibly even through things like evil sorcery and zombification spells. They’ve gained massive influence over certain individuals, and it would probably terrify you to know whom.

All of the active magic assisting the “Be Around” agenda is gone now. There should be absolutely nothing that is empowering them to cause nor ignite any metaphysical anomalies nor subtle influences. Fight and eradicate all remnants (including all energetic remnants) of their evil influence. Fight and eradicate the crimes, patterns, and memes that they have been promoting. Much damage has been done to individuals and to the world already. As a terrorist group, they have continued to wreak havoc.

I’ve been trying to stop them. I’ve been trying to get my life back, and I keep getting psychically bombarded with news of the evil things they’re doing, and I know I can’t just ignore it. Many people have fought their influence, and are winning that inner and outer battle. This must be a collective and coordinated effort, and human decency and civilization must prevail.

That’s the grimy, rancid, correctable undercurrent of the real-life Apocalypse: “Be Around” is the evil Antichrist faction of legend. Their evil influence on the world has been all bad, and it is waning. The suffering they are causing is too much, and no one is spared. Humans have to put a stop to this. People want to have and participate in a decent world.

You can read about some of the damage that’s been done by this group here, here, here, and here), but perhaps you’ve been seeing some of it yourself.

──── by Lync Dalton ────

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