Signs of spiritual development in process

The following are some signs that someone is approaching or experiencing a period of steep spiritual development:

Anxiety: Anxiety is a kind of “spinning your wheels” fear, as opposed to nerves or nervousness, which tend to feel more specifically grounded and situational, or real fear, which is in reaction to a significant threat. An uptick in day-to-day anxiety can sometimes indicate that someone is approaching an impending personal breakthrough, especially if it is social anxiety that does not accompany any personal knowledge of having committed wrongdoing. Sometimes the anxious fear is literally that we’ll be judged for growing, whether that fear is conscious or not. If we don’t push through in good faith and work toward the impending breakthrough, the anxiety issues tend to continue, even if we get off track from our spiritual development path.

A drive to search for meaning: The search for meaning is a natural drive in humans, and at certain points in our lives it is at the forefront. When we look for meaning, it is a spiritual process, and it is usually successful to a certain degree, if our intentions and conduct remain good.

Hardship: Hardship itself can spark accelerated spiritual development. If someone is going through extraordinary hardship, they may also be in the process of attaining a certain type of maturity that is very desirable. If they do not de-emphasize sincere spirituality during that time, they are quite possibly becoming wiser, whatever else is going on at that time. On the subject of intentionally initiating a period of hardship for this purpose, it is usually most appropriate and effective to work respectfully and alone in nature, as opposed to voluntarily subjecting oneself to reckless situations, toxic individuals or groups, or terrible ideas, for instance: things that do not promote clarity. The former is sometimes referred to as austerities. The latter is foolish.

Certain content in media may start to seem more toxic than it used to: Watching media is an experience that holds up a mirror to the viewer, and you can notice shifts in yourself as you watch or rewatch things. For instance, characters lying in a movie or show might start to stand out more, and might bother you more than it used to. This is sometimes a sign that you are integrating or have recently integrated the fourth dimension.

A new or renewed interest in spirituality or comparative religion: As a person develops spiritually, they may want to explore spiritual themes, and will usually do so in a way that broadens rather than narrows their respect for humanity’s spiritual traditions.

Withdrawing from toxic relationships and/or toxic activities: The more a person grows into their spirituality, it can sometimes become harder to accept toxic behaviors as normal. They tend to stand out more, and do not seem compatible with favorable growth as a person. Toxic patterns can seem less dramatic and more repetitive. Be careful of how toxic personalities sometimes come on very strong and pursue very toxic patterns when they sense that someone else has something exciting going on, like a spiritual breakthrough or a special purpose they’re pursuing in their life. Also, watch for how you feel while you’re spending time with someone, but also how you feel afterward. If there is a quick and confusing crash in your mood or well-being after you leave someone’s presence, that’s sometimes a bad sign, especially if it happens every time.

An interest in becoming a better person: When a person is growing in their best direction, they naturally feel a pull toward becoming the best version of themselves, a person who is increasingly trustworthy and upright. This is an exciting upward spiral to experience, and can generate a lot of euphoria.

Different sense of humor: Not everything is funny forever. The more a person grows, for instance, the less likely they are to experience a sense of comedy in what’s sometimes known as schadenfreude (enjoying someone’s else’s misfortune).

A drive to spend time in nature: As a person develops spiritually, they often start to value nature and time in nature more.

Spontaneous spiritual experience: Strange and sometimes sublime things can happen when you’re growing. Spiritual development and spiritual ascension can carry some very unique experiences. There can be moments of rapture, physical phenomena, psychic phenomena, flashes of certainty, and more. Discernment in key in understanding these, as it can be counterproductive to assume that all unexplained experiences are of a spiritual nature, obviously.

Crimps in the skull above the ears: Certain people approaching a certain point in their spiritual ascension may develop crimps or vertical ridges in the skull above their ears.

Changes in skull shape: As the result of spiritual ascension, a person’s cerebellum can become reduced in size, resulting in a flatter profile near the base of the skull. This and other skull changes are some of the physical changes that can occur with spiritual ascension. This and the skull crimping happened to me in the late 2010s, around when I was integrating the fifth dimension.

It is good for a person to develop spiritually, especially if that person’s philosophies are keeping pace. A healthy spiritual outlook tends to be the kind of outlook that is beneficial and sustainable through life’s difficulties and lavish successes. And there is no substitute for personal development, which often goes hand-in-hand with spiritual development, and really should.

──── by Lync Dalton ────

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